Yes I am back already maybe to some of yours dismay, I saw Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows part 1 today, it was epic...If you haven't seen it yet go and see it quickly it's amazing! I almost cried in 3 parts but maybe because I'm an emotional person, on the other hand I almost cried writing this chapter aswell. Chapter 2 is still underway it was finished but I was re-reading it and decided it didn't come up to the standard of this one. For those of you that are new to this I would advise you to read the first story I wrote (Recipe for Catastrophe) otherwise you might not understand some of this, but it's not overly important. Some of you might hate me for what is about to happen in this chapter but for the story to commence it has to happen this way...I'm sorry so please enjoy.

Sequel to Recipe for Catastrophe: What makes someone good go so bad? Alex Russo learns the hardest battle she can face is within one's self, Will she make the right choices, join Alex and the trio on their quest to follow the right path.

Chapter 1 – Stay With Me

It was July, a very hot summer in New York City hotter than anyone else could remember but the large man that walked through the streets didn't care about that, searching for one place in particular, he was in search for Waverly Place, this place held what he was looking for, he was on a mission and if he were to fail this mission the consequences were to be severe. His abnormally large figure and grey whiskered face, making him look unusually hairy so hairy that this attracted the attention of passers-by causing them to stare. He passed the children playing causing them to stop and stare for a moment, he took in a whiff of their scent licking him lips, but he was not there for them, he was there to find Alex Russo and she was close, very close. Finally he stopped outside a pair of feeble looking wooden doors his eyes looking over them staring at the clear window holding a sign clearly displaying 'Closed'. He snarled ignoring the sign pushing the doors open as he stepped through his black eyes fixed on the girl sitting alone at one of the many empty tables reading a very warn out art magazine. This was Alex Russo, the one that he had been searching for, the girl with inky black hair tied back into a messy bun. She must have heard him enter because upon his arrival she called.

"Can't you read we're closed!" The dark haired girl yelled her voice expressing a tone of annoyance and impatience. She hadn't even bothered to look and see who had entered her eyes not straying from the art magazine. The large man smiled allowing his pointed yellow teeth to be displayed licking his lips as he stepped further into the substation.

"Dude are you deaf too? I said we're clo-" Her voice trailed off into nothing as she turned to face the intruder, quickly raising from her seat looking around desperately for her wand, there stood in front of her was the most brutal werewolf ever known, Fenrir Greyback.

"W-what do you want?" Alex stammered as Fenrir Greyback slowly took each small step towards her slowly advancing.

"I'm not going to hurt you little girl." Greyback snarled, Alex found that hard to believe, he had a reputation it didn't matter who you were how old you were, young or old, rich or poor, wizard or mortal he showed no mercy. Alex gulped taking large steps back diving behind the counter. Alex searched frantically for a weapon of some sort, something to protect her, as her wand was in the lair she was all alone, her parents are brothers were out on Coney Island somewhere, Alex was banned from going there which is why she had been left behind and her best friend Harper was on a date with Zeke Beckerman, they had started dating towards the beginning of the summer while Alex had still been at Hogwarts. She cursed at herself why did her parents have to leave her alone on this very day? The day she was about to be attacked by a werewolf of all the days. Greyback's head appeared staring down at her over the counter evilly baring his sharp teeth threateningly at her. Alex gulped she had nowhere to go from here, her dad had locked the lair preventing her from causing any trouble with magic as she had done so many times in the past, such as creating a black hole. Alex didn't mean to do these things they just seemed to happen to her. She grabbed the largest knife she could find, jumping to her feet and sprinting across the sub-shop into the sub-car, Greyback laughed maliciously.

"You can run but you can't hide Alex Russo." He bellowed, Alex stood up from behind the table in the sub-car, Greyback smiled stepping towards her, the only thing between them now was the sub-car. Greyback snatched at her missing completely his hairy fist landing on the table in front of her. Without thinking Alex stabbed his venerable hand with the large knife with all the force she could making it sink deep into his flesh. Greyback let out a howl of pain lurching his hand away giving Alex the chance to make her escape, running up the metal staircase into the Russo household. Greyback slowly removed the knife that had penetrated through his skin, whimpering at the pain it caused him, he had not finished what he had started yet he needed Alex Russo, preferably alive. Alex burst into her untidy bedroom, searching frantically for her Hogwarts wand which she was strictly forbidden to use especially in the presence of a muggle, Harper and her mother would have counted and this could have put Alex at risk of expulsion before she had even returned to Hogwarts, but surely in a situation such as this magic would be allowed right? Why was her room such as mess? Why did she like order out of chaos? Maybe because her whole world was chaos so this is the way Alex Russo lived. She continued to search freezing when she heard the low panting, daring herself to look up, Alex raised her head staring at Greyback his eyes fixed on her watching her every move carefully, as if he was about to pounce. Alex noticed the hand she had injured, it was still dripping with blood, each drop staining the carpet the flesh was mangled where Greyback had forced the knife from his wound, it was no longer a clean cut.

"The Dark Lord wishes to speak with you." Greyback finally breathed.

"Well you can tell him that I don't wish to speak with him." Alex spat confidently, she wasn't going to join forces with Voldemort as Stevie had last year, look what happened to her. Greyback's jaw tightened and he clenched his fists in frustration causing him to wince from the pain in his hand, he really wished he could just rip her head off. Lurching at her he knocked her hard to the floor crushing her from beneath him. Alex let out a cry of pain as the large weight of Greyback pinned her, she was unable to move.

"Get away from her!" Alex heard the sound of Masons enraged voice and within seconds Greyback was off of Alex, Mason had pounced the sheer force that Mason had hit Greyback sent both wolves flying. Alex got to her feet watching as Mason and Greyback furiously swung their claws at each other, slicing mercilessly as they scrambled around destroying Alex's room in the process. They rolled out ending up finally in the Russo living room tearing the orange couch to shreds, every few seconds there would be a bark of pain from Mason as Greyback sunk his teeth into Masons arm tearing chunks of flesh away. There was a pause when the wolves heard the sound of the substations doors open. Greyback disappeared running out onto the terrace and leaping from it to the ground. Alex ran to Masons side, his flesh mangled and ripped he didn't look like Mason at all, tears filled Alex's eyes at the sight of him, his eyes gazed up into hers tenderly choking as he tried to speak.

"It's going to be ok Mason, my parents will be here soon they'll know what to do." Alex sobbed resting Mason's head in her lap and stroking his hair softly. Mason shook his head lightly staring sadly into his true loves eyes, a tear ran down his blooded cheek.

"I-I love you Alex Russo." Mason choked trying to get out his words, Alex let out a loud sob.

"No, Mason, stay awake, stay with me, I love you." Alex whispered softly through her sobs taking in deep breathes as she spoke.

"Promise me something…" Mason managed.

"Promise me you'll find somebody and you'll be happy." Mason continued his voice becoming weaker at each word, with that the light left his eyes and his body went limp, Alex let out an agonised cry as her true love lay dead in her lap, she truly felt as if a part of her soul had just died and her heart had been ripped out through her chest.

"No, Mason, no." Alex choked through her tears smoothing back his soft hair, Alex leaned forward kissing his forehead, her tears falling lightly on his face.

"I Promise." Alex whispered, she clutched onto Mason's lifeless body, he was still warm she heard the sound of her parents and brothers but was unable to give an answer.

"ALEX WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE SUBSTATION!" Jerry bellowed from downstairs anger exploding in his voice, Alex sobbed harder squeezing hold of Mason's body. The four other Russo's exchanged glances, Alex wasn't answering them.

"Something is wrong." Justin breathed staring up at the ceiling as if it was going to tell him something.

"Alex, honey." Theresa called climbing the metal stairs and entering the now destroyed living room, but there wasn't any sign of Alex who was obscured from view behind the wrecked orange couch quietly crying into Mason's still chest.

"Jerry…" Theresa breathed.

"I think you'd better come see this." Her eyes gazing around the room, Jerry entered followed by Justin and Max all four staring at the blood stains surrounding the room and the broken ornaments and torn up couch.

"What did she do?" Jerry growled, Justin stared at him and gulped.

"Dad there's blood, there might have been some sort of attack." Justin replied hoarsely daring to think of the worst, he listened carefully hearing Alex's light sobs. Justin strode carefully walking around the couch his eyes finally found the sight of Alex, cradling Mason both were coated in blood. Justin gasped at the sight, attracting his parents attention, causing them to join him staring at the sight of their daughter.

"Alex what are-" Jerry stopped in mid-sentenced realising the situation, Alex looked up at her family through her tear stained face, her eyes red and swollen she shivered still clutching hold of Mason.

Theresa screamed at the sight of Mason's dead body and her daughter coated in his blood. Max came to the scene looking at Mason and Alex to his parents as if he was expecting this to be some sort of prank.

"Oh I get it Mason play dead right...right?" Max asked worriedly again looking from Alex and Mason to his parents still expecting 'ha-ha gotcha'.

"Alex what happened?" Justin asked quietly getting down beside his sister and taking hold of her shoulder gently. Alex couldn't give an answer she let out another giant sob more tears streaming from her face, finally she choked the words 'Greyback'.

"Fenrir Greyback?" Justin asked just to confirm, Alex nodded lightly more tears erupting from her eyes. Justin's jaw tightened in anger as did Jerry's.

"First my son now my daughters boyfriend." Jerry growled his anger building.

"I'm calling to police." Theresa announced heading over towards the phone and picking up the receiver.

"And tell them what Theresa?" Jerry yelled, nobody had ever seen Jerry this angry before, Alex lowered her head if only she could calm down enough to tell them what had happened. Theresa stared at her husband still clutching the receiver, her eyes watering.

"Justin, take Alex to the lair, see if you can calm her down, we'll try to clear things up, up here." Jerry ordered gravely, Justin nodded taking hold of Alex's arm but she screamed in protest pulling herself closer to Mason. Justin used all his strength pulling Alex away from Mason's corpse.

"No!" Alex screamed lashing out at her older brother, but he was too strong for her, holding her restrained and pulling her downstairs into the lair. His heart ached for his sister, she had already lost Mason once and now she had lost him again only this time forever. Finally sitting Alex in the chair, she shivered staring at her blood stained hands sitting in silence her tremors becoming worse.

"I'm sorry, Alex." Justin spoke hoarsely bowing his head, grabbing a chair and sitting opposite her. She didn't acknowledge his words or even his presence, she just stared into nothing, her eyes were empty no sign of warmth just nothing. Justin gulped he had no idea what to do, he had never seen Alex this way or in fact he had never seen anybody this way, how was one supposed to deal with someone in this state? Justin stared at his sister waving his hand in front of her face but there was no reaction, she didn't even flinch. Running upstairs Justin told his father about Alex's condition. Jerry accompanied Justin down to the lair examining his daughter when he finally spoke.

"She's seeked refuge inside her mind." Jerry murmured staring into Alex's eyes filled with emptiness.

"What does that mean?" Justin asked curiously.

"It means Alex's consciousness is in her imagination where she can probably be with Mason, it's her only way to be with Mason." Jerry explained.

"But that's ok isn't it?" Justin asked.

"No, because she could stay there but she won't eat, she won't sleep and eventually she will die." Jerry continued walking away from Alex and heading over towards the bookcase where he searched through the many wizarding books.

"How do we get her out?" Justin asked watching his father then looking at Alex. Jerry didn't look to his son but still answered his question.

"You must enter into her mind and convince her to come out, she could do this herself but in her mind she's in her ideal world and it will make her unwilling to leave." Jerry explained gravely still searching through books.

"Ahh here we are." Jerry smiled pulling out a large book and placing it on the stand and flicking through the pages his finger tracing along the pages. His smile faded and he groaned in frustration snapping the book shut.

"What is it?" Justin asked at the sight of his father's sudden frustration.

"It's illegal to enter the mind without a permit from the wizard council and a permit can take up to a week to receive." Jerry explained Justin bit his lip trying to think when a light bulb went off inside his head, he smiled at his father.

"Legilimency." Justin breathed in triumph, sitting and facing Alex.

"Legilimens." Justin said immediately entering into Alex's mind he was standing in the middle of a beautiful garden.

"Who knew Alex could be such a girl." Justin spoke to himself gazing at the beautiful flowers surrounding him and the trim green grass, the sky was bright blue with white fluffy clouds which never seemed to obscure the sun's warming rays. Justin surveyed the surroundings finally noticing Alex dressed in a pure white silky summer dress, she wasn't wearing any shoes sitting amongst the flowers. As he approached Alex looked up and smiled becoming aware of his presence.

"Hello Justin." She smiled her eyes were bright with happiness, Justin couldn't believe it was his job to take her away from this, he didn't want to see her unhappy.

"Hi." Justin said softly standing in front of her.

"It's a nice place you've created here." Justin managed once again surveying the scene and taking a seat beside his sister, she smiled, thanking him.

"But you can't stay in here forever Alex, you have to live." Justin explained although it broke his heart to tell her this. Her smile faded she knew it was true too.

"I know, but I like it here." Alex admitted getting up from her seat and walking down towards the clear stream, Justin watched as he saw Mason appear from the other side of the stream, he was in his human form also dressed in white, crisp white pants and a smooth white shirt with the sleeves rolled up just past his elbows. He approached Alex spinning her around finally setting her down their foreheads pressed together gazing into each others eyes. Mason and Alex walked back up towards Justin hand in hand smiling.

"Alex, this isn't real." Justin began staring solemnly at Alex he really wished it could be real for her he wished it could be real for him too, he could have Juliet. Alex nodded at Justin, Mason turned to face Alex taking hold of both of her hands.

"You promised me you would be happy and find someone else." Mason whispered softly, Alex nodded tears glistening in her eyes, a tear running slowly down her face.

"You must go back and keep that promise." Mason continued, kissing Alex's forehead tenderly. Finally she let go of Mason's hand and taking hold of Justin's allowing him to lead her out, she waved good-bye to Mason standing alone in the flower bed.

Alex blinked coming back into consciousness her brother and her father staring at her intently.

"Good work Justin." Jerry smiled clapping Justin on the back his eyes now fixing on Alex and looking at her sincerely.

"Alex, you can't go into your mind, you have to live in reality and I know that can be difficult but you can look forward to going back to Hogwarts." Jerry smiled assuringly. Alex nodded sitting back in the recliner chair, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I hope you're not too upset that I've killed Mason off already...Was it a little upsetting atleast? I thought it was. I just wanted to know, as i'm going to try and follow the book baseline a little bit more but not copy it. I was wondering would you like me to add in Horace Slughorn chapter of the my own words of course, or skip it entirely and just focus on Harry?

Please review this first chapter I love reading what you guys have to say even if it's a bit of constructive critisim.