Author's note: this story is seriously stalking me right now. It's kind of hard to pick a place to have Adam meet Sam and Dean. I've been going through season one episodes and so far it's going okay.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed.

-line break-

"Hey Bobby." Adam greeted casually as he walked into the kitchen. "Need any help with that?"

He'd been at Bobby's place for about two months now and John called once every couple weeks or so. The contact was appreciated even if he was still pissed off at John for leaving him with a total stranger who might just be insane.

Like everything else recently he'd either learned to handle it or push it away to deal with later.

Scattered all over the kitchen table was a large amount of books. By now Adam had learned not to question what was in the books and just helped if Bobby let him.

"I'm fine, Rufus is hunting a demon down south."

"I thought he was retired?"

Bobby shrugged, opening another book. "Retired, not retired, there's not much difference when you're a hunter."

"Good to know." Adam looked around restlessly. "I don't suppose you've got anything new to do in the last twenty-four hours?"

"Not lately. But if you do want to help you can go take Rumsfeld for a walk and then help me with some research."

Adam stood up. "I'm sure by then you won't need my help, Bobby."

Outside the weather was nice and calm and Adam just sat against a car, watching as Rumsfeld ran after a ball.

This wasn't what he expected; Dog-walker and part time-demon researcher. He'd wanted to help John, to learn how to kill those goddamn ghouls, at the end of it he had just wanted his revenge and then to sleep for the rest of his life because this endless cycle of monster attacking him and then moving was exhausting .

At least it was better than sitting in a motel room for hours on end while John hunts down whatever demon of the week.

Rumsfeld darts back over and obediently drops the ball in front of him. Diligently Adam throws it as far as he can.

In retrospect it is actually his fault that he's been 'grounded' to Bobby's. But he sure as hell isn't going to tell John that. Afterall Winchesters are apparently in Bobby's words "Damned stubborn idjits" and he guesses he counts as one now.

Still sending him to a man John hasn't seen in years and in fact had a shotgun pointed at him, Adam must have screwed up big time.

He did.

"Are you serious?"

"Completely." John replied packing his bag.

"You want me to stay in this room for some time between the next twenty-four and ninety-six hours while you go yank a ghost's ass to hell?"


"That's insane. And possibly child-neglect. Can I at least leave to get food or am I fasting?"

"Get delivery, it's too dangerous right now to stay outside."

"Gotcha." Adam looked around the empty paint-cracked room. "Are you sure I can't come?" He wasn't too bad at this hunting stuff, at least he didn't think so. He could fire a gun somewhat alright and if that didn't work then he was good at improvising. But what was the point of John trying to help him learn all of this if he never used it?

"Positive." John's voice left no room for discussion.

On the third day, Adam was tired. Tired of the motel with it's chipping green walls and questionable floors and beds, tired of the same pizza and just fucking tired of being cooped up in a small tiny room for hours on end. Apparently John had forgotten that teenagers don't like sitting still.

Like all tired and bored teenagers, he snuck out. Actually considering the fact that his father had abandoned him he just walked out.

The guy at the front of the counter is glaring at him as he slinks into the coffee place. It's nearly empty, besides from the guy at the counter and the blonde college girl studying over a pile of books.

"Do you want anything?"

"Got any coffee?" he doesn't really like the stuff but he's worn out and needs something to keep him awake.

"Yeah, give me a couple minutes and then I'll be right over."

Adam nods and walks over to one of the tables, just enjoying his first breath of freedom in days.

College girl looks up and smiles at him, "Isn't it kind of dangerous to be out here at night?" she asks curiously, pushing the books away for the moment.

Adam grins, and looks down, fuck, a pretty college girl is talking to him. This day just got awesome. "Nah, I'm fine. Isn't it kind of dangerous for you?"

"I think I'll be alright." She walks over until she's sitting at his table. "I'm Meg. And you are?"

"Adam…Adam Winchester." Technically both Kate and Adam Milligan will be reported missing by now so an alias is needed.

Her smile widens, showing off bright white teeth.

Adam's pretty happy even if the coffee is taking forever. He's talking, kind-of flirting with a pretty college girl, and if his friends were here they wouldn't believe it.

He doesn't believe it.

Like all things, it turns to crap real fast when pretty college girl known as Meg jumps across the table and attacks him.

Oh shit, another demon (either that or this girl is just bat-shit crazy). Adam panics for about half a second and then tries to figure out the odds of his survival. He's 6"2, fast, and the hotel's about a block away. The demon or whatever the hell it is is about 5" something, petite, and packing super demon powers.

"What the fuck did I do this time?" Adam hisses out as she slams him against a wall, his head hitting it and causing a painful feeling to rush through it. Still this is better than being eaten alive.

Meg smiles at him, but her teeth look different this time. Sharper. " You didn't do anything. It's just the Winchester luck."

Adam swings his foot out, hoping to knock her down but she sides steps it easily. "Try again baby Winchester."

His mind is busy trying to remember everything John pretty much forced him to commit to memory about demons. 'Demons can't cross salt lines, they can't touch salt and Holy water burns them.'

He was pretty much screwed then.

If he got back to the hotel then he could barricade himself. There was no way he could get rid of this demon. Not right now. Not by himself. And then what?

"I have some questions for you." she purred stepping closer so that he was pinned against the wall.

Adam narrowed his eyes, "No comment."

Her eyes darkened. "Usually I like playing games, but I'm in a hurry to be somewhere."

He shrugged, looking around helplessly. "I don't know why you're stalking me then. I don't know anything useful."

She snorted. "I'm a demon not a child. You think I believe that?"

"If I knew anything, anything at all do you honestly think I'd be here right now?" He stared at her evenly. "I'm a teenager not a goddamn hunter."

She growled and then looked up at the clock. "Looks like our interrogation will have to wait for another time baby Winchester."

Adam was still pressed up against the wall when she strode out, looking casual like she hadn't just been about to torture him.

Finally, slowly because his head hurts like crazy now, he walks out of the coffee shop and gets ready to call John.

And fuck, if John hadn't overreacted. Adam had been lectured at before but that was worse than anything his mom could cook up, then again she didn't lecture him all that often.

Two days later and they'd been quite unhappily speeding towards Bobby's house.

Adam looked out the window and frowned. "So you haven't seen this guy in how many years and you're sending me to him, like some orphaned baby on church doorstep?"

"Adam you just got attacked and stalked by a demon. Everything is going to get more dangerous-"

"You mean it's not now?"

John stared at him and he wisely kept quiet after that. "I told you about the Demon, well I think in a couple months we'll be able to get the son of a bitch."

"And I'm a liability right?" Adam asked shortly.

But Sam and Dean weren't.

And that was the part that kind of hurt and confused him. He wanted to meet them, his mysterious brothers but then he didn't. For the most part he was just jealous. They got to see John all the time, they'd had a father all their lives. And Adam? Adam had three years worth of awkward phone calls and missed meetings. But more importantly Sam and Dean could fight. If the Ghouls had attacked them then they'd be fine, they'd be better than fine and the ghouls would be rotting in hell. Not like Adam and his mom.

John opened his mouth to talk but Adam responded first. "Sorry, just forget that. I'm just tired and when I get tired I tend to get mean."

"I'm not sending you off with a total stranger. I've known Bobby for years."

"You said he'd probably pull a shotgun on you."

"We've had our disagreements."


John laughed, actually laughed, and smiled at him. "You know sometimes you remind me of Sammy."

Adam didn't know what to say to that. Lately he didn't know much of anything.

"If he's such a good friend then why do I have to stay in the safety of the truck?" Adam asked, warily staring up at the house.

"Just stay there, Adam, I'll be back in a minute." John instructs and surprisingly to himself Adam sits in the car, staring at all of the broken down pieces of metal.

Finally, because he's impatient damn it, Adam opens the door slowly and steps out, straining his ears to listen.

"-Well what do you want me to do with him?"

"Just watch him. He's fifteen, not five."

"Why can't he stay with you? Don't you need the help now that Sam and Dean are working together?"

"He's not a hunter Bobby, up until a couple of months ago he didn't even know all of this existed."

"Must of been a shock." Adam moved closer and only paused when John and Bobby remained silent.

"He's adjusting." John paused again and then spoke, his tone dry. "Adam, you can come over here now."

Slightly embarrassed, Adam walked over to the two men, slouching slightly. Bobby Singer wasn't what Adam pictured, but then he thought about hunters and then decided that Bobby fit that image. "Hi." he greeted, trying not to freak out. "I'm Adam, but you already knew that."

"I'm Bobby Singer and that's Rumsfeld." He greeted, gesturing to the dog that was staring at Adam with a curious expression.

Adam looked over at John. "Are you going to stay here long?"

John shrugged. "I'll stay a day or two, until you get settled in."

"Thanks." As far as Adam knew, John probably wanted to leave now. That man was deadly obsessed when it came to the demon.

Everything didn't compare to the demon.

John was gone by noon the next day but Adam appreciated the fact that John had stayed that long. He understood it; John wasn't the touch-feely type and neither was Adam.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Adam asked, trying not to be freaked out by the large number of demon books. Fuck, it was like a satanic library.

"Shoot, kid."

"You know My brothers-, err you know Sam and Dean right?"

Bobby stared at him. "Yeah, they've been around here before. If that's what you mean."

"Oh I was just wondering, that's all." Adam could cut the tension with a knife.

"Do you know anything about them?" There was a look in the older man's eyes that Adam thought might have been pity but he didn't think to much about it.

"Not a lot. John said Sam went to college at Stanford, and Dean usually hunted with him. I don't know much more than that." Adam shrugged. "I'm not sure if I want to know anything about them."

"Right." Adam wasn't sure if Bobby got it but he wasn't going to press the issue. It's not like it would ever come up again anyway.

The sound of a car pulling into the drive way pulled him out of his thoughts. Adam stood up as Rumsfeld eagerly ran back to the house, the ball all but forgotten. Adam followed at a much slower pace and then stopped all together when he got to the car.

Fuck that's a nice car. Adam didn't know much about cars but Bobby had been teaching him some things and even he could tell that was a really nice car.

"Hey Bobby, is Rufus here or something?" Bobby didn't get many guests, just the occasional hunter here or there, with the most frequent being Rufus and once or twice a woman named Olivia Lowery. "Did he damage his car again? 'Cause that new one is kickass."

Rumsfeld darted further into the house, most likely eager to be petted, and Adam obediently followed after him. "Bobby?"

"In here, Adam." Bobby was in the "demonic-satanic library" and along with him was two boys, men technically. The one in the corner, surrounded by a pile of books, was taller and had darker brown hair. And the other one, the shorter but somewhat tougher looking-one was sitting across from Bobby looking haggard.

"Well I'm guess that it isn't Rufus car sprawled out into the drive way." He commented wryly.

Bobby stood up. "Boys, this is Adam Milligan, he's been working for me for a while now. Adam, this is Sam and Dean Winchester, John's boys."

-End Chapter four-

I like cliffhangers?