NOTE: This Fanfiction begun while there was still not much information about Utatane Piko. His personality and all reactions to the many different things in this fanfiction were solely my choice.

A shaky hand came up to rub his forehead as the boy let out a sigh and closed his eyes. How long had he been sat here for? All the running he had been doing recently was tiring him out. Every part of him ached and hurt even more so when a part of him twitched. But he couldn't just sit there all day. He had to get moving. 1: because he needed to hurry and find his way home, and 2: in case one of the policemen from earlier found him and went after him again. He opened his eyes slightly and looked up at the clouded sky, watching the flakes fall down a lot lighter than they had before. Was Dori okay? Where was she? Piko could only hope that the policemen had done nothing bad to her. This was his fault. The policeman must have spotted him taking the fruit and then overheard as he was talking to Dori.

The boy frowned suddenly and lifted his arm up to reveal the orange he had taken still in his hand. It was food so…he could eat it, right? According to his data you had to peel off the skin around it. Piko bit his lip as he began picking at the orange skin and pulled it off. He blinked at seeing soft textured fruit beneath the skin. How peculiar. After quickly tearing away at the rest of the skin he brought the orange orange to his lips and bit down softly. Like with the apple he had eaten soon after he awoke the juices flowed out, a little dribbling down his chin. Piko's face screwed up at the taste, finding the food to have quite a tangy taste, much different from anything else he had eaten. And it wasn't the most favored in his opinion. But he couldn't let it go to waste so he continued eating it. He quickly wiped away at any of the juices around his mouth or on his chin, finding that the cold air bit at the damp parts of his skin.

After he finished the orange, Piko attempted to stand, his knees bent inwards as he did and he had his hand against the wall for some support. His other hand came up to rub his head again, his head pounding. He needed to rest soon or his system may suddenly decide it wasn't 'fit' to stay working and shut him down again. And if that happened he may not be as lucky as to survive as he had the last time. But where could he rest? He was in an unfamiliar town and the map he had only held roads and street names. Maybe he could just stay in any archways he found, like the one he and Dori slept in the night before.

Piko quickly checked his route before he began walking again through the small town. The people of the town seemed pretty friendly, giving a small 'hello' or 'good day' as they walked pass. Piko did the polite thing and said 'hello' back to them with a kind smile. His twitching was as bad as it first had been; only giving him the slightest spasm every five minutes. It was a good sign since he was still managing to function.

Teal eyes blinked curiously as he stopped in his tracks. The buildings were all behind him by now and there was a long track that went off into a small clearing then entered another town. In front of him lay a small bridge with gray stones that made up the two walls on the side of it. Curiously, Piko padded over to it and looked over the side to see a small river that was frozen over. "How strange," he mumbled to himself. "It must be the cold that makes it like that. It was on the road too. I remember. I couldn't stand up properly on it." That was right after he woke up in the truck. How long had it been since then? A few days at least. How many more hours would he have to endure these struggles to get to his family?

The boy looked ahead of him and a thoughtful look crossed his features. If he went along the path to the town he would be closer to home. Yet there was something in the back of his mind that he couldn't just walk on. Something in him was telling to go back, to look for Dori. She had helped him when he was lost in the snow. And the people who had taken the girl, she had told him that they were bad. What if they still had her? He couldn't just leave her with them. But where would they, she, be? And what about his family? He had to get home as soon as possible to stop them from worrying about him.

He looked down at the ground and hugged himself, left shoulder twitching, while thinking of what he should do. Biting his lip, Piko turned back around and headed back into the town, USB flicking slightly as he turned. If he was going to try and find Dori, then he have no clue where to start. He wandered around the town for a little while, not sure what he was doing.

"Think, Piko, think!" he told himself. The two that had chased them were both wearing the same clothes. That was something called a 'uniform', right? And all workers of the same place wore the same uniform. If he could spot another person in that uniform then maybe they could lead him to Dori!


Well it was worth a shot. Now what did those uniforms look like again?…Ah yes, that was it. He took a quick look around him to see if any of them were close by but it seemed that they weren't so he continued walking. What if one of the two from earlier spotted and recognized him? Would they attack him? What if all other policemen knew who he was now? Maybe if he stayed on high alert and made sure not to be spotted by one and just followed from a distance then it may be a lot safer.

Piko abruptly stopped, a look of realization on his face as he quickly calculated something. If he allowed one of them to catch him, then it may be possible that they could take him to where they took Dori. And maybe the best way to get them to take him would be to attempt to steal something else. It was bad to do so, but if it was the only way.

Wandering through the town, Piko attempted to find the area where the many stands that held items were, thinking that if they were caught there once then he would surely be caught a second time. And maybe if he didn't even attempt to be discrete. Piko was just as nervous as he had been when he first attempted to steal something. When he finally found the area he just wandered around, trying to figure out which stand he should try and steal from. Well it didn't really matter exactly which one he targeted. Just as long as he was caught.

He soon spotted the fruit stand that Dori and he had stolen from earlier. What a better place to get caught then the place they first had been? Putting his hands behind his back he strolled towards it and not so discretely took another orange from the table, making sure that the man stood behind the stand would stop him.

"H-Hey! What do you think you're doing!" the man yelled.

Piko quickly turned, not quite sure what to say.

The man's features softened for a moment and he waved a hand and said, "Bah, keep it. You look starved."

"Eh? Am I not in trouble?" questioned Piko, blinking.

"No. Just go on, get out of here before I change my mind."

Nodding, Piko turned and left, a pout on his face. Great. Now he was stuck with another stinking orange. Frustrated, he threw the orange but froze and his face dropped when he saw the round fruit smack into the back of someone's head. A someone who happened to be wearing a certain uniform. The person grunted something, rubbed the back of their head and turned around quickly.


Piko gulped a look of horror on his face when he also noticed that it was the first policeman from earlier. And the man did not look happy. Well this wasn't how he had planned it and Piko was about to run, completely forgetting his idea to be captured for a moment. But he had to allow this to happen. It was the only chance of saving Dori…his friend…He was suddenly grabbed rather forcefully, his arms yanked behind his back and something cold wrapped around his wrist, holding them together.

"You have the right to remain silent!" barked the man, gipping a firm, almost iron grip on the boy. "You are not going to resist and you are going to allow me to take you to the station. Is that understood?"

Piko made a small whimper, not quite sure what he was supposed to do or say in a situation like this.

"I said, is that understood!"

"Y-yes!" squeaked Piko, his body trembling and his left arm twitching slightly.

"Good. Now let's go."

With that the police man led them through the town, Piko noticing that the public, who before were friendly and smiley at him, were now either shaking their heads or giving him looks of disgust. Humans changed so quickly, didn't they? Teal eyes glanced at a rather large building that the man seemed to be leading him to. Was this where they took Dori after they were ambushed? Piko could only wait and find out.

Once in the building the man pushed him towards a bench and told Piko to sit there and to not even attempt to escape before going off to sort some stuff out. Piko sat down and bit his lip, looking at the ground. He frowned a little as he noticed his leg bouncing slightly on its own. Damn malfunctions. He would be glad when he finally got home and request to be repaired.

The man soon came back, pulling the machine up by the arms and then took him to what at first looked like a long corridor that was guarded by two men. It wasn't until they started going down it that Piko realized the sort of 'rooms' with bars covering the front wall and door. Most of them had people inside of it, mainly adults. Piko was soon pushed into one of the 'rooms' himself and after having the strange thing keeping his hands locked behind his back taken away the man closed the barred door and locked it. "If you can't do the time, don't commit the crime," was all he said before leaving.

Piko stayed still before taking a moment to look at his surroundings. Nothing but a dirty bed and a couple of small stones on the floor. This wasn't exactly what Piko had in mind of the place. Then again what did he have in mind for it?

"What in the heck are you doing here!" a voice snapped from the cell directly across Piko's.

Turning, the boy's face lit up and he beamed a bright smile, rushing over to the bars. "Dori!"

. . .OMG

It feels like FOREVER since I last updated this! I am SO sorry for making everyone wait so long. Waiting for a fic you like to be updated hurts the soul. I hurt all of your souls ToT And for that I am dearly sorry.

And this chapter sucks. I make you all wait and then give you a sucky chapter. Aren't I wonderful? ¬3¬

Anywho~ thank you to those who reviewed. Every review I get sparks some encouragement (if only I didn't keep getting distracted so much TДT|||) You guys who have supported me to this point are all wonderfully epic. COOKIES ARE IN THE POST FOR YOU!

~Don't forget to review~