Author's Note: Thankies to you wonderful reviewers! (: You've definitely helped me through this story and I couldn't have done it without you. It's had it's ups and downs, but doesn't everyone? I do thank each one of you for hanging in there with me, keeping me company(: Like always, I private message the ones who review to tell them thankies(: Here's to actual 14 chapters, :D

Sweat beating off of Fran's face and down into her eyes – soon she would have to use her wipe again. I hate this, I hate the pain. Is all of this worth it? As her husband walked into the room – she knew her answer. Yes. Her eyes pained as they welled up with tears. Fran held their baby in her arms, securely. There isn't anyway that their baby was going anywhere.

"Fran, darling." Max's voice broke. He knew his wife is okay now, but it seemed that if he touched her, she would fall to pieces. "I love you, sweetheart." Max quickly paced himself to her bed, placing his hand on her cheek, leaning down to kiss her.

"I love you, too." Her voice – weak. She strained to talk, he could hear that. Not even her nasal voice sounded usual. "Honey, I remembered the names that we talked about. I thought it would be okay to name her." Each note of her voice coming out in only a simple whisper.

"I love the names, they're perfect."

"It's time to go, C.C." Niles helped his wife out of the hospital bed and into her natural clothes. "I bet your happy to get out of here and into our own bed."

"I am, but I still do not think it's right to leave Fran here by herself." C.C. shook her head. "I know she's fine and I know that she has her family, but..." Niles knew exactly what she meant, but it's good for the both of them to take their baby home.

"I know, sweetheart." Niles kissed her gently before letting her sit in the wheelchair, placing their Ava Selena into her arms. "We'll go visit them before we leave."

Three years later.

Fran, Max, C.C., and Niles all sat around the Sheffield mansion with their children. Gracie had went off to college and fell in love herself, Brighton finally got married to the girl he had been dating for five years, and Maggie was now pregnant herself. Eve and Jonah are four years old and Audrey Cadence and Ava Selena were now two.

"I really think that when their older, we should definitely get Jonah and Selena together for a date," Fran squealed into the air. She had been going on for months about it. "I'm serious, it would be the perfect mixture and our families would be connected."

"Honey, it's like they are already connected." Max as well as the others laughed at Fran. She's always the one to be wanting to put someone together. "If they want each other, they'll want each other."

"I think Fran has a point. Our babies would be perfect together." C.C. keep on and on, just like Fran. It won't be long until they'll definitely have them together.

"Max, I think that all the guys need to get away for a while." Niles finally got a word in as the women started talking. "Hum? What do you say?"

"I say that we should stay. We have wonderful wives." Max kissed Fran, gently. "They won't kill us, Niles. They love us too much for that, don't you girls?"

Fran and C.C. rolled their eyes, "sure." Both said in unison.

Each one laughed as they realized how many things they had over come. Twenty years of bickering for Niles and C.C. Fran and Max always on the verge of losing each other. Maggie thinking she's always pregnant. Gracie not remembering her biological mother. Brighton staying in trouble as a child. But now everything is perfect. They all have their kids and they're all in love.

Author's Note: It's finally and definitely over now. You've got your last chapter. (: Two chapters in one day. You all have been great, I promise. A new 'The Nanny,' fan fiction from me will be posted as soon as I'm done with my Tiva(: I'll miss you all. I hope you do not miss me too much(: It's been great. Love, your wonderful and Queen of Cliff- Hangers – DeeSaundra.