Author's Note: First of all, thank you to everyone who has been favoriting, following, and reviewing. You're support is phenomenal and I am overwhelmed by the love you have poured out on this story. Secondly, this is my twentieth chapter! I published this back in 2010, and being able to continue it like I have and having such a loyal reader base all these years is incredible and I love you all for it. This is a very special story that is close to my heart. I feel such a deep connection with these characters that has only grown over time.

It's been brought to my attention that I switch tenses a lot. I apologize, and am fully aware of this. Problem is, I write these chapters at like, 2-4 AM. I'm sure it also doesn't help that my updates are months apart. I'll do my best to stay on top of this and go back when I have time and edit these chapters, but until then, please bear with me. Thank you!

This chapter contains occasional direct dialogue from the show. Anything you recognize is from the mind of Julie Plec and her amazing writing team.

"How could you let this happen?"

"For the record, I distinctly encouraged a healthy diet."

"What are we going to do? Elena is going to flip out!" Damon didn't answer, his eyes far away scheming.

"Start looking for him, I'll handle Elena."

"And do what? Hey Stefan, I see you lost your shit. Why yes I am in a dress and completely defenseless!" I threw my hands in the air, huffing dramatically, shooting daggers at Damon and his stupid plan.

"Here, use this." He reached into his jacket, pulling out one of Alaric's tranquilizers. "That will completely incapacitate him."

"That's it, that's all you got for me?"

"You'll be fine."

"I thought you wanted this! Stefan's no longer the good brother."

"Normally I would have a completely different outlook on this, but this could really inconvenience me."

"And we wouldn't want that." I earned a nasty smirk, before he disappeared through the dressing room door. I rolled my eyes and began my search.

A broken, bloody mirror was the only clue he left. I sipped a fresh champagne glass, scanning the room for anything out of ordinary. I didn't exactly expect him to rampage through the ballroom, blood-soaked and tearing people's throats out, but it was incredibly unnerving that I couldn't find a trace of him. I managed to covertly avoid Mrs. Lockwood's watchful eye and explore the rest of the house hoping to find him hiding out in one of the bedrooms. It's as if he completely vanished. That means he's loose in town. I can't even begin to describe how not good this is.

It feels so surreal to be here. Liked I stepped into long lost dream. Wearing the dress, she intended for me, no less. It's as if I'm having de ja vu, only a second chance to make things right. I can recall the daily mantra I would chant pacing up and down the halls at home, prepping with her for this moment. 'Power, Poise, Perfection.'

"Ah, Miss Mystic Falls." The tinkle of his voice made the hairs on my neck stand up. No, it couldn't be…I spun around, glancing furtively behind me, finding no one. My eyes darted about the room, convincing myself I made it up, taking a trip too far down memory lane. Focus, look for Stefan.

With as much charm and grace as I could muster, I shook hands, smiled warmly, and laughed heartily at the one too many people approaching me with the same sentiments and jokes and best of lucks, and 'Where's Mr. Mystic?' Ha! Ha! Ha.



My eyes darted about the room, hoping to catch a glance of either brother at this point. "All alone again? Damon's getting sloppy." That voice again, so familiar, and yet so eerie; detached, cold. The very sound of it was unsettling, I feel like I imagined it. "But then again, he's otherwise occupied I'm sure. Helping dear Elena zip up her dress no doubt." I spun around a second time, once again the space behind me unoccupied. I downed the rest of my glass, instantly reaching for a new one from a passing tray.

"A toast, to our one and only, Miss Mystic Falls. Long. Live. The Queen." He punctuated his sentiment in my ear, his lilting sardonic chuckle tickling my ear. I closed my eyes at the feeling, wishing this was one of those nightmares I would wake up from in Damon's bed, his fingers stroking my hair soothingly. "Tell me, how does it feel to know that no matter what you do he will always put her first? I mean here you are, cleaning up his mess and he's where? You may have his attention, but you'll never have his heart. That's how it started before you know: she told me." Don't look at him. Don't look at him.

"Miss Elena Gilbert, escorted by Mr. Stefan Salvatore," I glanced up, to my stunning sister tentatively descending the looping staircase, her worried eyes searching the room for Stefan, steeling herself from the embarrassment of his absence.

"Ah! And look who steps in to save the day. How noble." Damon glided into position at the foot of the stairs, gazing up at Elena. It's nothing, don't pay him any mind. If anything I would have pushed him to do it. She takes his hand, exchanging whispers as they make their way outside. I walk decidedly out the doors, refusing to gaze back at my ghostly taunter.

"What is she doing with Damon?" Jenna whispered, grabbing my shoulder.

I shrug, passing her and Alaric for a better view.

"And how could he miss? Look at her. An exact replica. He's dancing with the better version of the love of his life. Sorry, Hail-bail, but you don't stand a chance." His words stung like a viper bite; my nickname on his lips just salt in the wound. The venom in his words tainting everything I cherished about Mark. I can't even tell myself this isn't him, his unchecked bitterness existed long before he became a vampire.

Get your shit together Hailey, don't let him get to you. He's just trying to rattle you…and it's working. I watched my sister glide, her eyes glued to Damon's, whose gentle smirk couldn't cloud the softness in his eyes; a look he only graced me within the confines of his bedroom. A hollow sickness twisted in my stomach, poisoned with a jealousy I'll die before admit out loud. Don't give him the satisfaction.

"Huh, I guess she was right, history does repeat itself."

"What the hell does that—" Fuck! Just fucking great. A mangled scream of frustration erupted from my pursed lips. What does that even mean? Don't, don't even dwell on it. He's spewing garbage to get inside your head. This is a spite job. A dangerous spite job. What would even possess him to come back here? Stefan is completely unhinged, if he even gets a whiff of Mark he'll rip his head off. 'She was right' who is 'she'?

"You okay?" Tyler's hand gently cupped my shoulder.

"Yep," I spat.

"Wanna talk?"


"Wanna drink?" He offered, his voice rising an octave.

I sighed, my shoulders slumping. "I think I'm just gonna go." I shake my head, handing Tyler my empty champagne glass before gliding past. He's clearly disappointed, but I'm past giving a shit. A tuft of floppy dark hair glides down the hall, just out of sight. I take off after him, my heels clicking wildly. I'm all but flinging people out of my way. I want answers and I want them now. I won't let that son of a bitch get to me. Come on, don't lose him. Don't lose him! Ugh! I'm never going to find him at this mob fest. This is just fucking great; why can't anybody keep their shit together? You know what? Fuck it. Fuck this night, fuck these people, fuck this dress. I'm going home. I don't even care anymore, I don't know why I'm here! So I can get harassed and fucked over yet again. Let Stefan eat the whole damn town for all I care. I spot Jeremy across the room having a cozy conversation with Anna.

"Come on, we're going." I yank Jeremy's arm, pulling him with me.


"Now. You got the keys?" Jeremy gapes, glancing between Anna and me. Anna bites her lips shooting him an apologetic shrug.

"What about Elena?"

"We'll get her after." I waved dismissively. I want out of this house and out of this dress.

"Uh, okay. I'll see you later?" He nodded at Anna before heading for the door.

"Just a second, I think I left something," I ushered to Jer to the door, before locking eyes with Anna. Her eyes harden, getting the message, following me into the deserted hallway.

"I don't know what your game is, but you leave my brother the fuck alone."

"He sought me out,"

"I don't give a shit. Shut him down."

"Hailey, I know what I did was…unforgivable, but I would never hurt Jeremy now. You have my word."

"And you have mine: Whatever this is, if it continues, I will kill you. Got that? I don't give a shit if your family has a truce with the Salvatore's or that you're a hundred and fifty some year-old vampire. Anything happens to him and I'll drag you to hell with me." She steels herself, her shining eyes emanate reproach and pain. "Oh, and tell your lap dog to heel."

"I don't know what—"

"Save it, I know Mark's here and I'm tell you now, you better think twice."

"I haven't seen him since Stefan ran him out of town." Anna implored.

"You'll understand if I don't believe you."

"Believe what you want, but if he's here he came back with friends. I'd watch myself if I were you." Her warning sent a chill through me. Any retort I may have had was lost to me now. I spared her a final glance before heading for the exit.

'She was right'

"You okay, Hail?" Jeremy asked, attempting to slow me down.

"Fine, let's get some pizza. You want pizza?" I need to get a grip.

"Is that Mark?" I ground to a halt, ramming directly into Jeremy. Mark smiled wryly, leaning on the hood of Elena's car.

"Took you long enough," he teased; languidly standing, making his way towards us. I could feel Jeremy bristle next to me.

"You've got a lot of balls showing up here." Mark didn't respond, just continued to approach us.

"Go get Damon." I murmured, smacking his arm repeatedly.

Shit. Shit. Nog good.

Jer spun around, dashing back to the house, but Mark was in front of me in an instant.

"Now don't do that, he's busy at the moment." Mark flashed a wicked smirk at me. "I'm honestly surprised you stayed this long, hell I'm surprised you even showed up. I guess I should have expected that though, shouldn't I? You're all talk. Of course, I had hoped my taunts would spur you on. I knew exactly which buttons to push too. I gotta say, I 'm a little disappointed though, it was almost too easy." There is something almost feral about him, so disconnected. Damon mentioned before about how vampires can switch off their humanity. The very thought sent my brain into panic mode. He's toying with me. This is way past revenge. This is a game, a sick game and Jer and I walked right into it.

"Aww, you didn't come back for little old me did you?" That's it Hailey, just picture your Mark. Show no fear.

"Yes, and no. I'm on the clock, but as luck would have it, I was able to kill two birds with one stone tonight."

"So you are here with someone. Who?"

"Sorry, classified."

"Since when do we keep secrets?"

"Always, Hail-bail." He smiled cheekily.

"Don't call me that." I spat, "Answer the question!" I was met only with a sadistic smile. A half-cocked, dangerous plan sparked to life.

"Get behind me." I mouthed to Jer, who stared incredulously at me. Steeling myself, I strutted towards Mark. God, let this work. Eyeing him curiously, I approached slowly, but unwavering. My heart pounded wildly, and he smiled at the sound. Standing inches away from him, I cautiously reached up, cupping his face. He didn't move a muscle, just allowed my fingertips to glide down the left side of his face, eyes locked on mine.

"It's amazing," I confessed.

"What is?"

"How you can look exactly the same, and yet so different." I murmured, smoothing my thumb along his jaw. My heart clenched as memories of pool parties, skinny dipping in the river, Friday night lights on the bleachers cheering him on. A fog clouded my head, as more vivid memories flooded my senses of parties in the woods, moving me into my apartment, and furtive, missed glances at the lunch table or across the hall. Confusion set in as images fluttered through my minds eyes, each memory more unrecognizable. Glances through the rearview mirror, the disappointment when I got asked to prom by someone else. The rage and utter disappointment as I sat thoroughly engrossed in conversations with Damon, leaving the Grill with him. The news that I was going to settle down…Each memory invaded my brain more forcefully than the last. An enticing, demanding voice invading my senses. I couldn't move, but for some reason that didn't alarm me. Mark's eyes danced, emotion cracking the hard façade. Abruptly, the images ceased, and I was left light-headed and heavy, my body regaining control. Mark stood, chest heaving. He's losing control, one false move is all it will take to send him over the edge.

"I-I didn't know." It came out meek, breathless, but his eyes flashed wildly, his entire demeanor distraught.

"Of course you didn't! You never did. I'm fucking Mark Davis, I could have gotten any girl in town, and the only one I wanted didn't give a shit about me."

"That's not true,"

"Bullshit! Bullshit! Don't even start. I know you too well for that. You know, that's the great thing about you Hailey. I was gonna fuck you up. I was going to make you pay, but it looks like Salvatore's already doing that for me. All I gotta do is sit back and enjoy the show. But it's like you said, I'm a show pony right? A big fish in a little pond. Why should he have all the fun? There's a storm rolling in Hailey Gilbert, let me give you a taste." His fangs flashed, and a hiss tore from his lips as lunged for my neck.

A scream ripped through me as his teeth tore through my skin.

Jeremy screamed my name, but the sound of pained groaning drowned him out.

Mark's moans vibrated against my skin, his body becoming heavier by the second. With a final push, he crumpled to the pavement, Alaric's tranquilizer protruding from his abdomen. Jer's feet pounded against the pavement. I didn't have to look to know he's shook up.

"What the fuck is going on, Hailey?"

"It's a long story,"

"Don't feed me that bullshit. You and Elena can't keep brushing this under the rug."

"I don't know what you're talking about. He's obviously drunk," I replied evasively.

"I didn't know vampires could get drunk."

"So you do know!" I rounded on him. "When were you going to tell me, you knew!"

"When were you?" He spat. "Before or after you decided to wipe my memories?"

"For the record, this is Elena's fault. I didn't want to." I countered, raising my hands defensively. "After that, well, it was just easier. We didn't want to drag you into this mess."

"That wasn't your decision to make!"

"I'm the oldest, I'm supposed to protect you!"

"Says the one that ran away after Mom and Dad died! You don't know shit about taking care of someone!"

"Will you stop blaming me for that! You know why I left! Stop punishing me, it's not fair!"

"Neither is wiping my memories of Vicki and keeping secrets like this. You know who told me? Anna, I asked you and Elena for the truth, and you lied to my face. Anna tried to kill me, and when I asked her, she told me flat out. You know how shitty that is?"

"Elena made me promise."

"Since when do you ever listen to her?"

"Since it meant protecting you. I swear Jer, I wanted to tell you. We wanted to keep you from this, keep you from getting hurt."

"Fat load of good that did," he seethed. He's right though. I knew it was a bad decision from the get-go, and yet I let the charade continue.

"I'm sorry, Jer. I'm so sorry."

"What are we going to do, Hailey?" He glanced at Mark's limp body, changing the subject.

"I don't know."

"Well, we can't just leave him here!"

"Yes we can." I replied flippantly.

Jeremy stopped, gaping at my oddly calm demeanor.

"Have you lost your mind?" Probably. In fact, I'm completely mental. If I leave now, I'll never get this opportunity again. I have to know who sent him and why. Without another thought, I grabbed an ankle, dragging his heavy lump across the drive.

"You have any better ideas?" I whipped around, dropping Mark's ankle in the dirt.

"Yeah! Call the police!"

"I said better ideas." I huffed, hands on my hips.

"Is he dead?"

"God I hope so,"


"What!" I barked flippantly.

"That's Mark Davis!"


"Don't you think someone's going to investigate this if they find him in the woods?"

"That's why they aren't going to find him in the woods." I replied sarcastically, resuming the slow, dragging pace.

"Comforting. I'm calling Elena." Jeremy exclaimed, pulling out his phone. I dropped Mark once more before launching myself at Jer, ripping the phone from his hand, and shot-putting it into the brush.

"What the fuck!"

"I'll buy you a new one." I'm probably overreacting. I know I am, but there is a reason he's back, and if he's not dead yet, he will be. Someone is after him and I want to know who. Something tells me we're about to have bigger problems than a blood junkie Stefan and Uncle John.

"Are you coming or not?" I called behind me to a fuming Jeremy. He didn't answer, but the sound crunching leaves behind me echoed his sullen steps.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere quiet."

"You know this is illegal right?"

"Technically this is our plot. Just think of it as showing up to the party early."

"First of all, sick, secondly, why are we breaking into the Gilbert mausoleum?

"I told you, for quiet. You could say its…"


"Silent as the grave." I grinned, receiving a punch in the arm. "Aw, come on, that was funny!" Jeremy glowered.

"Okay, so we're here, now what?"

"For sleeping beauty here," I replied sardonically, kicking Mark's limp leg before settling in front of him.

"What if he doesn't wake up?"

"Then we have one less vampire in town."

"If he does?"

"Then I have some questions for him."

"What makes you think he won't just kill us?"

"I don't." Truth is, I'm not prepared for this, not even a little. This was probably one of my stupidest ideas to date. Worse than that time in the Turkish bath house. I'm relying solely on the fact that Mark's been here for two days and hasn't killed me yet. If that was his goal, I have no doubt he would have done it by now. No, he has other motives.

"Check the vases." I gasped, motioning about the marble tomb. I hope to god our crazy Van Helsing ancestors were as prepared for blood sucking demons in death as they were in life.

"Just some dead plants,"

"Give," I called reaching out like a toddler. "Pour some around him." I directed, eyeballing my still captive. Does it appear like I'm making this up as I go? What would Buffy do? Alaric is the closest thing to Giles I got; I really gotta start paying better attention. Hopefully this vervain is strong enough to keep him subdued. Come on Hailey, before he wakes up. Protection. Stakes! Rushing outside, I grabbed a couple of fallen branches. This will have to do.

Mark's foot began to twitch. It's now or never.

"Give me your knife." I demanded, holding my palm out expectantly. Jeremy scoffed, but dug around in his pockets, producing a rinky-dink Swiss army knife. He reluctantly handed it over, stuffing his hands in his pockets. It was red, with worn etched letters 'GG'. I run my thumb across the etchings, a sick wave turning my stomach. My words die in my throat, and I nod stiffly in gratitude.

"Go wait outside. Don't come in, no matter what you here." Jeremy nodded, hovering just outside the exit keeping watch.

"Good morning sunshine." I drawled, watching my ex best friend glance wearily about the room.

"Let's skip the 'how did I get here cliché okay?" I don't have all night." Mark glanced up at me skeptically, a glint of humor I his eyes.

"I gotta say, I'm impressed; you drug me all the way from Lockwood's house. That's quite a feat."

"It's just a mile through the woods, but I'll take it."

"You didn't get me here by yourself." Don't answer; he's just fishing for information. "Did she, Jeremy?" My heart leapt in my chest. Right, vampire senses. Poker face, Hailey. His cheeky grin and glint in hs eyes told an immature victory. He thinks he has the upper hand.

"Why are you following me?"

"Straight to the point, huh? Is that any way to greet a friend?"

"Fuck your friendship, why are you here?" I snarled, leaning forward, scrutinizing him.

"Ouch. I'm not inclined to answer to hostility." He smirked, sitting up fully now; elbows resting on his knees, fingers laced together. I hate his confidence.

"I won't ask again."

"It's cute how you think you're menacing. Nice touch with the mausoleum, I'm impressed." I glanced up from my witling, making the mistake of meeting his eyes. They had that trademark twinkle, that spark I adored, a sliver of Mark that managed to live on. Silently, I stood, closing the gap between us. I sighed deeply, shaking my head before plunging my stake through his thigh. His scream echoed through the chamber, as one hand gripped my throat, the other bracing against the floor, grabbing a handful of vervain. Another painful screech ripped from his throat, causing him to let go of me. His distracted state gave me just enough to time to retrieve my weapon and scramble back; chest heaving violently.


"Stay out, Jer." I called, my eyes never leaving Mark's writhing figure."

"Damn it Hailey!" Mark breathed, eyes now bulging veiny, black orbs.

"Why are you following me?" I demanded, crouched in a defensive stance.

"You've drawn quite a bit of attention to yourself. When your buddy Stefan threw me out of town, I made some new friends. They were very keen to hear about our friendship." Sounds like the town vampires.

"What do they want?"

"Ha, it's cute how you think you're in control." He mused, flashing his teeth dangerously.

"Well, I did knock you out and drag your stupid ass here." A grin spread across his face. In a split second his leg shot out, sweeping my feet out from underneath me.

Mark was on me like lightning, wrestling the make-shift stake out of my hand. Reaching haphazardly around me, I finally found a fistful of vervain, smashing it into his temple. I could hear the sizzle of flesh under my palm. A growl ripped from his throat, trying desperately to press on through the agonizing, pain. His grip around my throat tightened. Don't let go, if you let go it's all over.

A brittle smash echoed through the marble tomb. Mark howled in pain, releasing me. Jeremy loomed over us, panting, shards of broken vase glittered in Mark's hair, dusting the floor.

"Vervain!" I gasped out, "Get the vervain!"


"On the floor! Hurry!" Jeremy scooped up the dried herb, tackling Mark to the floor. Mark's cough's and agonizing screams told of Jeremy's success. Mark lay, writhing and incapacitated on the floor.

"Good work," I heaved, still struggling to catch my breath. Jeremy grabbed my arm, dragging me to my feet.

"We need to go. Now."


"Oh my god, Hailey, do you wanna die?" Jeremy scolded, dragging me behind him. I needed more, I didn't go out of my way to piss off a rogue vampire for nothing. In this entire shit storm, Mark is a wildcard. I don't know why he's here, who he's working for, or running from for that matter; but I have to get to the bottom of this. I can't leave without answers.

"Go get Damon." I shoved Jeremy, stumbling a bit.

"You're not going back there, he'll kill you!"

"I have to know why he's here!" I insisted, struggling against his iron grip.

Screams erupted from the woods, both of us whirling around in fright. Jeremy and I shared a glance, before taking off after the sound.

"Stefan! Stefan stop it!" Elena's shrieks echoed through the trees. Jeremy and I sped up, my dress catching on stickers and bushes. A painful howl erupted causing both of us to stop short. Stefan dropped to his knees, gripping his head. As quickly as it started it ceased, and Stefan rose, terrified, and covered in blood.

"Stefan, it's okay." Damon's voice cautiously implored, his hand reaching out for his brothers. In a panic, Stefan glanced around, before fleeing further into the woods. The silhouette of a body lying just underneath him. Oh holy shit.

"You need to go back to the party."

"What? Are you crazy?"

"Do you want Elena to know that you saw all of this? Do you want your memory erased again?" I was met with a cold stare, followed by a slow shake of his head.

"Good, go back and wait for me in there. Don't and I mean it, don't say a word to anyone okay? Especially you're vampire girlfriend."

"Anna's not my—"

"I don't give a flying fuck right now, just please! Okay?" Jeremy gave me a hard look before storming back to the party.

"Hailey, what are you doing out here?" Sheriff Forbes called, announcing my presence. Shit. Damon's head whipped around taking in my disheveled state. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah! Yeah, just needed some air and took a bit of a tumble." I added a half-hearted laugh for effect. I glanced around the bushes at Elena and…Bonnie? Both looked shaken up to say the least, neither one moving. I glanced at the body on the ground.

"Oh my god!" Sell it Hailey. "Is she alright?"

"Girls, just head back into the party okay?" Sheriff Forbes shooed us delicately. "Damon and I can take it from here." We locked eyes briefly, his eyes giving me a once over before nodding.

"What happened to you?" Elena gasped, as we got closer to the illuminated building. I glanced down at myself, tears and dirt streaked across my dress, lines of blood decorated my arms. I could feel my neck slowly becoming tender with each swallow. Fantastic.

"Not now, okay?" I replied wearily, shaking my head.

"Bonnie, can we talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about," she replied, not bothering to glance behind her.

"Bonnie, please."

"I told you I wasn't going to make you choose," she whirred around, fury and disgust rolling off of her in waves. "But I need to make the choice for myself. Please just leave me alone. Both of you." She added before hopping into her car, taking off. I glanced at my baby sister, who looked so forlorn. I am not emotionally equipped for this. I smiled sadly, rubbing her arm soothingly. "We're gonna find him, Lena." I reassured.

"I'm right behind you I just need a minute." Elena ushered me inside, offering an equally weak smile. It feels almost wrong being in here after everything that's happened tonight. Watching everyone drink and laugh.

"Who's that girl with Jeremy?" Ugh! Why!

"Why? Mad someone half your age is getting it in and you're not?"

"Are you always this belligerent?"

"Yes, now goodnight."

"What's her story?"

"Why so nosy?"

"I'm just curious, he really seems to like her."

"I'm surprised you know what that looks like." I flashed him a toothy smile, replacing it quickly with a scowl.

"You know; I could say the same thing for you."

"You're asking which means you already know who she is, so let's just cut the formalities and tell me what it is you're looking for."

"All in due time, Hailey. All in due time."

"I have a question for you, and if you answer it properly, I'll tell you everything I know about her." His eyes lit up, I felt like I was bargaining with the Devil.

"What's your question?"

"I'm assuming you know Mark Davis is a vampire." He didn't respond, merely raised an eyebrow in affirmation. "He fled town under fear of death. I want to know who sent him back and why."

"That's two questions, Hailey dear and warrants two favors." I bristled under his gaze. Of course there was a catch. There is always a catch.

"I need help locating a family heirloom."

"What kind of heirloom?"

"Johnathan Gilbert's pocket watch."

"Damon!" I called, popping my head inside the doorway. A wave of uneasiness settled deep in my belly after shaking hands with Uncle John, sealing our deal. "Damon?" Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, maybe it's all in my head, but after tonight, and Mark getting away, sleeping in my place seemed…intimidating. As much as I hate to admit, his words penetrated me deeper than I like. Footsteps trudge up the basement stairs, and I wait awkwardly in the hall, like an uninvited acquaintance.

Damon's eyes land on me, his eye brows raising in appraisal.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"I fell, remember?"


"Well, it's not technically untrue." I quipped, evading an answer. Damon stood, arms crossed, waiting expectantly. I sigh, hanging my head.

"I ran into Mark." His face darkens significantly but doesn't utter a sound waiting for me to continue. "He's definitely back, but he's with someone and it's not Anna. "He kept saying…" I trailed off, remembering his taunts. "He tried to get into my head. He followed me into the parking lot and tried to attack me so I used Alaric's knock out needles and drug him to the cemetery. He's working for someone. A she. What's off putting is she knows an awful lot about you, and me.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. He put me through the ringer and he got away. Whoever she is, I'm more useful alive." Damon took in every word, his eyes scrutinizing every last inch of me.

"Damon?" A soft cry from the basement echoed up the stairs.

"Is that Elena?"


"What's she doing here?" 'And how could he miss? Look at her, an exact replica…'

"We found Stefan. He's locked up downstairs." Oh.

"She okay?" He shrugged, his face twisted with worry as well.

"Good old Elena, ever doting on her precious Stefan." The words sounded more bitter than sarcastic to my tainted ears. Silence overtook us.

"I should go," I announced abruptly, "I'll see you tomorrow," I wave awkwardly turning to go.

"You must have hit your head if you think you're leaving here."

"Don't worry, I drove I'll be alright, get back to Elena." My words came out more biting than anticipated, and I winced at the sound. He was in front of me before I even glanced up, startling me.

"Look, I've had a no good very bad day, and the last thing I need is for you to start whatever this is. Go upstairs, take off that dress, and get into bed. Now." I studied his face briefly, searching for anything less than sincerity. His eyes were tired, his usual finesse a mere flicker. I nodded, dropping my guard and heading for the stairs. "I'll be up in a minute."

I lingered on the stair's a minute silently debating.

"I need help taking off my dress," I blurted, smirking slightly at his about face.

"I'll be up now."

Author's Note: I hope you guys liked this as much as I liked writing it. Share the love and review!