So. Here goes my first fanfiction in ages. I hope some one likes this. If you want a bunch of updates, nag me to death, ^_~ My story takes place one full year after Haruhi's first day in the host club, after season one of the anime.

The halls of Ouran High were dark, lit only by the streams of moonlight that poured in through the large pane windows.

A dark figure flashed through the halls, moving quick and silent. After passing through his last passage way, the intruder came to the room labeled, "Music Room 3".

A thin smirk crossed his fair face.

This is going to be pathetically easy. Dark thought confidently.

Be careful Dark! Who knows what these people are capable of. Came a much younger voice, trapped in Dark's head.

You worry too much, Daisuke. We're a thousand miles from Satoshi and his police force. What can possibly get in our way?

The double door entrance opened slowly, and like a shadow he entered. In the middle of the room, lit with a single light, was a beautiful new vase. It was the color of blue bird eggs, with delicately carved boarders.

On either side of the vase stood a Hitachi brother, arms crossed in defiance.

"So, you're the Phantom Thief Dark." They said in perfect unison. "You must be pretty stupid to leave us a warning like that." Hikaru said as he leaned forward, "Do you really expect us to let you take it?" His identical twin, Kaoru, added as he mimicked his brothers stance.

The Phantom Thief Dark removed his hooded cape, in a sudden swirl of movement, revealing his midnight blue hair and arrogant eyes

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." His smooth voice brimmed with eloquence, as he made a slight bow. "But that vase is mine."

"Wait just one moment," The Hitachiin brothers said together, with a devious grin they added, "You haven't met everyone yet. . Oh, Honey-senpai!"

Dark's eyebrows lifted slightly in amusement as a tall figure stepped out of the darkness, Takashi, holding the small blonde haired boy known as Honey.

"He's still sleeping." Takashi said flatly.

"WHAT!" Kaoru and Hikaru screamed at the top of their lungs and flailed their arms angrily. "What's the point the of bringing him if he's still asleep?" The younger twin, Kaoru complained, his voice cracking in frustration. "He's supposed to be here to fight this guy off!" Hikaru pointed back to the phantom thief, who at that moment was grabbing the vase.

Dark! Watch out! Daisuke shouted within Dark's consiousness. When he turned to look, Takashi Morinozuka was coming at him with full force, still carrying the sleeping boy. With only one moment to spare, Dark jumped back, only barely dodging Takashi's fatal blow. But he didn't see the counter attack coming and was broadsided with a strong kick. The phantom thief tumbled back. Jumping to his feet quickly, he ghosted behind Takashi, swinging for the back of his head. Takashi caught his movement with a self-confident sideways' glance. Before Dark could stop it, Takashi spun and kicked him square in the ribs, sending him flying into the far wall and into a defeated slump. Standing and clutching his side he glared at his opponent, the blond-haired boy still sleeping peacefully.

Dark gave a slight bow, "I'm glad that Ouran high has such a worthy opponent. We'll have to fight again another day."

"Don't get too ahead of yourself," Came Kaoru's voice from across the room. He and his twin stood at the door and slammed it shut. "There's no getting out now."

But Dark only smirked. "Wiz!" At that moment a flush of feathers burst into the room forcing open the adjacent window. Great wings emerged from the Thief's back, as Takashi and the Hitachiin brother's gaped in awe. Dark was at the window in an instant, he winked tauntingly, then gracefully leapt from the ledge.

Walking past the un-stolen vase. The Host Club members walked to the window ledge and looked out over the moonlit school ground.

"What was that?"

In next week's episode, Dark isn't done yet! And Daisuke's first day at school and his surprise meeting with the Host Club is right around the corner! Dark has plenty of trouble in store when Kyouya utilizes his special police force! Good thing he still has a few good tricks up his sleeve, just wait until the Hitachiin Brothers meet wiz face to face!