Chambers of the Soul

Summary: Bella lives with her abusive father; Charlie, her older brother; Maxi and her younger sister; Harmony. She almost thinks there's no hope but what happens when the new family comes to town? Will she ever be happy? What if Bella and her siblings became happy and then someone came back to haunt them…

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. All characters and other twilight-related things belong to SM. I only own the storyline.

Bella Swan POV.

My name is Isabella, but you may call me Bella. I have an older brother, Maxi whose 19 years old and a younger sister, Harmony whose 5 years old.

You would think we're a happy family from those few sentences but we're not. My dad, Charlie and mom, Renee split up when Harmony was 1. Mom went to Florida and married a baseball player, Phill. We were left with dad because she couldn't handle us. At first dad was okay, he had a hard time coping and kept to himself. Then things changed. He was late home from the station one day because he went out with the guys for a few drinks. He realized the alcohol took away the pain. He got addicted to it and then started to take drugs. Harmony had been just 2 years old and each night Maxi and I feared for her safety.

I tiptoed my way across the landing to her room. I pushed open the door and took in her tiny form curled up on the bed. The thin adult comforter was only slightly draped over her. She was led on her right side and her left leg was straight out on top of the mattress. Her right leg was bent slightly. I didn't fail to notice the bruises that made their selves visible on her bare feet and legs. Her torso was covered by the comforter and her arms by sleeves.

I gently brushed the brown mass of curls from her face and shook her a little. "Wake up, sweety. You have to get up."

She groaned and stretched, wincing as the bruises throbbed. She sat upright in bed and tiredly rubbed her eyes with her battered curled up fists. "Is Dadda gone?" she whispered, her voice laced with fear.

I nodded and scooped her up into my arms and carried her down the stairs.

Maxi was making breakfast as fast as he could go with his stiff joints. He always had the most beatings because he stuck up for me and Harmony.

I set Harmony on a chair and gently handed her a bowl of her favourite cereals. You had to do calm, slow movements around her because she was so alert and anxious.

"Do we have to go to school today?" I whined to Maxi as I swirled my uneated cereal around the bowl.

He chewed a piece of egg and swallowed it with his milk. "Yes. People will get suspicious. Harmony, you will go to the babysitter okay?" he asked, turning to face Harmony.

Harmony shrugged and winced from the movement. "Okay. And before you start; I know the rules. No tell what really goes on at home, I don't go to school because I can't get there and Dadda says it's to early for me to start, I can't take off my jacket or show any of my bruises." Her face was so serious with understanding. I just wanted her to be happy.

Harmony didn't go to school because Charlie didn't trust her with making friends. He thought she'd slip up and tell people what went on.

After breakfast I went upstairs and covered the bruises on my face with make-up and then I got dressed in a long-sleeved sweatshirt and a pair of plain slouch jeans. I hated covering my body; it was boiling outside today.

I sighed before following Maxi and Harmony up the sidewalk. We dropped Harmony off at the babysitter's house and then walked the rest of the way to Forks High.

"I'll see you at Lunch, stay safe." Maxi whispered as he pulled me into a brotherly hug.

I hugged him tight. "I will, stay safe too." I waved him goodbye as I slowly limped to homeroom.

I sighed as I slid into my seat at the back of the class. Everyone seemed to stay away from me; the ones that got close enough only did to tease me, the rest just kept to them selves.

Mr. Hopkins did the register and let us chill out. I did my biology homework. My hand ached from the burning pain that went up my index finger from the night before. Charlie had wacked me across the cheek and I had went flying; smacking my right hand into the glass table.

As I was heading out of the class at the end of the lesson a cold, strong arm pulled me back, making me wince.

I turned, limping, to look at who it was.

No one I had ever seen before. He had a wave of bronze hair that flopped into his topaz eyes. His skin was smooth and pale. He smiled warmly at me. "I'm Edward Cullen, I'm new here, and may you show me where…"he glanced at his schedule "biology is?"

How hadn't I noticed someone like him in the class?

I nodded and limped out of the doorway and up the corridor to my next class; biology. What a coincident.

"Your limping pretty badly, is your leg okay?" Edward suddenly asked.

I nodded and clenched my jaw. "I fell down the stairs." The lie didn't even sound convincing to my ears.

Even if he didn't believe it he didn't say anything.

The rest of the day seemed to go fast after that.

I stuffed my books into my rucksack and limped to the cafeteria. I stumbled over to the table near the back as I spotted a familiar big build. My brother. Just before I fell from tiredness Maxi caught me, slipping his arms under my elbows. He grabbed a chair and sat me down next to him, giving me a worried look.

"I did warn you this morning." I whispered, resting my head against the cool table.

"You didn't exactly word that you weren't feeling well. You just whined about going to school." He whispered, brushing a strand of brown curls from my sweaty face.

"I'm just exhausted." I reassured him.

"Of course you are." He muttered as he pushed a bag of sliced apples towards me. "eat." He demanded.

I sighed and stuck my hand in the bag, pulling a slice out. I gently chewed it, my jaw killing with each movement.

"Oh look the anorexic is eating!" a voice yelled.

I groaned and faced away from everyone.

"What a freak." Someone else muttered.

Something hit me on the back and I turned a little to see Lauren Mallory glaring at me.

Maxi's face slowly started to turn red; his whole body clenching.

He was going to burst.

He got up; knocking his chair over backwards and stormed over to Lauren's table where Mike, Jessica, Eric and Tyler were sitting. Mike and Jessica had shouted out at me.

Maxi thumped his fists hard down on the table, making them all jump. "Don't you dare speak to my sister like that. None of you understand what she goes through everyday of her life. You all have it easy, so carefree. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all! Most things are best to be kept to yourself!" he spat, his teeth gritted.

He stormed away leaving the whole cafeteria silent. He came back to me and saw my tear-stained face. He pulled me into a hug and murmured things to me.

He then half-carried me out of the double doors and onto the grass outside. As we made our way out there I noticed the whole Cullen table staring at us with worry. That was an expression I wasn't used too.

I sighed as I pressed myself against the soft grass. "I hate it….I hate it." I repeated, my body breaking down. I pulled myself up and began rocking furiously.

Maxi sat opposite me; taking hold of my shoulders. "Bella." He voice was stern but comforting. "I need you to calm down. Deep breaths. Everything's okay, everything's going to be fine."

I choked on a sob and then collapsed into his arms, clinging to him with dear life. "I just want it to stop…everything to stop…for life to stop…" I cried.

I felt his tears drip into my hair. "Me too, me too." He mumbled. "But we have to stay strong for Harmony."

When I was calmed down I limped back to the cafeteria with Maxi by my side and slumped down into my seat. I didn't fail to notice the loud gossiping turn completely silent at our entrance. I covered my face with my curls and stared at the table; my appetite gone.

Guilt washed over Maxi's face. "Bella, I have to get to class early, I love you. Wait for me in the parking lot." He kissed my forehead and hugged me before he slowly walked in pain to his class.

I sighed and got out my sketch pad; slowly letting the pen make its way along the page. I ignored the horrible stabbing pain.

My drawings were never happy ones. They were filled with sadness, just black outlined pictures.

I glanced down at my picture. A sad pair of eyes stared back at me. The left eye had a tiny tear in the corner of it. I sighed. Those eyes were familiar; they were my eyes. I flipped to a new page and started to sketch Harmony's curls. I then moved to her eyes and slowly made my way down the rest of her face.

I felt the chairs around the table scrape back but didn't dare look up. Probably people ready to pester me some more.

As I gently shaded Harmony's lips I felt someone nudge my arm. I held in the gasp of pain. I looked up.

Not the people I'd thought I'd see.

What do you think? Should I continue?

This is just a tester.

I have great plans for this story!

Please review!

10 reviews for next chapter!

