Note: This is a piece of Epic Fluff, because I'm stuck on my chaptered fics and I'm feeling a little soppy for some reason that even I haven't figured out yet...

I hope you like it! XD Thank you to anybody kind enough to leave me a review. You make me smile! =)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor am I making any profit from this piece of writing.


I am the sort of person who is difficult to miss. I stick out in a crowd, that's me, the one everybody spots a mile off, the one so bright I blind them. It's been that way all my life and I like it that way. Mum used to say having brightly coloured rainbow hair was just awfully attention seeking, but I have never agreed. I'm not seeking attention, I'm just being me. It's true.

It used to be true.

And it's ironic, don't you think, that the one time I hope to grab somebody's attention I suddenly appear to be invisible to them?

I'm invisible to you. Sometimes I think you don't realise I even exist.

For somebody who doesn't exist, I interact with you a great deal. I've sat next to you at every Order meeting for the past two months, we've made each other cups of tea and we've had plenty of chats over coffee in the mornings, or sandwiches for lunch. We've stayed up late with Sirius, kept him company until he fell asleep before the fire having drunk too much at dinner. Each time the two of us would be sat upon the sofa, side by side, talking in whispers so as not to wake my cousin, and I'd stare into the warm glow of the fire and think this would be romantic if you weren't so utterly blind.

A few times I've caught myself thinking foolishly that you might not be quite as oblivious as you first seem; when you hold doors open for me and say ladies first with a wonderfully warm smile that makes me grin at you like an idiot, or when you meet me at the door and take my cloak whilst telling me how wonderful it is to see me.

But then I remember that you do the same to everybody. You're just a gentleman, I've not met anybody with manners quite as perfect as yours. And the worst thing about remembering is that it only makes me adore you even more.

I don't adore you, not really. I love you. I love everything about you. I love the way your face lights up when you smile, the way your eyes twinkle when you laugh. I love the sound of your voice, how you speak so softly and yet could silence a crowd. I love the way your brow crinkles when you are thoughtful, how your eyebrows knit together when Sirius tells inappropriate jokes, and how a moment later your lips begin to curve up at the edges not matter how hard you try to stop them.

I love your modesty, no matter to what dizzying heights it soars. True, it is probably what has blinded you in the first place, but I like a challenge. I'd like the reward better still.

I love the way you say my name. Even my first name. And I love the way I think myself silly and girly for even thinking such a thing, because in truth it isn't very silly. In truth it means I really am in love. Because love is a bit silly, isn't it?

It's silly that I love somebody who doesn't even notice me.

And yet I would not have it any other way, because you can't close your eyes forever. Someday you're going to grow tired of the dark. And when you do, when you open your eyes and truly see me, these past few months of waiting will finally be over.

And when they are, I doubt I'll be able to keep myself from apparating to the roof and shouting to the world that I love you. And everybody will hear me. You will hear me. And I will never be invisible ever again.