Sookie POV

We spent the next several weeks involved in all types of political situations. Many vampires wished to move to our state, many politicians (human and vampire alike) wanted to meet and befriend us, remnants of the Fellowship had to be dealt with, and Godric settled into our nest. I was pleased with our progress and glad that everything was aligned so well because it was time.

I needed to devote myself to my husband, state, and vampires; to do that I need to resolve my issues in Faery. I am pleased that Grandfather has accepted my relationship and position with Eric but I knew there were other fairy issues that needed dealing with. Breadan and his allies had become more vicious in their attacks and had come close to getting past palace wards. It is something that I cannot allow. I must speak with Eric. I think the best form of attack would be into Faery. If we could get Niall to close all the portals except the one closest to Breadan and his followers then Eric and I could lead a contingent of vampires against them. They would not be expecting such a direct attack and they would certainly not be expecting vampires. I believe that many eager vampires would sign up for this mission.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" I look up at the curious question and smile at Godric.

"I realize that it is time for something and must speak with Eric. I believe that I may need to return to Faery but with a few vampires I know." I smirk at him and I can see the excitement rise in his eyes at the prospect of a good fight.

"You plan on taking vampires through the portals to Faery?" he was grinning with his head cocked to the side and he had moved closer to me.

"I believe it is time to vanquish my grandfather's enemies so that I may live fully here. I feel very distracted by Breadan's actions and I feel the best way to deal with it is to remove the problem. I am positive of the perfect time. Do you think two nights time will be enough to gather thirty vampires willing to go to Faery?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Sookie" he said circling close to me; leaning into smell my hair "I am positive a great many vampires would follow you anywhere. Eric has not returned from his meeting. He said he would be home by 1 am. Will you allow me the pleasure of your company until he returns, and then we can discuss your plan with him?"

"Sure. I was planning on taking a swim in the pool. It is very pretty in the moonlight."

"I am sure you are as well." Godric teased, smiling.

That evening plans were laid and in two nights, Breadan would feel their wrath.


"Our king and queen will be here momentarily. Is everyone ready?" The vampires gathered before me are as eager as I. Eric chose well. The vampires entering Faery are all able to control themselves and old enough to value this as the gift it is to a vampire. We are all eager for battle and blood, both so very primal. Sookie already met with all of us in smaller groups to explain the plan of action and each vampire's role in this skirmish. She stopped using the term war when she saw the looks of shear joy on our faces.

She is teleporting all of us to the portal we shall use to enter Faery. This keeps the vampires from knowing precisely where the portals are and leaves us with the element of surprise. Niall will have his forces meet us on the other side of the portal. They will secure the portal after our entrance and they will inform us of Breadan's exact location and troop movements, though Niall said Breadan's forces have been dwindling.

No words are exchanged when Sookie and Eric meet us. We all know what we are here for though I do not miss the looks of lust and admiration directed at my child's mate. The air begins to feel electrically charged and smells sweeter. I feel as if I have been shocked with high voltage and instantly I am somewhere else. The area is heavily wooded but eerily silent. Sookie tells us the frequent comings and goings of the water fae have run the off the natural creatures. She walks to stand before an oddly shaped copse of trees and the air before her shimmers. She stands aside with her hand out as if she is holding a door open for us. We all eagerly enter. It is like nothing I could ever imagine and yet like our Earth. The sky is bluer even in their night, the grass greener, the flora and fauna sways and sings. The magic in the air is as tangible and weighty as the humidity of a Louisiana summer. The forces provided by Niall were in charge of guarding the portal and securing the battle grounds to ensure vampires or enemy fairies did not make it out of the battle zone. Our friendly fairies are wearing bright yellow, not easy to conceal but a clear sign to the vampires they are not on the menu.

The water fae have been occupying the north eastern most part of Niall's Kingdom, a forested area with several lakes, access to two rivers, and home to the most beautiful falls. The water fae were completely unprepared for our attack and could do little to thwart us. The moment the water fae looked up and met our eyes the battle began. The water fae, that only moments before looked like whimsical, delicate creatures of nature, charged us with elongated teeth bared and iron swords drawn, little good their iron did to vampires. The bloodlust for both sides was overwhelming. Two thousand years to control my baser instincts yet I cannot tell you exact events of that engagement or recall how I arrived at our nest after the battle, only that the assault on Faery is legendary. Never before has an army of any other race invaded Faery, and a fae princess led the charge to add insult to injury. Breadan and his followers were slain as brutally and as viciously as all their victims had been.

Sookie had probably foresaw and planned for our contingent, vampires were so high from their kills that they barely registered being teleported back through the portal. Though they could not recall exactly how they got to Faery or just how they returned home, they would all forever remember the gift their queen had given them. What vampire would ever forget a good fight and fairy blood in Faery?

Niall was chastised by his advisors and other noblemen for his methods but none could question the peace that followed his actions. His reign was more secure and worry-free than it had ever been and he had his granddaughter to thank. By the time Niall is ready to leave his throne his people may just be ready for Sookie and Eric.