On a side note I have redone Chapter 5 some. I rushed that chapter and forgot to fix some mistakes.

"Goukakyuu no Jutsu" – jutsus being announced

"Brat" – demon speech

'What an idiot' – thoughts

"Dobe" – speech

"Son of a -" back-round voice


Once gathering all the information Kin and Tayuya had onto a scroll Naruto stood up preparing to leave.

"What are you going to do with us?" asked Kin clearly afraid of what could happen to them. They are prisoners after all and in times of war many things could happen. It ranged from life in prison, slavery of different accounts, bribery of their nation, forced breeding, and even death.

"The elders will discuss your fate. They will come back to tell you what it is but for now you will wait here" he said before walking off.

Once coming back in the tower he saw the Elders arguing with each other in the office. He gained their attention what he sat behind his desk.

"Ok explain to me what's going on" started Naruto clearly confused as the elder Yashi spoke up.

"Sasuke has defected to Orchimaru. He only left a letter saying he left to him and we have no one and spare time to track him down" he said as Naruto narrowed his eyes and slammed the scroll he was carrying on the table.

"Do you want me to drag him back?" he asked as elder Okyou shook her head no as elder Yashi glared at her.

"As much as I would like to send people after him it would cause us to lower our defenses too much. We can't send you our most powerful shinobi to go chasing someone all around the world. You are needed here" she spoke as Yashi yelled out.

"And we can't leave an Uchiha going around with someone like Orchimaru. He will drag our name through the ground with all the things Orchimaru will make him do. We will get blame for it" he warned as the last elder Ruka released a sign.

"As much as I like for you to go and collect that brat we can't afford to chase him down. Orchimaru is as slippery as the snake he is. You will be after him forever like that fool Jiraiya the toad sannin. We will just put a capture on sight order on him for now. If he commits too many horrible crimes we will be forced to put a kill on sight order" she finished as everyone nodded agreeing.

A Month Later

In a clearing near a large compound were a group of Uchiha including Kari, Mikoto, Kikyo, Sasuki, and Mikoshi watching a large amount of Naruto clones training with different types of jutsu's. Naruto was benching a large board of wood with weights stacked upon it beer-chested as sweat rolled down his body. In another clearing a clone sitting Indian style with his eyes closed snapped them opened to show the Mangekyou Sharingan. Standing up he slammed his hand on the ground making seals appear along the ground in the form of a summoning. Slowly the grass was being covered white spreading in a form of a circle. Once reaching a total of 50 meters it went up in the sky forming a box. When it was created with Naruto in the center he looked around to see anything wrong. Doing a quick run here and there along with a highly powerful jutsu it was stable before getting rid of it and dispelling sending the information to the original.

'I guess the chamber is a success' thought the original Naruto continuing his workout. Looking to the side he could see other Naruto's training in taijutsu, all sorts of ninjutsu, genjutsu, kenjutsu, all sorts of weapons training, and even a few training in Mangekyou Sharingan techniques.

"My this is an enjoyable sight" smiled Mikoto fanning herself a bit as she watched the sweat slowly trickle down his strong sun kissed tan muscles. Kari and Sasuki just blushed out of embarrassment but still looked on anyways.

"While this is an enjoyable sight and it's great to relax here and then, the Uchiha's are in a bad spot" started Mikoshi as everyone looked at her wondering what she meant by that, to which she continued on. "Apparently word has reached to other villages at what Itachi has done to our clan and some even acted on it. The lesser ninja villages and even some of the great ninja villages sent us offers and such to join their village. Some of the lesser villages threaten us with war if we don't join, but most of the time it was sent from Kusa. The other great villages aren't going to jump the gun as they don't want another great ninja war" she finished

"And why aren't we at war with them?" asked Sasuki confused as much as Kari was. Mikoto answering her question just tapped her shoulder and pointed at Naruto.

"People heard that Naruto stall the Shodai and Nidaime Hokage's and they know he is the vessel of Kyuubi. That alone puts fear in a lot of other villages and only the stupid ones enter this situation half-cocked" spoke Mikoto

"But Taki has a jinchurkin and that's why they made a few threats but not as many as Kusa. They may not have one but they do have more Shinobi than we do" finished Mikoshi as a male Uchiha Shunshin down in the kneel in front of Naruto holding out a scroll.

"Open it" ordered Naruto not stopping his workout as the nin did as he asked. Reading the scroll everyone could see a frown on his face as it slowly morphed into an enraged snarl. Throwing the weights off to the side he held his hand out to the nin to which the man placed the scroll on it. He read it again before walking over to Mikoshi and giving it to her to read.

As she read the scroll Naruto slowly dispelled his clones until there were none left. Once he got over the headache the clones memories gave him he stepped up to Mikoshi who through down the scroll in rage.

"Those Kusa-bastards" she snarled as everyone looked at her in shock before Kari asked 'What's wrong'. "They are going to go to war with us within the next week if we don't surrender to them" she answered

"Lock down the village and prepare for war" ordered Naruto to the nin as the man nodded and Shunshin off to spread the orders as Mikoshi released a soft sign.

"I will go consult with the elders. No more training Naruto as we need you in tip-top shape" she spoke as Naruto nodded to her before she left.

"You do know this will cause tense relations when you go to the Meeting of the Nations right?" asked Kikyo as Naruto released a frustrated sign at the thought.

"Well it's not our fault, they brought this upon themselves. They probably want our power and to show off to the other nations as well. It's just too bad that I'm going to crush them and any other nation in my way. I'll make this war they started the shortest in of our time" he spoke determined as ever before walking inside.

Kusagakure no Sato

A man sitting down in his main office was reading the reply that came back from the Uchiha village with a frown. The man was no other than Muraku Jantou the leader of the village. He was a man of 6'0 height, fit body, 38 years old, having brown eyes and spiky like hair, with a few scars on his face.

'It seems that they would oppose the might of Kusa. While they do have the Kyuubi jinchurkin, we with our allies Taki now have the Shichibi jinchurkin, and Oto agreed to help us as well. We will trample them in take the Sharingan for ourselves. We will even become a great shinobi nation within a few years' he thought smirking as he turned to face a jounin waiting at the side.

"Assemble Army Alpha. They are to attack the Hidden Red Blaze Village directly" he ordered as the man nodded and went off to assemble the army.


Orchimaru was watching Sasuke practice his Chidori when Kabuto had walked inside the training area. Stopping behind Orchimaru he waited until the man looked at him from the corner of his eye.

"Report Kabuto" ordered Orchimaru as Kabuto had smirk appear on his face.

"Kusa is going to war with the Uchiha's and they had already deployed an army towards them. Taki agreed to ally with them on this war but it appears they have other motives" he started as Orchimaru raised an eye brow at the thought.

"Other motives? What could possibly be there other motives?" he asked

"To get rid of their jinchurkin. They will send an army as well with the jinchurkin but only the jinchurkin will fight. They are hoping for it to die in the battle" he finished as Orchimaru thought on this for a second.

"We will deploy an army as well to help Kusa. I could use this chance to gain information on Naruto as well. Send the remaining sound 5 with Guren. She will be the leader of this army" he ordered

"And what of me and Sasuke Orchimaru-sama?" he asked

"You of course will go as well but only to observe. Sasuke will not go as he can't know about this yet. It would make him go back to the village in order to help them" smirked Orchimaru as Kabuto nodded and stepped away.

Hidden Red Blaze Village

Sitting in an office were the elders, princess, and Naruto going over strategies to use. Kusa by itself had more ninja's then they do and that makes it a problem already. Elder Yashi was already explaining some things

"Kusa has declared war on us and it appears Taki and Oto will be helping out as well. Even though Konoha and Suna have an alliance with Kusa and Taki they are not going to be joining this conflict" he stated as Okyou added on.

"Of course they won't join at this point. The two great nations lost some of their ninja and Suna lost its Kage. They are staying out of it for now but once they recovered enough and this war is still going on they will join as well" she finished

"We got to hit them hard and fast or give them a reason to cancel this war. Like install fear into them" spoke up Naruto as everyone looked at him wondering what he was thinking. Standing up he pointed down at an area in the map.

"Right here before the tree's covering our village are plains. They will take that avenue of approach which is where I would meet the army. Set up guards all around the village to keep an eye out for any sneak acts"

"And what are you planning. Are you going to take out the whole army by yourself?" asked Yashi as he nodded.

"I will put the fear in the name Uchiha myself. They will have no choice but to back out of the war and surrender"

"And if you lose what then?" asked Mikoshi as he just smirked at her.

"I have no intention of losing this battle or my life. There is still too much work that needs to be done" he answered with a determined face. Just by looking at his face they could already tell he was not just being cocky or guessing the ending. He was full of confidence with his abilities and he was telling you the ending as if he saw the end of a movie. Shaking her head a bit Mikoshi released a small smile at him before speaking.

"Alright I trust in you on this. I want you to go rest for now. Our scouts will report in when they see the army coming. Enjoy yourself with your family" she smiled as he nodded his head and Shunshin off back to his compound.