Chambers of the Soul

Summary: Bella lives with her abusive father; Charlie, her older brother; Maxi and her younger sister; Harmony. She almost thinks there's no hope but what happens when the new family comes to town? Will she ever be happy? What if Bella and her siblings became happy and then someone came back to haunt them…

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. All characters and other twilight-related things belong to SM. I only own the storyline.

5 months later

"Hello Dear Jesus,
It's been a long, long time.
I hope that you still know me,
I've been hiding quite awhile.
I know that you know all things
Still, I think I should explain,
The reason I've been hiding
Is because of all the shame.
I know that I don't look so great
for meeting up with you
But I hope you understand
I've been alone since I was 15.
You probably see the dirt marks
And smudges on my face
but it seems no matter how I try
some things can't be erased.
They say that eyes are windows
that peer into the soul.
I'm afraid that if you look there,
You'll find it dark and cold.
I'm not sure why it is, Lord,
But you won't see any tears.
I guess they've just been locked up
inside me all these years.
I know that limp and lifeless
is my unruly hair.
I guess that's just what happens
when no one really cares.
And if you ask a question
I won't have much to say.
I've found that no one really wants
to hear me anyway.
And if you care to listen,
Sit quiet and you'll hear
How hard my heart is pounding.
That's because of all the fear.
You'll notice that I wrap my arms
around me all the time.
I do that for protection
of the things that should be mine.
See, not so very long ago,
Without an ounce of care,
Someone took away from me
Things I never meant to share.
And if you find I tremble
when you come close to me,
It's because of all the dreadful things
That someone did to me.
Jesus I'm so sorry
If these things have saddened you.
But when I cried out to you
You never told me what to do.
I know that in my mother's womb
You created me
And I can't help but wonder
Is this what I was meant to be?
They say that you are everywhere,
With each and every one,
But it seems that on those dark nights
You left me all alone.
They tell me that you love me
And I suppose it's true,
But Jesus, please remember
That he said he loved me too."

"Hey Bells." Maxi greeted happily as he closed the door to my room and sat down on my bed. "Reading old poems?"

I nodded. "I just…it seems so unreal to be where we are today. These poems are clear memories for me, even now." I looked at him closely and beamed inside at how healthy he looked. His cheekbones had risen, his face had filled out, and there were no more dark circles under his eyes. He looked so lively and vigorous.

He smiled softly and took my old journal from me. "No more living in the past, Bells, the Cullen's love us and we're part of their family now. Dinner's done anyway." He told me.

I nodded. "Sure, that's true." I was finally happy. Someone in this world had accepted us for who we were. They loved us. They really did. We finally had a family that cared for us.

I followed Maxi out of my room and we both headed down to the dining room for dinner. Having food available to us all the time was also a change, but definitely a good one. Food was just so tasty.

"Hello Maxi, Bella!" Esme greeted in the dining room where she was dishing out some boiled potatoes onto our plate. "Come sit down, Carlisle has some wonderful news!" She beamed happily and fluttered to her seat, picking up her cutlery from the end of the table as she went to hand to us.

Confused, I pulled a chair out and sat in-between Edward and Harmony (who was sat on a giant medical book to reach the table). Edward greeted me with a small kiss but seemed too occupied with Harmony at the current moment.

"So, what do you guys want to tell us?" Maxi asked as he sat on Harmony's other side and began chopping up her food for her. She loved living with the Cullen's.

Carlisle sat up a little straighter in his seats, pretending to eat some food for Harmony's sake. "Charlie and Renee have been charged with the required charges. Renee, for obvious reason, was not charged with any serious offense, but was charged and fined for supporting the act of child abuse and being aware of it but failing to report it. Charlie was sent down to a minimum of 40 years in prison, and it is certain you won't be seeing either of them ever again."

I nodded and looked at little Harmony, at how far she'd come. She was so strong and so bubbly and confident with herself now. She was just like any other child, and I didn't want either of her parents to ruin it again. "Thank you…for fighting for us…for helping us. I never thought we would do it. All though I believe that anyone who hurts a child should get life in prison or the death penalty, I'm thankful they did at least something for us…"

Carlisle smiled softly. "You're a very sweet girl, Bella."

I smiled in return.

When dinner was over, I took Harmony's hand gently and led her out to the back yard. It was a hot day, and Emmett and Jasper had set up the pool days before. I took her over to the pool where Jasper was filling up his water gun with an evil laugh. I tried to not pay attention to his glittery skin.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, causing him to jump.

"Well…" He said innocently as he clicked the gun into place. "I'm going to attack your boyfriend."

With one more evil laugh, he aimed the gun at Harmony and splashed her with the water before running off to the house.

I sighed and laughed at our big brother as Harmony recovered from the shock of the water.

"Swim now Bella?" She asked happily, already reaching to take off her t-shirt to reveal the swimwear underneath. We were prepared.

Before I could answer her, Emmett ran out of the house, swooped her out of my grasp and swung her into the air and into the pool.

"Emmett!" I scolded as he jumped in behind her. "She still has her clothes on!"

He picked her up in the water, pulling her close to his chest and taking off her now drenched clothes. "Sorry Bells, but if she had listened to you, she'd have been waiting for hours!"

Harmony giggled loudly as her big brother span her into the air and caught her before she submerged under the water. Due to the drowning Charlie had put her through, swimming under water still frightened her, but we were slowly helping her recover from her mental trauma. She was doing so well.

She was such a happy little girl now, always smiling and laughing and eager to try out new things.

"BELLA!" Edward roared behind me as he came running out of the house. The Cullen's were absolutely wild, that much was obvious. You did get used to it after a while.

"What?" I asked him with a smile as he pulled me to the side and hid behind me from the water gun Jasper was aiming at us.

"Put that down!" He told his brother. "Or the girl gets it!"

"I'm not scared of her." Jasper exclaimed, following his words by hitting me with a load of water.

I stood there in silence, debating how to kill them both. "Get out of my sight now," I joked. "Before I hang you from the tree and bitch-slap you."

Edward looked at me in shock and then jumped into the pool; splashing both Emmett and Harmony.

Harmony scowled at Edward and crossed her little arms. "No fair Daddy!"

I grinned at the sight. She loved Edward so much and seen him as a father-figure in her life. He loved the idea of her calling him daddy, and I was happy with it too.

"Oh really?" He questioned her as he took her gracefully from Emmett's arms and placed her on his back. He swam around the pool, holding on to the happy moments we were grateful to have.

I sat on the grass for about 1 hour, watching Harmony and the boys having fun in the pool. Esme came to join me, settling down with her shades and her blanket; shielding her skin from the sun. They sparkled when exposed to sunlight, and even though we knew this, they were still worried about effecting Harmony.

She didn't seem too bothered though to be living with vampires, and she had seen their fast speed and their sparkly skin many, many times.

Seeing the boys and her 'daddy' sparkle in the pool didn't seem to faze her. I didn't even think she noticed.

"You and Maxi have blessed all of our lives, especially Harmony." She told me softly as she rubbed my hand. "You've all grown into wonderful, strong people. We are so proud."

"I'm so happy to be able to have a new life…" I thanked the Cullen's; grateful they had accepted us and made us feel special.

We were finally happy.

So, this story is done I think. Thanks for following it all the way, I'm so grateful. I do have other stories up, so feel free to read and review them too!:)

Sorry for any mistakes, I don't have time to proofread this...

I love you guys!