He couldn't sleep. It was just too unbelievable. Sure, to some others the fact that America was still thrilled about aliens existing might be a bit wearisome, but to a country like America, who had so many 'UFO' sightings and theories about other life forms…it was so amazing, so extraordinary, so…so cool!

"Are you still awake?" A gruff voice called from the ground. When America investigated, he saw there was a fluffy white bunny at the side of his bed, looking up at him with plain blue eyes. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Sorry," Oh. Oh, what was that rabbit's name? America knew he recognized it from somewhere, vaguely. Seeing the rabbit brought flashes of meadows to his mind, of being barely taller than the grass around him. As if the surroundings felt the need to bend and change for him, America now found himself in a field. The rabbit stared at America balefully before hopping away.

"Be careful, kid." It said before jumping into a very deep hole. America thought that rabbits shouldn't go into holes without bottoms, but wasn't worried. The rabbit would be okay. It was just a fact of life. Besides, it was almost time for him to go meet up with—

"America, you're early."

"I had to be early, at least today! Today is special." How shy America sounded! He smiled sheepishly at Tony, who was now a few feet away, grass up to his chest. "Today is when we first met, isn't it?"

"I'm very glad you remembered." Tony studied America before continuing. "I care about you, very much."

"I know you do! I care about you too, I mean—you're my best friend, right? Ever since Roswell!" America's voice was ecstatic. "You're way cooler than everyone else's friend too."


"Yeah, friend." A tight knot formed in America's stomach, a meld of dread and guilt. "We're really good friends, right, Tony?"

"I love you."

"Tony…I love you too, Tony, friends have to love each other." The ecstatic voice was weakening pitifully. "Friends."

"I can't have that, not anymore, pu pu! America! "

"Tony, we can't! That's not right! I don't like you that way, alright?"

"Is there somebody else? Tell me who, and I can be better than them." Such determination from the small alien, it almost frightened America. "I can protect you better than anyone else!"

"Tony, there isn't anyone I love. I don't love anyone, okay? I'm just alone."

"You don't have to be alone if you have me."

"That's not the point. I like being alone, you know? I like it…I really do. Just me and nobody else-"

England jolted America out of the dream by shaking him by the shoulders. When America finally came to consciousness he couldn't recall anything about what he had dreamt, only that it had been sad. Wordlessly, he and England held eye contact. America's 'older brother' sighed, wiping away the tears from the blue eyes. "You have a bad dream?"

Speaking broke the bond, and America shook his head 'no' violently in reply. "Nope! Heroes don't have bad dreams, only awesome ones! It's the only way a hero can dream."

"Ugh! If you don't want to talk about it then fine, but you don't have to lie!"

"Who's lying? Hahaha!" Abruptly, America slumped over. "E-england..." His voice was suddenly weak and low pitched. America wrapped his arms around himself as if trying to offer his own body comfort. "I'm…"

"What?" England asked, worry evident as he leaned in closer. Was America actually going to open up to him?

"I'm…I'm so hungry."

"Maybe Tony will bring you back food."

"Hey, you're right! Did he say he was going out for food? Tony always knows what I like—oh, maybe he'll bring some McRibs! They have to be selling them this time of year, right? Oh, or some alien fast food like fried Zorgon-"


"I don't know, but doesn't that sound like an alien you'd eat?''

"You're making things up, then."

The door swung open [or rather, dissipated] exposing Tony in the doorway. When the slender alien came in the door reappeared after him, looking secure as ever. The smell of fried food wafted through the room. Tony set the sandwiches boxes next to America and blinked.

"TONY! Man, awesome as always." America opened up the first box, his experience with food scents helping him to identify it as a spicy chicken burger with extra mustard. "Mphaf floo fa zur shood" America babbled incoherently, mouth full of burger

"So you aren't planning to feed me?" England questioned dryly. Before Tony could even glare, America tossed a sandwich box at England's head.

"It's something close to a cheeseburger! Eat up~"

Deciding that he would have to put aside his reservations about eating a burger that was 'almost' cow, England ate.

"By the way, Ig, how long was I asleep?"

"A while…" Unfortunately, on top of having to eat a questionable burger, he would also have to endure Tony staring daggers at the side of his head. If only he hadn't went to America's for the night…England wouldn't mind bailing America out of trouble, but having to endure the trouble with him was a different story. Especially if that trouble was named Tony, who England was sure had less than innocent intentions for America. Simply the way that Tony seemed TOO concentrated on America—America's friends listened to the hero spiels, but Tony almost seemed rapt with attention—and it bothered England immensely.

'Oh damn, I've been with them so long I'm seeing expression on THAT face. It's like giving variations of emotions to the classic smiley…no detail to go off whatsoever.'

England realized that during his long winded inner dialogue [which he believed he also was picking up from America] there had been a drastic change in the atmosphere of the room. Tony was now facing America, who was frozen in mid bite, mustard rimming his mouth.


America chewed, swallowed, and then choked.

Before England could rise to help him, America righted himself, coughing and wheezing to catch his breath.

"Tony," America said in a voice that was unusually small for him "I don't know what to say. I'm flattered." The self proclaimed hero fixed a crooked smile onto his face. "Of all the people you could have chosen, you chose me…" America's brow furrowed. "It's all too much to handle at once!" England winced at the insincere 'happy' tone that was in America's voice. "I'm going to go outside to the hallway for a little bit, okay? Just to work out my thoughts and stuff, okay Tony?"

Tony nodded, appearing pleased. 'He's not ecstatic, which is expected, but he said he was flattered! That's practically a yes.' Tony started to imagine what life would be like on his planet with America at his side. His family would most likely think it was a strange union at first, but once they saw how wonderful America was, they would surely fall in love with him as Tony had. ". . .~"

England watched as America left the room, leaving him alone with their alien captor. He was having mixed feelings as well. Although still not being entirely sure about what had just happened between Tony and America, England was smart enough to glean the meaning of the conversation by America's comments alone. 'Ugh. The idiot probably needs me right now. I don't want to stay in here with that thing anyway.'

"Wait, America, I'll go outside too." Getting up, England stepped outside only to find that there was no America in the hall. "Oh." America was gone. America had left him alone with Tony. "America!" England hissed, getting ready to run in search of the energetic blonde before the door to the room opened, Tony standing in the doorframe.

A shadow fell across Tony's face. Grimacing, England tried to sound reassuring as he spoke.

"Don't worry; I'm sure he's around here somewhere. I'll go look for him, and then—oh, there's no need to point that gun at me, you little—I mean, dammit. Damn it, America!"

A/N : The next part will be out by July 4th. I'm trying to make it have actual plot and all that jazz. Also, it will be WAY longer than my other parts. [4,000 words so far, gaiz.] Please forgive me for my long absence. Oh, and one more thing…would anyone like to be a beta reader for me? I'm atrocious when it comes to grammar, so.