Agena K


Dick/ Tim


Disclaimers: I do this for love not money. They aren't mine. Worst luck.

Feedback: please


Dick and Tim were in the back of the limo headed to The Gotham Children's Fund Charity Ball.

Damien was out with Bruce on patrol because Dick was Master of Ceremonies and Tim was representing Wayne Enterprises.

It was decided that Babs and Commisoner Gordon were going to meet them there when babs was ready,

because Dick had to be there early to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Dick and Babs were was busy texting the details of the evening , and catching up on the days events.

Tim looked over and said "Hey your texting looks like comic book speech bubbles. Can you imagine if our lives were in a comic book?"

Dick turned to Tim and laughed. "Yeah right, like that would ever happen, twerp."Dick put Tim in a headlock and gave him a noogie.
