Angelchan2012: *walks into room silently*

Shiro: *crying* Why'd she leave us like tha? WHY!

Ichi: *hugging Shiro* I don't know snowflake, but I know she wouldn't just leave and never come back.

Grimm: I hope she comes back soon *looks sadly at dusty laptop*

Angelchan2012: umm…hey guys, I'm back *smiles weakly*

GrimmIchiShiro: You're back! *group hug*

Angelchan2012: Hehehe, yeah I'm back, and I'm hoping you guys aren't too mad-

Shiro: Where the hell were ya? We've been worried sick 'bout ya!

Grimm: What happened Angel? Why'd you disappear like that?

Ichi: *shoves the other two aside* Are you okay Angel? *checks for injuries*

Angelchan2012: I'm fine guys; I guess I just took a longer break than necessary. The whole time I was gone I lost some things and gained others.

Shiro: Whatcha get?

Grimm: What'd you lose?

Angelchan2012: Well…I was able to gain more friends and lose some others. I was also able to gain an acceptance letter to college! *happy dances*

Ichi: That's great Angel, I'm so proud of you

Shiro: Whatcha gonna major in?

Angelchan2012: Forensics

Grimm: sounds creepy….dead bodies and shit *shudders*

Angelchan2012: Don't be such a baby! Now say the phrase so I can continue this story!

GrimmIchiShiro: Please read and review! Angel doesn't own Bleach or its characters!

The week went by too quickly and sure enough it was over. Next week was the date and Friday came by just as quickly for Ichigo. To say he was nervous was an understatement. Is this really okay? I told myself to never go out with clients….well….I guess I could make an exception for this guy…he seems somewhat decent… It was around 6 o'clock when Ichigo closed the clinic, so he took the outfit from the closet and changed in the restroom. He was a bit self conscious about the choice of clothing, well it is a club…so wouldn't this be appropriate? I guess it's been too long since I actually went out… The berry sighed as he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, his hair as messy as it normally is, and he wore a tight red t-shirt with white form fitting jeans and a black belt with studs on it. He also wore a pair of red Chucks to complete the look. He sighed again and looked at his reflection, asking, "Am I really doing this?"

Grimmjow arrived at the clinic and saw the sign stating that it was closed for the day. The blunet smirked and checked the door; seeing it was unlocked he invited himself inside. "Hey, Strawberry, you here?" he called out, laughing when he heard, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He smiled and asked, "Are you ready or what?" "I'm ready, I'm ready!" Ichigo called from the restroom, "Just don't laugh at my outfit, alright?"

As the veterinary came out the restroom, the tycoon couldn't help but rape the other with his eyes. Clothes…tight…really tight…that's hot… Grimmjow couldn't help the naughty thoughts coming into his head and just continued to stare at the younger one, missing what he had said. "Grimmjow? You awake in there or what?" Ichi asked, sounding very self conscious by now. "Wha…? Yes I'm awake! What did you say?" the blunet asked, shaking himself out of his perverted fantasies. The oranget sighed and asked, "Does this outfit look okay? For where we're going, I mean…" The blush on the red head's face was delectable for Grimmjow. He smirked and, leaning by the red head's ear, he whispered, "It looks really sexy on you." The blush that covered the berry's face could put a tomato's to shame. "T-th-thanks," he stuttered, shivering from how close the other was to him. The sex god smirked and said, "Let's get going."

As the two started heading towards Grimmjow's car, Ichigo took that time to view the blunet's clothing. He wore tight blue denim jeans and a black long sleeved button up shirt, buttons undone, with a white muscle shirt underneath. Wow, he looks really good in that, Ichigo thought, trying to keep his eyes off the blunet's muscular frame and sharp jaw line. The oranget couldn't help but gawk at the other's car. "You have a Bugatti Veyron?" the red head asked, shock and awe in his voice. Grimmjow smirked and nodded, his car was a sleek black color with leather interior. This vehicle showed that the blunet was very wealthy and he knew it. Damn, Ichigo thought, to get that kind of car I'd have to sell my family! When the doors opened, they elevated up and made the car look as though it had wings. "Wow…" the oranget whispered. "Nice, isn't it?" Grimmjow smirked, getting a nod from Ichigo allowing the red head to get in first.

The blue haired male tried making some conversation during the drive to Soul Society. "So, um…how long have you been a vet?" Ichi looked over at him in surprise; he wants to get to know me? That's the first time anyone's actually asked anything about me-other than my family and friends… "Oh, well…I've been in the business since I was 20…what do you do?" the red head replied, honestly wondering what the blunet did for a living. Grimm laughed and started with, "Have you ever heard of the Las Noches Corporation?" receiving a nod, he continued, "Well I work for the sixth level of it, the corporation always needs people to keep track of what goes on in the place, and I'm the man in charge of it." "Wow," the red head replied, "that must be difficult work." The blunet nodded and said, "It's not as bad as it seems, the only thing I don't like about it is the boss I have," he gripped the steering wheel tightly in anger, "Aizen is a bastard. Always looking for more power and trying to make things his, even if it is people." Ichigo could practically feel the anger radiating off the other male. "Well that sucks, but we've all got people to work with that we don't like, right?" Ichigo said, trying to make the aura better as he saw the taller male relax visibly. "Yeah, that's true…" Grimm mused, deciding to poke a little fun at the berry, "So what about you? You sure seem calm around a person like me…or are you just nervous?" "Wh-wha?" Ichi stuttered, a small blush dusting his face, "I'm not nervous!"

Grimmjow laughed and said, "Calm down…look, we're here." Ichigo looked out the window and saw a huge; two story building that looked as though it belonged in Las Vegas. There were balconies and a beautiful entrance to the building, and the letters on it read 'Soul Society'. "So cool…" the oranget said in awe, still gazing at the place, until Grimmjow opened his side door and let the berry out. "Right this way…I-chi-go," the blunet said, whispering the red head's name huskily, gaining a nice shudder from said berry.

The blunet gave his keys to the valet and ushered Ichigo to the front of the line. "Well well, look who we have here," a gruff voice chuckled; Ichigo looked up to see none other thank Kenpachi Zaraki at the door. "H-hey Kenpachi," Ichigo greeted, standing as close to Grimmjow as possible. The blunet noticed this and said, "Hey Zaraki, what's up?" The taller male looked at the blunet and said, "Not much, the usual group's here tonight, but what I wanna know is what're you doing here with the strawberry?" Grimmjow smirked and said, "He's my date, you gotta problem with that?" The brute looked at the two and huffed, stepping aside to allow them entrance. The blunet grinned as they walked passed and said to Zaraki, "I thought not."

Once inside, Ichigo sighed and said, "Thank you for that." "For what?" the taller male asked, finding a nice secluded booth for them. "For telling Kenpachi what you told him," the younger replied, "I didn't think I'd be able to say something to him since he's such an ass." Grimmjow laughed and said, "He's nothing to worry about since right now, it's about you and me." The strawberry smiled and nodded. They stayed at the club for a few hours, dancing and drinking together, at one point the two found themselves dancing very provocatively together, not that they didn't enjoy it. They even found out some more about each other. Grimmjow found out that Ichigo is a chocoholic and enjoys reading poetry, while the strawberry discovered that the blunet enjoys driving his fancy cars and watching scary movies. Those were just bits and pieces of what they found out about each other, and they would find out more on the next date.

While the two were sitting at their booth, a short slender man with raven colored hair and emotionless emerald orbs came by. "Grimmjow," the male said, "the others were wondering when you would show up." "Oh, hey Ulquiorra," the blunet greeted, "Who's wondering when I'd show up?" "Those idiots Starrk, and Nnoitra," the raven replied monotonously, before looking over to Ichigo and saying, "But first of all, who is this?" Ichigo thought he'd be able to watch the conversation without being noticed, but his luck ran out. "This is Ichigo Kurosaki. He's my date," the tycoon replied, allowing the other two to nod in meeting. "I see…perhaps I shall tell those two buffoons that you're not here." Grimm nodded in agreement and the couple watched as the monotone man walked away. "Who was that?" the berry asked, "It seems like he needs to get a stick out oh his ass or something." Grimmjow looked at him and laughed, "Hahahahaha! Oh man, you're not the only one who thinks that about Ulquiorra! But damn, that's hilarious!" They both laughed about it and decided it was time to head home.

On the way back, Ichigo fell asleep in the car. He just looks so cute like that, the blunet thought, smiling softly at the strawberry's sleeping form. I guess I can take him back to the flat with me. As they passed the apartments and the clinic Grimmjow couldn't help but think, the things I would do to him…

Ichigo awoke to a weight on his chest and opened his eyes to see a black ball of fuzz on him. The fuzz ball's eyes looked at him and that's when the berry realized it was a cat, and not just any cat…Grimmjow's cat? What's it doing here in my-wait…where am I? Ichigo looked around to see a beautiful carpet on the floor with a fireplace across from the felt couch he was lying on. There were pictures of Grimmjow and other people on the fireplace mantle. So this is his place, huh? Very beautiful, the young man thought. He sat up while Pantera jumped off of him, allowing Ichigo to stand up and stretch, his shirt rising to show some sun kissed skin. The berry wasn't aware of the predator watching him from the kitchen…

Angelchan2012: Well I hope you bunnies liked the newest chapter of Smitten Kitten! I certainly enjoyed writing it! And yes, a cliffhanger! Will there be lemon or not? *evil laugh* you'll just have to wait and see!

Shiro: I wonder what'll happen between Kenpachi and Grimm

Grimm: We're obviously gonna-

Angelchan2012: Shut up Grimm! *smiles* we don't want our bunnies to know just yet!

Ichi: The date was interesting, and why am I being watched?

Angelchan2012: Because I can control your life and I say you're being watched. Now say the phrase so I can update my other stories!

GrimmIchiShiro: Please review! And look out for another chapter of this and other stories!

GrimmIchiShiro: It's really good to have ya back Angel

Angelchan2012: Awwwww! I feel loved!