Hi! This is my first fic, so if it sucks, sorry, I'm doing my best here. Read and review, I'm open to ideas and opinions. I own neither Inuyasha nor Justice League; all rights go to the original owners. Please enjoy!




Kagome was dreaming. Or, rather, she was having a nightmare.

This nightmare should have taken place as a time of triumph, not one of misery and anguish. Kagome knew what was going to happen; she was just an actor in a well practiced play.

The stage was set outside of Edo, by the Goshinboku and the well. The group was battling Naraku, and the battle was in their favor. There was Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Kagome in front of Naraku. Sesshomaru and AhUn were to the left. Kouga, Ginta and Hakkaku were to the right. And right behind Naraku was Kanna, Kohaku, and Kagura. Kirara, Jaken, Shippo, Hachi and Ayame were protecting Edo with Kaede from the swarm of poisonous insects that the cowardly hanyou had sent to distract his opponents.

"Now!" Kagome screamed.

All at once, they attacked; Sesshomaru with Bakusaiga, Kagura with her wind, AhUn with his youki and Kohaku with his scythe. Ginta and Hakkaku stand back while Kouga attacks with the Goraishi. Inuyasha attacked with the Wind Scar, Sango with the Hiraikotsu, Miroku with sutras and Kagome with her sacred arrow.

Naraku was in pieces and the tainted Shikon no Tama was visible. Naraku blood showered the warriors like rain, and Kagome ran through it, towards the Sacred Jewel.

Catching it in her hand, Kagome turned towards where Naraku's head had fallen. His eyes were furious and full of malice as he stared at her.

"You have not seen the last of me, Miko. I'll be back." Naraku hissed.

"No. This is the end, Naraku. And you aren't Arnold Schwarzenegger, so don't say things like that." Kagome said, smiling. She released her reiki, glowing pale pink with her happiness, destroying Naraku's remains, washing away his blood, and, unintentionally, purifying the Sacred Jewel.

In no time at all, the children, Kaede, the villagers, Ayame, Kirara, Hachi, and Jaken ran into the clearing cheering wildly. Ayame launched herself at Kouga, knocking him to the ground and kissing him fiercely. Sango and Miroku were doing exactly the same thing, although this time when Miroku groped her, she did not push him away. The most shocking thing, however, was when Kagura ran to Sesshomaru and kissed him passionately on the lips, which he returned.

"Wench, release my master, Sesshomaru-Sama!" Jaken screeched in outrage. He continued saying things like that for the next 10 seconds or so, until Kohaku "accidentally" kicked him out of the clearing and into a tree.

When everyone had finally calmed down, Inuyasha yelled for Kagome to come forward.

"You know what to do Kagome." Inuyasha said, smiling widely at his friend.

Kagome nodded, turning her gaze to the once again pink marble in her hand.

"Shikon no Tama. Disappear. Forever." Kagome whispered softly to the jewel.

The Shikon rose into the air, hovering above their heads, glowed brighter than before, and in a flash of light disappeared.

Kagome smiled at the sight, though she suddenly felt a stabbing pain under her ribs, but it was gone as soon as it came. But a burst of blue light filled the clearing. Kagome turned towards the source, the dry well. A beam of blue light shot up into the sky from the well. The light receded back into the well, and half a dozen glowing arms emerged and grabbed Kagome, pulling her back into the well.

"NO! KAGOME!" Inuyasha screamed, grabbing at her hand, cutting her skin with his claws.

But to no avail, for she fell for what seemed like forever down the well. Kagome could hear Shippo wailing for her, his mother, the villagers calling for Kagome-Sama, and her friends calling after her, varying degrees of fear and anguish in their voices.

And finally, Kagome landed back in her bed, sat up straight, and began to sob into her blanket.

What did you think? Again, I am open to opinions.