I'm back with another chapter. Two chapters in one month. I'm quite proud of myself. Because I made a promise that during Christmas vacation I would update at least two chapters before it was over. And here it is: the second chapter, ta da (Holds it up proudly for the world to see.

It's probably not that great though, it only took me about three days to write and edit. And it's a little shorter than the others, I think. But oh well. Hope you guys like it anyway. And thanks to flyingcrispi and Lionpawheart for reviewing, along with all of you who added my story to favorites and alerts. You guys are the best!

By the way, if you readers haven't noticed yet, I changed my name to TheNinjaVampire. It's a name I've had on my mind for quite some time and the other was just filler until I found something that I liked more. So I'm still the same person, just have a different name. You guys probably already knew that though. But enough of my talking lets get this over with.

Disclaimer: I do not own AC. It hurts me every time I'm forced to say it.

Chapter 3: Time to leave… Wait what?

Yeah, that incident at the museum disturbed me greatly. After it happened, I hoped that I would never again see the Apple.

Oh, If only I knew!

If only I could go back years from now and tell younger me what would happen, that way she would've been more prepared and accepting of our fate. But alas, it's not possible.

But the incident wasn't the worst part. It's what came after that was bad.

Two days passed since the incident. I would love nothing more than to forget all about it. Normally that wouldn't be a problem for me, but…


Uugggh! Dear lord, not again!

I groaned, knowing what was coming. I open my eyes and, as expected, I find I've ended up in the same damn place, whilst the same damn bitch talks to me. As soon as I hear that fucking voice, I know where I'm going and I cant stop it. All it takes is for me to blink and poof; I'm surrounded by the fucking golden light. I can't avoid it!

No, I'm not dead, although I would probably be better off. And this isn't the first time it's happened. Oh no! This whole fiasco started right after the incident with the Apple. Safe to say, it did something to me and for the past two days I've been going in and out of here. Wherever (or whatever) here is.

It's worse at night. I get these dreams (or visions. I'm don't know anymore), that consist of the bitch and, strangely enough, the Apple of Eden. I never understand what the dreams are about because it's all a blur of pictures that go by too fast for my eyes. The only things I've distinguished are the bitch, the Apple, and a bunch of other crap I can't explain. Nor do I want to, because not everything I see is filled with cotton candy clouds and love. Some of it is not for the faint of heart. I'm talking about mayhem and mass destruction and a field full of dead bodies. Oh, and lets not forget the violence and the fighting. You can't have mayhem and mass destruction and a field full of dead bodies with the violence and the fighting. Am I right? Of course I am.

The woman is beautiful, annoying and dresses like she's from another planet, but beautiful nonetheless. I don't know what her name is, nor do I know why she's talking to me. All I can say is that she has something to tell me. Problem is she's very vague. All she ever says is "the time is approaching" and that I need to "be ready to leave this life".

This is what I've been dealing with for the past two days. Safe to say something is wrong with me, very wrong.

I was beyond freaked out at first and considered seeking psychological attention. But then thought better of it because one) who would believe me if I told them about the Apple? And two) my uncle would throw me in a nut house just so his gold digging whore could move in. So instead, I've decided to regard it as a result of stress and blame my uncle. Yeah, lets go with that, because I refuse to believe that this is the cause of some ancient, piece of shit, device.

God, look what this has done to me. I see and hear things that I know are not really there, and yet I see them anyway. And what's worse is that they feel so… real. Like I am actually here, surrounded by golden light, talking to the beautiful, but still annoying woman who claims she's from an ancient civilization older than man. What the fuck is up with that?

What the hell is happening to me?

"Raven," the voice called me again. And I snapped.

"WHAT?" I snapped, glaring at her. Probably a bad idea since the woman looked very intimidating. Like she had the power to send me into another dimension or something. But I'm too pissed off to care. She was here so I intended to take out my frustration on her.

Luckily, she seemed undeterred from my remark and spoke calmly.

"It's almost time," she said.

"For what?" I growled, quickly losing my patience. I was getting sick and tired of hearing this bitch talk.

"Before I send you away, there are a few things you must know," the voice continued. Send me away? What is this bitch talking about? I'm not going anywhere.

"Where am I going?" I asked, almost afraid for an answer

"You were never destined for the life you live now," the woman continued, ignoring my question. "You were meant for a greater purpose, one that would determine the fate of humanity. Do you remember the Apple of Eden?" How can I forget?

"Yeah, but what's that gotta do with anything?" I asked.

"In time, you will find out," the woman said. "Just not now. And not here."

"Hold on a minute," I demanded, taking a step forward. This is the most communication that we've had. And now that I finally had her talking, I intended to take advantage of it.

"Speak quickly, child," she said. "You don't have much more time left here." Oh, lovely.

"Why did the Apple react to me? Did I activate a defense mechanism? What happened?"

"Because it knew who to find," she answered firmly "That day you came in contact with the apple was the day I was to send you back where you belong. But you're friend interrupted the process. I lost a lot of power that day. But now I have recovered, and I am ready to send you home once more."

"Why me?" I ask simply. "Of all the people on this planet, you chose me? What did you do? Did you do a raffle and you just so happened to pick my name out of the bowl? Is that how it works?" I took a few angry steps toward her until we were close enough to touch, "I want to know why you chose me of all people."

She narrowed her eyes, as if insulted by the bold action. "There are many people on this world who are worthy, Raven, worthier than you." Ouch. No need to be blunt. "But it is not they who don't belong here. You are the one who is out of place. I'm here to set things right and put you back where you belong."

"But I like it here," I argued. "I like my life. It's not a perfect life, but it has its moments. Why cant I just stay here and you go talk to those dudes who you said were worthier than me." I said that last part condescendingly; "surely you would rather have someone who has a better chance of getting the job done, right?"

The woman shook her head; a flicker of pity entered her eyes as she stared down at me. "It does not work that way. You are the only one who can do this. No one else can take charge of what is yours to fulfill. I'm sorry, but it must be done."

I stare at her, in shock. For a moment, I never felt so scared in my life. But than I realized something, and I laughed like a maniac. I even got the bitch looking at me like she was wondering what was wrong with me.

"You know what?" I ask her, not expecting an answer. "I forgot that this is just a figment of my imagination. This place," I spread my arms and spun, "Isn't real, and neither are you. So there's no reason for me to be tripping out because I'm not going anywhere. So suck on that, bitch!"

The woman looked at me, something of amusement in her eyes as she smiled ever slightly. "I'm glad you can still find humor in this situation."

"What situation?" I say almost insanely. "There is none! It's like I said; you're not real. So there's nothing for me to worry about. In a few moments I'll be back in my room getting ready to go jogging with my best friend. And you'll be way out of the picture until tonight when I go to sleep and you bombard me with crazy dreams."

"I wish you luck," she said suddenly, turning serious. "I hope it is not too soon for you. Until we meet again, Raven." And then she is consumed by a bright light and is no longer there.

I blink, just once, and I find myself back in my room, my dull, listless room with just one window to look outside. The sun was still up, and it was the afternoon on a Saturday. I was getting ready to go jogging when I was rudely interrupted when the stupid voice called out to me.

I jumped when my cell phone rang, my Tik Tok (Yes I like Kesha's music. Sue me!) Ringtone played until I rushed over to the nightstand and picked up.


"Bitch where you at?" Mina's playful voice said through the phone. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Chill, slut," I said with equal playfulness. "I'm almost ready. Give me twenty minutes."

"Fine," she drawled out. "But hurry it up! And forget about your promise about ice cream."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said dully, "sometimes I think you like to hang out with me only to get me to buy you stuff."

"Hey Miss cheapskate," Mina objected, "Have you forgotten who's paid for ice cream two times already?"

"Ah, c'mon Mina. You know I'm just playing."

"I hope so," she retorted. I just laughed.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes, laters."

"Alright Raven. Talk to ya soon. Buh bye." I hung up and put my phone down on the bed. It was good to talk to Mina after what I just went through right now.

I stood there for a moment, reflecting what the mysterious woman had said before I got a hold of myself and laughed it off.

"She's not real, Raven," I told myself, running a hand through my hair, "and she's full of shit. Nothing's gonna happen to you. You're not going anywhere. Right now you're gonna go pick up Mina and go out for a nice jog around the park. Nothing to worry about. You'll be just fine." I pause, realizing I was talking to myself like a weirdo. I laughed again, like it was funny, then I frowned.

I need help…

Shaking the awkwardness away, I grabbed my tennis shoes and tugged them on. I looked over at the mirror. I was wearing a pair of black capris that fit nice and tight. I had to admit my butt looked kinda nice in them. I had that along with matching black and white tennis shoes and a white sports bra on the top.

I studied the bra skeptically. Maybe I should put a shirt over it. Yeah sure, it's a hundred and four degrees outside, but I don't wanna attract unwanted attention. Better just put a shirt over it and~


I screamed in agony and collapsed against the mirror. The impact was so great it cracked. Large shards of glass collapsed on the ground along with me. The pain came from nowhere and gave me no warning. It felt like someone dropping a hot iron on your hand, and they didn't take it off. I writhed, trying to fight off the pain that was slowly consuming me. But to no effect. The pain was so great; it was enough to make me curl into myself, clenching my burning hand. Soon it was everywhere.

My room was disappearing, all light and color was being sucked away, replacing it with darkness. But I hardly noticed, the pain was consuming my every thought. And it was only getting worse. I screamed, I kicked, and I pounded the ground with my fist, cutting them against glass, anything that would distract me from the agony.

And yet, despite the immense pain, I felt a sense of de ja vu. Like I've experienced this already. And not long after, it occurred to me that I have experienced this. It was the same damn pain that I felt at the museum with the Apple. That same, fire consuming torment I went through. And it hurt just as bad.

"I'm sorry it has to be like this," the voice said to me. I could barely catch it over the pain, but I heard. And I had only one thing to say to that.

'F… fuck you," I said through clench teeth. I shut my eyes, hoping that death would come quick.

For some reason, and I don't know why, I thought about my mother and father. I could see my mom's warm smile, remember my dad's strong arms as he carried me. And then the memory of them holding each other close as the flames came closer. I remember wanting to help them, but they told me to run, that it wasn't too late for me to save myself. And I did, like a coward I ran out of the house and watched as the flames swallowed it. I remembered how much I cried, how much I wished I were with them. I remember how unfair I thought it all was. A child should never have her parents taken at the fragile age of six.

'Mom… Dad… I'm so sorry. I love you…'

Then, like someone flipped a switch, the pain stopped.

I opened my eyes slightly, afraid to jinx myself, only to have them fly open when I realized I wasn't in my room. Instead I was in a cold, dark alley. And when did it become nighttime? Wasn't it sunny and bright just a few minutes ago?

I pushed myself up so I was sitting up with both my legs spread out. I groaned, rubbing the back of my head. "Well that was pleasant," I said sarcastically. "Where the hell did the bitch take me?"

That was a good question. Where the hell am I exactly. I don't think I'm anywhere near my neighborhood. None of the alleys there look anything like this one. In fact, I don't think Chicago even has alleys like these anymore. Maybe they did six hundred years ago, but certainly not now. It kind of reminds me of those movies where the main guy is in some foreign country like Spain and they get lost and end up in alley looking something like this. Than he gets attacked by these thugs. So that leads to the question of why am I just sitting here looking like an easy target?

Getting up quickly, I dust myself off and look around for an exit. That was when I spotted light flowing out of one of the passages and decided to go to it. It leads me out of the alley, and I thought that was the end of my problems.

But it was only the beginning.

"What the fuck…" I mutter when I see… well, not my neighborhood. Not even Chicago. This whole scene looked like something from… my history book.

"Holy shit…" a group of men, wearing armor and swords at their hips strolled by me (and let there eyes travel my body). There were four of them; one of them reminded me of Juggernaut because he had hardcore serious armor from head to toe and brandishing a lethal heavy axe. And I'm not talking the kind of axe that chops trees. I'm talking about big ass, battle-axe. The scary part? He also took time to stare at me before going his merry way with his comrades. Yikes…

What the hell was going on? No law enforcement dresses up like that today? And what about these people? They look like they're all dressed up for a Renaissance festival. In fact, the whole place seemed Renaissance based. What with the whole street performers, those guys with those… what the hell are they called again? I don't know! They look like tiny acoustic guitars. They're going around chasing people and singing for them. Some ignore and others stand and listen.

"Come, friends! I have fresh leeches." I turned to the source of the voice, my jaw dropped.

"Oh my god," I whisper in horror. The man was wearing the same black robes, long pointed nose mask, and hat as those doctors did during the bubonic plague.

I stare at my environment, the buildings, the people, the markets… This isn't my neighborhood. This isn't even Chicago. I don't even think this is America. And if this place is what I think it is, then I am royally fucked.

"Toto," I say when I notice people staring weirdly at me. "I don't think I'm in the Twenty first century anymore."

Sorry if the ending was a little lame. Couldn't really think of anything else.

Reviews and Constructive Criticism is always welcomed. Hoped you all liked it. Thanks for reading.

Peace out! ;D