A/N: Hey. So a year ago I came across an amazing show. Avatar had never really been on my radar until my ex-girlfriend sat me down and made me watch the first book, water, with her. Though disappointing, becoming hooked on this show is the only thing that I have gotten out of that relationship.

Deep culture, rich story line, complex characters... and all made by the same company that makes Spongebob? What are the chances.

After completing the other two books via netflix, I decided to take my chances on writing down a story that I have had bouncing around in my mind. It does take a darker side to Avatar (the protagonist, Sokka, is 3 years older in this story and deals with adult themes), so it is rated 'M' for a reason. Also gave it a little bit of a Blade Runner feel to it by making everything seem a little grittier, as well as making Sokka a strongly conflicted character.

Enjoy the show, ladies and gents.

Description:Though three years ago the Avatar has brought a Great Peace to the world, discrimination and crime still run the under-cities of the Nations. The Shadow, a lonely warrior who fights the injustice, finds himself running from personal demons as much as the criminals who want to stop him. And with an beautiful girl catching up to him, he will have to face his past.

The cold air seemed to warm his soul, while the fog that came from his breath proved the fire still burned in his body. His leather and fur boots crunched into the snow of the street, as he trudged on through the night. All around him were inviting ice houses, with fires blazing happily inside. There were probably happy Water Nation families sitting around their fires, enjoying spiced Arctic Hen, and living their lives in happiness due to the new peace. Loving, living, prospering…


Little did they know.

For a moment the teen's face was illuminated by one of the snow covered street lamps. The tan skin of his face was unmistakable when determining his nationality. Blue eyes were cold and hard and moved rapidly to the dark shadows of the street. I single scar ran from above his right eyebrow to his upper cheek, the only blemish on his face. There was no emotion displayed on his face, nothing to show how he was feeling.

He wore a heavy fur coat, dyed black, and just as heavy black pants. A sword, with a Fire Nation looking sheath, rested diagonally across his back, while another L-shaped sheath sat next to it. It was clear this man was heavily equipped, and was on the hunt for someone.

Slipping past the only other two people on the street at this hour without being seen, a young oblivious teen couple, he made a right turn down an ice alley between a set of buildings. Where in an earth city it would be almost completely dark, the snow white buildings were illuminated by a waning moon. He stopped completely, remaining motionless in the middle of the alley… waiting.

One of the few wooden doors in all of the Northern Water Tribe swung open into the alley, and a man stumbled out clearly intoxicated. Behind him were the sounds of drinks clinking, men laughing, and a band playing some Fire Nation tunes before he slammed the door to the bar shut. The man moved only two steps before he lost his balance on the slick surface and landed on his ass. He laughed at his drunken foolishness, before pushing himself onto his feet. It wasn't until he was done that he saw the black shadowy figure a mere fifty feet from him. Even in his drunken haze, the man felt fear grip at his stomach and bowels.

The teen in black darted forward; all while reaching back to withdraw a boomerang. With a great chuck, he threw the deadly weapon in a great parabolic arch that took it over the buildings on his right. His hand then reached for the sheath that contained his sword, and withdrew a deadly weapon with a black blade.

Close to pissing himself, the drunken man realized he needed to defend himself, though the alcohol was making it very difficult for him to focus on the rapidly approaching target. Taking a wide stance, the man punched out with his right hand and focused his chi into the outstretched fist. From it spat a blast of fire that rushed towards the dark figure.

As if acting on impulse, the teen spun his black sword in front of him with incredible speed. The fire impacted the sword before dissipating harmlessly into the ice walls. Astonished by this display, the man let loose another blast of fire to the same effect. Recognizing that the distance between him and his attack was quickly closing, the man created a fire whip, and lashed out across the alley. This time the teen jumped powerfully in the air, avoiding the fire completely, before hitting the ground in a roll. Before the drunken man could pull the whip back again, something wacked him in the head, and he fell forward hard.

Before he could push himself up, he felt a cold blade pressing against his neck. The figures face was completely shrouded in the shadows, giving the scared man now way to recognize who he was. The teen in all black calmly picked up the boomerang that had knocked his target to the ground, before speaking.

"It's time you pay for you treason against the human race." The voice was deep, and resonated around the alley.

The drunken man, if he hadn't already, emptied his bladder and began to shake. Though it was against what he had been taught as a Fire Nation Commander all those years ago, he began to beg and grovel for mercy. His pleas fell on deaf ears, and his gibberish was quickly silenced by a solid *thwack* to the head.

When he came too, the firebender thankfully realized he was still alive. But he found himself surrounded by several Waterbenders. His arms and legs were bound by strong ropes, and he lay tied up to one of the ice pillars in front of the cities Civil Defense Station. On his chest was a sign.

'I am a Fire Nation Imperialist. I have killed innocent people. Arrest me.'

The lead Waterbender shook his head slightly, "Looks like the 'Shadow' struck again. Get him into the interrogation room; find out what crimes he has committed."

Above them sat alone figure, crouching, with the moon behind him, his black contrasting with the pure white. His blade was dug deep into the ice ceiling of the building.

Looking up at the moon, he allowed himself a small smile, "Thanks, Yue."