Edward left me broken and I thought I was unfixable. For months I sat in my room doing nothing but sulking, thinking about him. He was my air, my life, my everything. Then I found Jake.

Jake and I started to hang out in his garage, fixing up the motorcycles I bought from the neighbor. Jake started to heal the gaping hole in my heart. He was my best-friend. I even met a few of his friends, Quil and Embry. We became the four best friends in La Push. That was until Embry joined Sam Uley's cult. The one that him, Quil and Jake swore never to get involved in. He just abandoned us. And now Jake was doing the same.

Billy wouldn't let me speak to him. I wasn't allowed to come to La Push. Charlie was even starting to get upset at Billy because he wouldn't let me visit him, saying that Jake had mono.

I had talked to Quil. We were the only people we had left. He said that Jake had missed some school and then he came back to school hanging with Jared, Paul, and Embry, all part of Sam's cult.

Now I was driving to La Push to try and figure out what Jake's problem was. It was pouring down rain as I pulled up to the Black house. I saw Billy peek through the window with a frown on his face. I heard another car pull into the driveway. I recognized it as Quil's. He had a smile on his face when he saw me.

"Bella. What are you doing here?"

"I just came to figure out what Jake's problem is and why he ditched us. Why are you here?"

"Same. He won't even look at me, nonetheless give me a reason as to why he ditched us. He just says that it would be too dangerous for us to be around him."

"Oh. He won't even talk to me. Billy said that he had mono and wouldn't let me come visit or even talk to him on the phone." I said with a frown.

"Billy told me that too. But then he comes to school hanging out with Sam and his posse." Jake came running out from the woods then. He looked at Quil and I, then went into the house.

Quil banged on the door. Billy answered. "Bella, Quil. Why are you here?" he didn't seem happy that we were here.

"We came to talk to Jake. He use to be our friend." Quil said.

"Well, he can't talk right now. So you'll just have to leave." This just made me blow. I was infuriated with the lies and excuses.

"Billy, let us speak to him." I demanded.

"Bella, Quil, I think it best if you leave."

"No. We're not leaving until we talk to Jake."

"Bella, let's just go. Obviously we aren't welcome here." Quil pulled on my arm, dragging me out of the house. Once outside, I sobbed into Quil's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me in a comforting gesture.

"Shhh, Bella. It's ok. Jake is just being a jerk, I guess. We don't need him. We still have each other, right?" He looked down into my eyes. I nodded into his chest. "Bella, I won't ever leave you. And I know Jake promised that, but I intend to keep that promise."

I was glad that I could still have Quil. He was my best friend now. Jake was my best friend, but he decided that he didn't want me anymore. Why does everybody have to leave me? First, my love. Then my best friend. Somehow, there was just a little voice in my head saying that Quil was always going to be there. I don't know how I could think that, but I just felt like I was right this time.

"Hey, how about we go see a movie together or something tomorrow? I think we both need the stress reliever."

"Yeah. That would be nice." The tears were starting to disappear and we were both soaked from the rain.

"Ok. And we can go to dinner after or something. Or just a walk on the beach, depending on the weather, of course. I don't care. I'll pick you up at four."

"Ok. Yeah. That would be nice. I'll see you at four, then." I gave Quil another hug before walking off to my truck and Quil went to his car.

On the car ride home I thought about the days events. First, Jake just walks past us, not even bothering to talk to us. Then Billy basically orders us away. And then there was Quil. I had no doubt in my mind that he would keep his promise. I knew that wasn't normal of me. Even when Jake vowed his promise of presence in my life, I had some doubt because I figured that if Edward didn't want me, neither would Jake. I thought that I would feel the same way with Quil, but I didn't.

I got home and saw that Charlie's cruiser was in the driveway. "Shoot." I muttered to myself. I hadn't told Charlie where I was going.

"Hey, Bella." Charlie called from the living room. "Where have you been?"

"Um. I went over to Jacob's house. I wanted to see why he was avoiding me."

"Bella, why the hell would you do that? I told you not to go over there. I didn't want you to be disappointed again. What happened?"

"Well, Quil showed up shortly after I did. He was there for the same reason I was. Jake walked by us without saying anything to us. And Billy told us to leave. Quil and I are going to the movies tomorrow. Just to get away from everything."

"Bells, I'm sorry. I know that he helped you a lot. But I just can't stand to see you in such a zombie state again. I really hope things work out between you guys, but don't get your hopes up."

"I won't, dad. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight."


I woke up the next to the sound of my loud and obnoxious alarm. It was eight o' clock and I had to get ready to run a few errands. I got a shower and got dressed. After that I grabbed a bowl of cereal and brushed my teeth before heading out the door, noticing that Charlie's cruiser wasn't in the driveway.

I ran to work to get my paycheck and then to the bank to get it cashed. I had to go to the grocery store to pick up food, seeing as our fridge looked pretty empty. I also needed to drop a few things off at Angela's and then I went home. It was 11 o' clock by the time I got home.

I put the groceries away and made myself some lunch. I still had 5 hours until Quil was picking me up. After washing my dishes and writing a note to Charlie that he would have to heat up leftovers for dinner, I decided that I would do laundry and some homework to pass the time.

I finished my homework around 2 o'clock. I still had two hours to kill. There was nothing on T.V. and nothing else to do. I got dressed, put some make-up on and continued to read Wuthering Heights again.

I got a text from Quil saying that he was on the way and that he would be here in 15 minutes. I set the book aside, put my jacket by the door and looked myself over in the mirror before I heard a knock at the door. I answered it to see Quil standing there, with a smile on his face.

"Hey. You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah." I smiled. I grabbed my jacket, sliding it on as I walked to the car. Quil held the door open for me and I slid in. Quil placed himself in the drivers' seat and backed out of the driveway.

"So how has your day been?" He asked glancing over at me.

"Good. I just did a few chores, ran to the store and did some homework. Nothing exciting. How about yours?"

"It was slow. I've been waiting for this moment all day. It's nice to get out of La Push and get to see you again."

"Yeah it is." The rest of the car ride was filled with a comfortable silence.

We arrived at the theatre soon afterwards. Quil pulled in and stopped the car.

"Why thank you young gentleman." I said as Quil helped me out of his car.

"Why, you're welcome Ms." I giggled at his humor. He started to laugh too.

We bought our tickets and bought some snacks. We found our seats and began chatting until the movie started. The comedy of the movie was a nice release for me. I could tell it was for Quil too. The movie ended and we decided to head for dinner.

"So did you like the movie?" He asked me as we just sat down to eat.

"Yes I did. Did you?"

"Yes. Bella, could I ask you something?"


"Well, I know that you haven't had the best luck with guys, and I would think that your trust level has probably gone down a bit for them. You know after Edward left you and everything that has happened with Jake lately. But, I have really come to know you the past few months. And I know that it was probably just lust at first, but I really have come to like you. And I am glad to have the friendship that we have gained over the past few months. I don't know what you will say to this, but whatever you say I hope that we can still at least have our friendship. What I am trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" His eyes met mine and they looked worried.

No, I didn't have very good luck with guys. And yes, my trust had gone down slightly. But I really liked and trusted Quil. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend." I said with a smile. He smiled, too.

We chatted and just had a good time for the rest of dinner. We were soon finished. It was 7:30 when we left the restaurant and the sun was starting to set. Quil and I got in his car and he drove off back towards La Push. He pulled into the beach and we got out.

We walked across the shore line, holding hands in the comfortable silence. We walked for some time before Quil led me to a rock and sat down. I sat in front of him, with his arms around me, watching the sun set over the ocean.

"Beautiful, isn't it." He murmured with his lips against my hair.

"Very." I said. The sun had just set and it was now dark.

"I should probably get you home now." We got up. Quil led me to his car. We drove off and got home in about 20 minutes. Quil walked me up to the door, with our hands clasped together.

"I had a really good time tonight, Quil."

"Yeah. I did too. Have a good night. I will see you later."

"Yeah. How about we go somewhere again next weekend?"

"Ok. That would be nice. You get to choose this time."

I thought for a second. "Well, the carnival is next weekend. We could go there."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then. Goodbye, Bella." He whispered, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Quil." I went inside and watched out the front window until his car was out of sight.

"Is that you, Bells?" Charlie called from the living room.

"Yeah, Dad."

"You have a good time with Quil?"

"Yeah. I had a really good time with him." I smiled and made my way upstairs.

I showered and replayed today in my head. Everything about tonight had been perfect.