NEW UPLOAD! I got some grammar people on me so please reread stuff had been added and corrected.

Disclaimer: I Own nothing! Generator Rex is property of Cartoon network.

Chapter 1

(Deep in Siberia)

Rex watched the snow fall from the jump jet windows. He sighed, bored out of his mind. He had listened to every song on his iPod about 100 times. Rex tried to think of anything he could do to alleviate his boredom. Bobo was off playing cards with some for the other soldiers, so he was out of the question. He never liked Rex around when money was at stake. Thought he was bad luck or some other mumbo jumbo. Holiday had stayed behind, so that ruled out trying his new pick up lines and maybe finally convincing her to have dinner with him. That just left Six. He glanced at the agent sitting next to him. He was still in his seat. Asleep perhaps?

"Siiiiix?" Rex whined. "I'm bored." The man in green didn't flinch.

"Six you awake?" Still nothing.

"SIIIIIIIIIX!" Rex whined louder. Six twitched, taking a deep breath.

"What is it Rex?" He asked, doing his best to keep the frustration out of his voice.

"I'm bored."

"I heard you the first time." Six did not change his position. Rex huffed. Was it so much to want a little attention?

"So…where are we going again?" He asked.

"Deep in the Russian tundra, to a small town, so small it has no name."

"Really? That's kind of cool."

Six sighed. "EVO activity has been strange in the area. Every time we get an EVO activity reading it usually vanishes before Providence can do a recon."

"So what? Are the EVOs like being defeated by the townspeople?"

"Highly unlike Rex, Look sharp. We're here." Six said standing as the jump jet set down.

As the jet hatch opened Rex looked at the world around him.

No, the townspeople defiantly did not defeat the EVOs.

A small handful of wooden and stone homes met his eyes. He could see the jump jet had landed in a town square that was deserted. Snow twisted in the wind around him and Rex shivered, pulling his white coat closer.

"This place is depressing, Six. Where is everyone?" Rex remarked.

"Let's start there." Six pointed to a somewhat bigger but still exactly the same as everything else brown wooden building. The windows had a warm frosted glow and smoke poured from the multiple chimney tops. A sign hung over the door, covered in snow. Rex jumped, knocking the snow off to read the sign.

"Tantsy Olen'…The Dancing Stag? What a weird name." He looked at Six, who only raised an eyebrow before pushing the door open.

The chatter in the building stopped as soon as they entered. Rex couldn't help but look at the people as Six led the way to the front of the bar. The men were bulky and strong with a musty scent about them. Most of the clothes consisted of animal hides. The few women he saw were just as large and strong as the men. Only the addition of skirts really help Rex clarify the sexes.

"Whiskey." Six said placing a few coins on the counter. The inn keeper regarded him for a moment before taking the coins and sliding a dirty glass filled with amber liquid to Six. Six took a sip sitting down. Rex obediently took a seat by his side. Slowly the chatter in the room began again but Rex was acutely aware it was different than before.

"Hey Six…?" Rex whispered.

"I know, there talking about us. Just stay calm." Six answered stoically until Providence was fully aware of the situation. Rex panicking and making anything with his nanites was a big no.

Rex nodded and tried to ignore the whispers. His eyes darted around trying to find something to focus on. The large fire place was way too hot. The dead animal, stuffed and hung on the walls were just eww. He sighed and closed his eyes. Suddenly he felt the tiniest tug on his pant leg. Looking down Rex saw a young boy, about 5 and very thin, looking back up at him with bright eyes.

Rex smiled. "Hi there little guy." The child crouched more behind the bar. Rex faltered "Oh, wait don't be afraid. " Rex whispered, fishing through his pockets he pulled out a candy bar. He held it out to the boy. "Here…go on, take it." The child hesitated before taking the candy and disappearing back behind the bar. Rex smiled until a gruff voice spoke behind him.

"You aren't welcomed here, get out."

Rex turned expecting the voice to be addressing him, but it wasn't, the man and his buddies were looking at Six. Six still had his back to the man and Rex was aware the rest of the patrons had moved away, as if expecting a fight.

"We know who you are. We have radio. We don't want the problems your Providence brings." The large man continued.

"Wait…you don't understand we help…we…" Rex stared but Six raised a hand, quickly quieting his young ward.

Six turned and addressed the man. "Then tell us where the EVO is and we will leave."

"We don't need your aid. We can handle any EVO ourselves, we are strong, brave and many." The man hit his fist on the bar and got very close to Six face. Six felt Rex flinch, instinctively wanting to pull away. He secretly willed Rex to keep it together.

"We don't need Providence." Someone called from the back. Rex couldn't see who.

"We…we have the silver lady…so you can go…" The voice that spoke now was young and shy. Rex looked down. The child was back, chocolate smeared all over his mouth and cheeks.

"Silver lady?" Six questioned.

"Peter get away from there!" The man yelled, the little boy began to shake. His eyes went wide, with a sudden realization. "I spoke of her." It was an apologetic statement, but a statement none the less. The man raised his hand, to strike the child.

"Hey!" Rex yelled, blocking the man's punch with one of his slam hands. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

"You…You're like the monsters."

"Monster!" "He's one of them." "Run!" "Get away!" "Get it!" Voices started yelling and moving as some people ran for their lives. Others stood ready to fight Rex.

"Wait! I didn't mean…I wouldn't…I never." He stuttered, changing his hand back.

SCHEERRCH! And ear splitting sound came from outside followed by more screams. "It's the monster!" It's back!" "Help Help!"

Rex and Six burst out of the inn, people running around screaming. In the square was a giant rat looking EVO. It's mouth wide enough to eat a human whole. Its many teeth dripped with saliva as it chewed through the wall of a bakery.

"Rex!" Six yelled as he began to attack the beast. Rex followed suit, getting immediately batted away but the tail and right into a wall. Six got in a few good slices and the rat began to bleed screeching uncontrollably. Rex shielded his ears, kneeling on the ground, unable to believe Six was able to stand that sound. Six stabbed the creature again in the paw and it increased his wailing. Rex saw Six fall, unable to take the sound any longer.

"No…Six." Rex whispered desperately trying to get to his feet. Come on Rex, its' just a noise and you're not human, you can handle it…get up. He coached himself. He stood, wobbling, but it was too late he saw the beasts mouth, still screaming flash down towards the man he considered his father.

Before Rex could even scream Six's name as large shock wave poured through the square, sending the beast flying. No, it couldn't be? Rex squinted through the swirling snow at the form that approached.


No, it was not Circe. A female form was before him. Completely covered in a metal skin like a robot. Maybe it was a robot. Rex didn't know. The creature rolled back to his feet and charged. Rex tried to get up to help but found he was numb. He couldn't move. He glanced at Six quickly, noting he seemed to be having the same problem.

The beast was almost upon what Rex could only guess was the silver lady, it opened its mouth wide.

"No move!" Rex called but it was too late. The beast swallowed her whole, licking its lips before turning back to him. Slowly it stalked back, ready to feast on another being.

But it stopped.

Then it exploded.

Rex covered his face, trying to keep the gore from getting is his eyes as blood and guts covered the square. When the snow and blood vapor settled Rex saw the silver lady looking at him. She rushed at him and he put his hands up, unchanged to block any attack she threw at him. He still felt so numb.

"Rex?" a female voice questioned.

He put his hands down. Had this person just said his name? Watching Rex saw the metallic skin turn soft like mud, crawling back up the arms and down the head and neck. Soon a face appeared as the nanite armor retreated back into its vessel.

"Rex!" She cried launching herself into his arms. "Eres tu? Donde has estado hermano?"

"What? How…do you know my name?" Rex asked, glancing towards Six who seemed to be getting his legs back.

She looked at him, confused. "Did…you did, didn't you? Have another blackout. And we weren't there to remind you of everything. Rex I'm so sorry." Tears began to well in her eyes.

"Who are you?" Rex demanded, pushing her away.

She sat in the snow looking up at him as Six made his way over.

"Rex, I'm your sister."

A/N: roughly translated the Spanish in the chapter says: Is that you? Where have you been brother? Please R & R.