Disclaimer: I own nothing. I'm just playing.

OK folks! I know I have some unfinished pieces in the works and I am so sorry! I will do my best to get back to those, but I was in need of a break away from the angst during my favorite time of year (I LOVE Christmas). This is all lemon/all fluff and all ROGAN.

This story will take place after the first X Men movie, then continue on under the belief that X Men 2 and X Men 3 never happened. There will be cutesy little Rogan moments, plenty of sex and there WILL be a Rogan baby in this, so just be prepared.

Each chapter will cover how Logan and Marie spend a specific Christmas together.

Logan leaned against the door frame of the large great room as children scurried about, carrying lights and ornaments to the large tree that towered in the center of the room. His eyes fell upon Marie, who sat in the corner with her arms crossed across her chest.

It was her first Christmas since the Liberty Island incident, and, no doubt, her first Christmas away from home. She looked downright miserable as the merriment around her ensued.

He couldn't blame her. With him and Magneto in her head and parents who'd abandoned her, she was on track to have the worst Holiday season ever.

Logan pushed off of the door frame and walked over to her. He knew she felt him standing over her, but she refused to speak.

He sat down next to her and sighed, "So who are you supposed to be? Ebeneezer Scrooge? You hate Christmas or somethin'?"

Marie glanced up and favored him with a brief eye roll before she looked back down at her lap, "I actually happen to like this time of year very much...I love Christmas..."

"So what's the problem?"

She let out a breath and stood to brush past him, "Nothin'..."

Logan groaned and followed her to the front doorstep. He had promised her he would take care of her...and recently, that included her emotional state.

The air was cold and it looked like it would snow soon. The mansion was set for a perfect, picturesque white Christmas.

He sat down next to her, "Come on, kid...either quit your poutin' or talk. You're ruining the mood around here."

Marie looked at him and bit her bottom lip, "You'll think it's stupid."

Logan pulled out his cigar and lit it, "Try me."

She stared out over the expansive lawn and shrugged, "Christmas has always been my favorite time of year...it was always special at home. The tree, the family, the opening of the presents...I guess all this is just a rude awakening that I'll never have that big family Christmas ever again..."

"Don't think like that, kid. You'll have that again."

Marie laughed bitterly, "Yeah. Me and my poisonous skin...I'll be surrounded by plenty of people."

Logan shrugged, "Chuck says you might be able to control it one day."

"I know this is the season of perpetual hope and all, but even you shouldn't sound that ridiculously optimistic."

He blew some smoke out of his mouth, "When did you become such a downer?"

She smirked, "When I absorbed your personality." Logan let out a small grunt as she stood, "Thanks for talkin' to me. I'll try not to keep bringin' everyone down."

He put a hand on the opposite side of the door frame to keep her from entering. Logan looked down into her sad, brown eyes, "It'll be alright, darlin'...you'll have the Christmas you deserve."

Marie's eyes were full of beautiful, bright hope for a full five seconds before her shoulders slumped again and she allowed the feelings of uncertainty and doubt to take over her mind. She sighed, "Thanks Logan..."

Logan sat at the kitchen island, almost frantically flipping through a Target catalog, "Ro...how many shopping days til Christmas?"

The weather witch put down her mug of tea and furrowed her eyebrows, "Five...why?"

He mumbled something inaudible before groaning and looking back down at the book as he continued to flip through the pages.

She leaned forward, "What are you doing?"

Logan looked up at her, "Shopping..."

Storm almost felt the need to repress a giggle, "For whom?"

He folded the catalog up and shoved it into his leather jacket pocket, "You always this nosey, Ro? Need to stop hangin' with Scooter."

Logan left her with a perplexed look on her face, which she soon dropped. Everyone knew how much of an ornery bastard Logan could be. Why should Christmas be any different?

Logan went out late that night and didn't return until the early morning hours, much to Marie's confusion and disappointment. Bobby, Kitty and most of the other children had gone home for the holiday and she was feeling more alone than ever.

She figured Logan had disappeared into some seedy bar to pick up a red head that reminded him of Jean. She didn't blame him though. She was just the kid he took care of. What kind of loser would want to end up stuck at a school, night after night with just a teenager to talk to?

For the next several nights, she went to his room at about to same time to see if he might be interested in watching a movie or hanging out, since she was pathetic and lonely...but he was missing every night.

On Christmas Eve, Logan surprised her by staying home and participating in the Christmas festivities around the mansion. The professor threw a party for the staff and the handful of unfortunate children whose parents had banned them from ever coming home again. The party included plenty of food, drink, movies, stories and fun.

While some of the children watched a marathon of classic Christmas specials, Peter, John and Jubilee were playing a rather involved game of Monopoly while most of the staff were sitting in the kitchen, laughing and sipping on spiked egg nog and mulled wine.

Logan declined both seasonal drinks in favor of his personally purchased six pack of Molson's. He glanced at his watch and sighed before leaving the kitchen to head just across to the hall where the children were. He couldn't take much more of Scott and Jean's tipsy schmoozing and he was practically vibrating in excitement over the Christmas surprise he had planned for Marie.

He knew she, and everyone else, must've been wondering where he was during the past few nights, but his little talk with Marie those few days ago made him feel bad for her. She was the only soft spot in his hard, prickly life and he was determined to make sure she remained that way by giving her a reason to smile and keeping her hope and innocence alive.

Logan watched her as she sat with one of the younger children on her lap, watching 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'. That young kid was one of the only ones unafraid of Rogue's life absorbing skin. She'd arrived after being abandoned by her family and immediately clung to Marie as if she'd adopted her like some sort of surrogate mother.

Logan couldn't blame the kid. Marie had a good heart and was a comfort to be around...no matter who you were.

He sat down in a nearby arm chair and watched her for a while before she turned her attention to him, "I thought you'd be gone tonight."

He shrugged, "It's Christmas Eve...everything's probably closed."

She gave him a satisfied smile and single nod before turning her head back to the television and the little girl sitting on her lap.

"I made my list off to Santa, Rogue! Did you?" squealed the little girl.

Marie patted the child's head with a gloved hand, "I decided to give up my Santa privileges this year so that he'd have more time to get to all you good little boys and girls."

Logan smirked. Little did she know, Santa was going to prove to be very real to Marie this year.

It was well past one in the morning by the time everyone drug themselves off to bed, leaving Logan only a few hours to put the finishing touches on Marie's Christmas surprise.

At about 6 in the morning, just before the younger kids woke up and rushed to the large tree in the great room downstairs, Logan walked to Marie's door to listen for movement.

When he heard nothing but her even breathing, he rushed back to his room and began pulling the wrapped boxes of presents and miniature Christmas tree from his closet.

For the past four nights, he'd driven to the backwoods of upstate New York to cage fight for hours to earn enough money to make her Christmas happen.

Logan had kicked ass for hours during the past several days to acquire the funds to buy her a new MP3 player, a laptop and a purse some woman at the department store told him was by a designer called "Coach"...whatever. It looked like the kid would like it, so he bought it.

He'd used his claws as scissors to cut the wrapping paper and did his best to make sure it didn't look like a two year old didn't wrap her presents. After a few tries, he got the hang of it.

He crept into her room with the miniature tree and gifts, which he promptly plugged in and began laying out. Just as he finished setting everything up, his sensitive ears picked up on the sounds of children rushing through the hallway.

Logan walked over to Marie's sleeping form and stared down at her for a few minutes before gently brushing a strand of hair off of her beautiful, sleeping face.

Just before he walked out, he took out an envelope and placed it in front of her little tree. The note inside simply read:


Your mutation may have taken a lot away from you, but I'm not gonna let it take Christmas. Happy Holidays kid.


He took one last look at her before opening the door and leaving just as quietly as he came.

Less than a half hour later, Marie jerked awake by the sound of doors slamming and children running through the halls with their new toys.

Since she always left the curtains fully closed in her room at night, her room stayed dark, even as the snow white glow of the winter sun shone down outside. That was probably why the brightness of the little Christmas tree in the corner immediately caught her attention.

In an instant, Marie had thrown the blankets off and rushed over to the presents and the letter. She'd barely had the chance to finish reading it before tears sprang from her eyes.

She brushed her teeth and quickly washed her face before running full speed down the hallway to Logan's room. As soon as he opened his door, she jumped into his arms and hugged him as tight as she could, making him emit a small "oof" sound when she landed in his arms.

He laughed and patted her back before sitting her down on her feet, "I see you opened your gifts..."

"No, I haven't yet..." she said as she quickly wiped the tears that just wouldn't stop falling from her eyes.

Logan gave her a look of surprise, "You practically tackled me with the hug, all because I set a little tree up in your room?"

Marie sniffled as she smiled, "You cared enough to do SOMETHING. You have no idea what that means to me..."

"Well, kid...you know you're the closest thing to family I got...and I know I'm-"

"You're wonderful!" she blurted before jumping into his arms again.

She broke the embrace and grabbed his arm to drag him back down to her room, "Come on...I got you something too. It's from a thrift store, but I think you're totally gonna love it."

Logan raised his eyebrows. She'd thought enough to scrape together enough money to get him a gift?

When they got to her room, she turned around and closed the door behind them. Her unopened gifts still lay in their original spots.

She grabbed a large box from underneath her bed and held it out to him, "Come on...open it."

He took the box from her and set it on the bed before tearing into the package to reveal a leather bomber jacket. It was slightly worn, but genuine and the perfect size and style for him, "Wow, kid..." He slid it on and adjusted it, "This is a great jacket...thank you."

Marie hopped up and down giddily for a second, "You really like it?"

Logan nodded as he continued to admire his new jacket before looking back at her and grabbing one of her presents, "Here."

She happily took the package and tore into the paper. Logan jumped slightly when she screamed, "A LAPTOP! Oh my god! Logan! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

Marie bounced up and jumped into his arms, hugging him and simultaneously hopping up and down in excitement, "You like it, kid?"

"Like it? If I could kiss you without killing you I'd be on you like white on rice!"

All he could do at that moment was blink in an attempt to get the thought of kissing Marie out of his head. She sat back down and continued admiring the laptop before he grabbed another package, "That's not all, kid."

"My god! There's more?"

Logan was really getting the hang of this gift giving thing now. He loved knowing that the surprise and sheer happiness on her face was a result of something he'd done. Maybe the dude who had written that crap about "tis better to give than to receive" knew what he was talking about.

Her reactions to the Coach purse and MP3 player was just as excited and intense as the laptop. She was practically bouncing off the walls by the time Logan stood and laughed, "You deserve it, kid. I want you to look forward to Christmas...every year, OK? I promise I'll always try to make this time of year special for you."

Marie calmed a little and looked into his eyes, "Why would you wanna do that for me?"

"Cause...you're all I got."

She hugged him tight and sighed, "Thank you Logan...you know...you're all I got too."

"Then God help you", he chuckled.

She playfully shoved him and pursed her lips together as she stepped away, "Guess we should join the others, huh?"

Logan nodded, "You go on...I'll come down a little later. Try not to brag too much about your presents."

Marie giggled and ran a hand over the laptop, "I won't. I know not everyone in the school has a feral benefactor that looks after them."

He smirked and gently brushed his bare finger over her chin, just quick enough so that he didn't feel the pull of her skin, "Merry Christmas, darlin'."

"Merry Christmas, Logan."

Review please! I hope to be able to add a little bit to this story as the holiday season ticks by.