This is my first story so if it's a little you know...crappy, go easy on me and give me some suggestions (I think I spelled suggestions wrong). First few paragraphs are a somewhat corny. A little side note, if you don't see a story on certain days it probably means that i'm either in trouble or I don't have a scedual (I think I spelled that wrong too!). Anyway, on with the story!

"Keep moving, keep moving," she kept saying to herself. She was a brown squirrel with a blue vest and blue boots, her name is Sally Acorn. She was being chased by SWATbots who were currently shooting at her. While she was running she fell into a manhole and landed right on her back onto the cement walkway that ran next to the sewer water.

The breath was knocked right out of her. Finally when she regained access to oxygen, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Hey, let go of m-." She didn't finish her sentence because the mysterious figure cupped a hand over her mouth.

"Shhh, they'll hear you," the unknown person said. Sally could hear the SWATbots pass and when they were out of earshot, the figure took his hand off of Sally's mouth. She wanted to thank the stranger but he was already walking off. "Wait, you're just gonna help me out and not tell me your name?" The stranger walked into a ray of light from an open manhole before turning around to respond.

The figure was a green hedgehog male maybe a year or two older than Sally and maybe an inch taller. He wore a reddish brown vest and spiked wristbands. He also had two earrings in his left ear and a fanny pack. He had shaggy spikes on the back of his head, and crazy long spikes on the front. He spoke in a semi-deep voice with a slight surfer dude accent, so slight that you could barely tell if he wasn't almost yelling

"My name is none of you're business." He took a short pause. "Right now I'm trying to find someone named Sonic the Hedgehog. Do know him?" He spoke in a voice that was sharper than he indented.

Sally responded with interest. "Yeah, I know Sonic. I actually was his girlfriend at one point. But I wanted to ask you, why did you help me?"

Manic gave Sally a little smirk. "Probably 'cause I'm tired of all the SWATbots killing everybody that doesn't follow Eggman's laws. He acts like he owns the world." Manic was trying to think of something else to say, but he couldn't.

Sally took the opportunity to say something. "What's your name? You look familiar."

Manic wasn't to sure that he could trust Sally. He stared deep into her azure eyes. Where have I seen this girl before? Finally he remembered. "You're Sally Acorn aren't you? Leader of the Freedom Fighters!"

"Yes. But that doesn't answer my question. What is your name." Sally spoke more sternly this time.

Manic was shocked. "I can't believe you don't remember me Sal!"

Sally was dumbfounded. "Only one other person has ever called me that!"

"Sonic does, I know. Sally, It's me, Manic. Manic the Hedgehog."

Oh yah! First chapter done! I hope you enjoied it and hope you don't stop reading new chapters. Sorry that this chapter was short but I promise to make the next one longer and better. I need some reviews so I can start my mark on history and feed my knowledge with new ideas. See ya later!