Revealing the Truth!

Chapter 2!

Summary; Bella isn't human! What is she? How does she know Mason Lockwood? Is she related to anyone in Mystic Falls? Can she ever forgive Damon? Is Lexi still alive? How? Why does Bella feel a strong dislike for Bonnie? Set in season/series 2, episode 6, Plan B! Set in New Moon!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight Saga or the Vampire Diaries! Sadly!

This chapter is dedicated to Twicked! She has such awesome stories and her Twilight/Vampire Diaries crossover is amazing! Please check her stories out! :)

~ 10 minutes have passed ~

"Hey guys, do you want to come to the 'falls?" I asked.

"Yeah." Matt and Tyler answered in unison.

"Sure." Jeremy shrugged.

We walked out of the Grill and over to a secluded corner of the parking lot in silence. I looked around and used my extra senses to check that no one was around to see us.

"Grab onto me." I told them.

"We know the drill by now!" Jeremy muttered grabbing my hand.

Tyler and Matt followed his lead, Tyler grabbing my other hand while Matt placed his hand on my shoulder. I thought about where we wanted to go and we dissapeared.

We arrived somewhere near the Lockwood mansion. We found this amazing place one day when I was visiting, we were exploring the woods when we stumbled across it, literally. Tyler and Matt had been goofing off while Jeremy stayed by my side, we were laughing when Tyler pushed Matt a little too hard and Matt fell through some plants, he landed in a small field filled with colourful flowers. Once Jeremy and I had caught up to them we looked around and at the end of the clearing were four different waterfalls. The place just looks so mystical and magical, what makes it even more so is that it always stays like that, just the way we found it.

"What's up?" I asked taking a seat on the flower covered grass.

"Mason's dead." Tyler murmered.

"Katherine is after the Moonstone!" Jeremy exclaimed.

"I feel left out" Matt pouted "These two are/were involved in the action yet I'm still playing the defenceless, clueless human!"

"You don't have to anymore Matt" I soothed "I'm going to make sure that Katherine doesn't get the Moonstone Jere. Tyler, Mason will be coming back. Ok?"

They nodded. They were relaxed more now.

"I can bring Mason back right now Ty, if you want me to, do you?" I questioned.

He nodded with a smile. I smiled too, I love that genuine smile but it's something he doesn't show often, his Father made him put on a mask and now that the mayor's dead Tyler is stuck between being who his Father wanted him to be and making his Father proud or being the real him that has a passion for drawing, not football or violence. This is why I prefer Mason, he encourages Tyler to be who he is and to embrace it, not lock it up in the back of his mind never to be let out in front of the people of Mystic Falls. There are very few who can see through his mask, Carol, his Mom isn't one of them. Don't get me wrong she loves him but Tyler isn't the only one who had to wear a mask. Her real self is too locked up for her to realise the struggle in her son's mind. It's sad really, she used to be a lot of fun before the mayor started ordering her around.

"I'm going to summon everything I need. It shouldn't take long." I stated happily.

I imagined candles, bottles of water and some food, I also thought about how I wanted it all set out and watched as it appeared exactly how I want I imagined Mason and his body appeared along with his heart. I started chanting the words that would bring him back to life.

"Qui bona fecerunt in vitam
Numquam aliquid mali facere
Semper boni parte adiuvi
Lorem reducam eum ad nos
Populo qui diligunt illum
Familiae necessitatibus et eum

(Translations will be at the bottom of the page. It's not exactly word for word because I used google translator and some of the words might be wrong. It's supposed to be Latin.)

The wind picked up and leaves started blowing all around us as a bright white light shone as Mason healed. I summoned some painkillers, he'll have a hell of a headache when he opens his eyes. I smiled as he opened his eyes and blinked blearily.

"Hey stranger" I whispered "Here take these and drink this." I handed him the painkillers and a bottle of water.

He smiled at me in thanks before taking a long drink of the water.

"So, what's the plan?" He asked.

"He's just woken up after being dead and his first words are 'So, what's the plan?' Seriously?" I shook my head in disbelief "Unbelievable!"

I heard the three teens chuckle.

"Hey boys." Mason said as he looked behind me.

"Hey Uncle Mason." They said in perfect unison.

"I've told you all not to call me that so many times, it makes me feel old, not a word Bella, my name is Mason, just Mason." He warily said.

"We know..." Tyler started

"but we..." Jeremy continued

"like to..." Matt chimed in

"annoy you!" They finished together.

Mason shook his head in exasperation but you could clearly see the laughter in his eyes while I was laughing out loud. This kind of thing never gets old. You would think that we wouldn't find it amusing anymore with the amount of times they have done something like this. Mason turned to me with laughter in his eyes and an amused grin at his lips.

"So, the plan?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Eat while I talk." I told him while pointing to the food near him. He complied. "Well, I have to see Stefan and Damon today and I'm guessing that Elena is going to be there so you four can come with me. It will probably be a big shock for them to see Mason especially Damon." I smirked. Maybe while Damon is in shock I'll be able to get a good hit in.

"Oh no, I know that look, we all do! Whatever you're planning, don't do it, it will not turn out well." Mason warned.

The boys looked wary too.

"I'm not planning anything." I faked innocence.

"Stop trying to be innocent, that won't work on us, we've known you too long for it to work on us." Mason informed me.

"Fine!" I pouted "You ruin all my fun!"

The four of them chuckled.

~ About a 2 hour time skip ~

We are now outside the Salvatore Boarding House.

"Should we knock?" Matt asked.

"No, it will ruin the element of surprise." I replied.

I opened the door and walked inside. I motioned for the others to do the same. I listened in with my super senses to find out where the Brothers and the Doppleganger are. I can hear their conversation and it seems like the conversation is coming from the living room.

"Stefan who is she?" Elena asked.

"You'll find out soon, she'll be here soon." Stefan answered.

"Why am I here?" Damon questioned with annoyance thick in his voice.

"You'll see Damon." Stefan replied calmly.

"Hello guys and gal." I said walking into the room casually.

Mason, Tyler, Matt and Jeremy followed behind cautiously.

"Isa." Damon breathed.

"Hello Damon." I replied cooly.

His eyes had gotton wide when I walked in but once he got a glimpse of Mason, his reaction is amusing, his eyes widened more and his mouth dropped open. On the inside I was dying of laughter but on the outside I kept my calm and detached facade. Elena gasped once she got a look at Mason. Stefan, however, didn't look surprised.

"Damon, I thought that you had taken care of Mason Lockwood, you told us you had!" She whispered furiously unaware that everyone in the room can hear her.

"He did but I brought him back." I told her calmly.

"But why would you do that?" She asked.

"Isa, is it really you?" Damon interrupted.

"Yes Damon, it is really me." I answered his question.

"Can I please have some answers!" Elena shouted.

"You don't deserve answers you selfish brat!" I sneered.

I felt a calming hand rest on my shoulder.

"Busy B keep calm, don't let the anger take over." Matt's soothing voice reached my ears and I calmed down a lot more than when he first put his hand on my shoulder.

I took a few deep breaths.

"Thanks Matty." I breathed out.

"Your welcome Busy B, anytime." He replied.

I know that it's true because he's calmed me down a lot of different times before. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my boys looking at me worriedly.

"I will tell you a little part of my story but not all of it." I looked pointedly at Elena as I spoke.

"But..." She started only to get cut off by me.

"No, you will listen as I tell you as little as possible about me. Nearly everyone in this room knows my whole story and the only people who don't will be you and Damon, well in your case right now it's you won't know my full story." I rambled.

I took another deep breath.

I felt my boys surround me and I turned to see that the four of them had crowded around me in a sort of half circle, I smiled slightly at their protectiveness and they smiled back before moving their gazes to Damon and glaring at him. I rolled my eyes. Typical of my protective boys. I smiled at the thought.

Elena opened her mouth to say something.

"You better get comfortable, we may be here for awhile." I told them sitting down on the sofa.

Tyler and Mason sat on either side of me, Tyler resting his head on my shoulder while Mason grabbed my hand, Jeremy sat on the floor in front of me leaning against my legs with his head leant back on my knees while Matt sat in front of Tyler and leaning his head on the side of my knee. I smiled slightly. They know that during this story I'll need their support.

Once Stefan, Elena and Damon had sat down I started to tell my story.

"I was born in..."

Hey guys,

I know that about a week ago I told a few readers that I would update in a few days but I got sidetracked, I have a ton of college work to catch up on because I went on holiday for a month and I need to catch up! Sorry if it's later than I said! The spell is roughly;

"He has done good in life
Never thought of doing anything evil
Always helped the good side
Please bring him back to us
To the people who love him
And the family that needs him"

Like I mentioned I translated it from google translator so I'm sorry if anything is wrong with the translation!

Remember that this chapter is dedicated to Twicked!

Thanks for reading!


BigTimeGleekBTR (Kirsty)! :) x