Title: Returning Home, Part 1/?

Fic Table prompt: 36 - Return (table at my journal here: ( sapphiresfic . livejournal . com/ 31402 . html ).)

Summary: Before Beth is born, Rachel and her fathers move away abruptly. Seven years later, she returns to Lima, finding things really changed after she left. Mention of major character death... For fic table prompt #36 - Return.

Disclaimer: I am just borrowing them for the fun of writing, BUT I do own the plot, ideas and original characters.

A/N: I edited this, so all mistakes are mine.

A/N2: Feedback keeps me writing, so please comment or review. :D


A/N3: AU after 1x13 ~ Sectionals.

A/N4: Puck and Rachel were Juniors in high school when Quinn was pregnant.


In November of Rachel Berry's Junior year in high school, her grandma, on her daddy's side, passed away from her continuing battle with a severe heart condition. In December, she found out that her grandma had left her dads the house she owned in Columbus, and though the two men both had jobs in Lima, they had always wanted to return to Columbus to be closer to their families, so they made the decision over Winter Break that they would move into the house they'd been left; moving their family back to the big city.

When Rachel dropped the news in the new year, most of the Glee kids had feelings of hurt or betrayal for her up and leaving, even if they understood she didn't have much say in the matter; she was a minor, in high school and under the care of her fathers, so she couldn't remain in Lima without a huge hassle... She had to leave.

At the end of January, Rachel transferred to her new school in Columbus, starting the second half of the year in February, so she could get going right away. She had a female cousin, a few months apart in age and in the same grade and at the same school as her, so she helped her out a lot to get settled into her new school and it didn't take long before Rachel was slowly forgetting she was the 'new girl' and had 'friends' from New Directions', since they'd cut all ties with her when she left, everyone except Noah 'Puck' Puckerman, who text her a few times, but slowly their messages ended and it hurt a little; after their brief relationship and a partial friendship grew around the holidays, she still continued to have feelings for him, but was scared of many things; a long distance relationship being one of them, so she pushed her feelings aside and within a few months, she had almost forgotten him, but the single picture she had of them together never left her bedside; it reminded her of the few happy days they shared as a couple and that was something she wanted to hold onto forever.

As planned, Rachel went off to New York University (NYU), where she majored in music and dance, but as the first year came to a close, she found herself enjoying dance more than anything, so she changed her major to dance and doubled in vocal music education, so she could teach choir or dance later on if she ever wanted to.

At the end of four years of school, Rachel was cast as 'Dorothy' in 'The Wizard of Oz', but after only three months of rehearsals and six months on stage, the revival the theater company had hoped for didn't pan out and the show was canceled, putting all the actors and dancers out of work. Sadly Rachel couldn't seem to find anything else suitable for her, so she returned to Ohio and began looking for a job teaching dance. She got a job at one of the largest dance studios in Columbus and in early 2017, found out that her former dance studio in Lima was looking for a full time dance teacher and she applied. The owner recognized her name and hired her without an interview, so Rachel spent a few months moving to Lima, renting a small house in a neighborhood not far from where she and her dad's lived many years prior and began teaching where she had once been a student.


Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Rachel had been back in Lima for a little over three months and had mostly settled into her life. She'd met most of her neighbors on the street and as it got closer to Halloween, she asked if they got many children trick-or-treating, and they told her she would have a lot, so she prepared, buying granola bars and fruit snacks to give out instead of the typical bad-for-you candy almost everyone else gave out.

Sitting in her living room surfing on the internet on her laptop, she found herself getting up a lot to greet the kids that rang her doorbell, finding a vast variety of costumes the kids were dressed in.

Hearing the doorbell ring again, Rachel got up and moved over to the door, picking up the large bowl she had her semi-healthy treats in and pulled it open, hearing a loud 'trick-or-treat' from the kids outside. Smiling brightly, she looked over the group, "wow! What wonderful costumes you have!" She exclaimed handing a cowboy, a princess, a vampire and a ballerina treats and then turned to the final child and saw a very familiar outfit on a young girl about seven; the blue jumper dress, white top, white socks, sparkly red shoes and pigtails making a perfect Dorothy from 'The Wizard of Oz'. "Oh sweetheart, your costume is amazing! I remember playing Dorothy in a musical a few years ago. Thank you for dressing up like her," she dropped the treats into her bag, "I bet you and your mom took a lot of time to make that. It's perfect!" She told her.

The small child shrugged, "thanks, but I don't have a mom. She died when I was born. My grandma helped my daddy make it. Daddy thinks it's a boring costume, but I love the Wizard of Oz! You got to play Dorothy for real?" She asked.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't know," Rachel blushed, leaning against the door frame. "Yes, I did. I played in it for six months in New York," she replied.

"That's so cool! Do you have pictures?"

"Yes, I do, but maybe you should let your dad know why we're talking," Rachel said, noticing the other kids heading off to the next house and their parents were standing on the street.

"Hang on!" She dashed down the porch steps and walkway towards the group of parents. "Daddy! Come here. You've got to meet this lady! She played Dorothy in a musical in New York!" She exclaimed, grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the house.

The father exchanged glances with his daughter, and the two other parents he was with and let her drag him towards the house, "alright, alright, I'm coming," he groaned.

As the young girl led him towards the house, one of the parents they had been with called out, "we'll go on in case you take a while."

Waving his thanks, he let his daughter guide him and as he climbed up the stairs to the front porch where the woman was standing, he first noticed her tanned long legs in full view from the skirt she was wearing and the plaid reminded him of a girl he once knew; the one who he always had feelings for, but she left and he lost touch when his life was thrown a major curve ball.

"This is my daddy. His name is -"

"Noah?" Rachel gasped in shock as her hands dropped the bowl of treats.

"Whoa! Rachel?" Puck stared at the woman and blinked his eyes in the yellowish light, "shit, it is you!" His eyes widened and he stepped forward, pulling her into his arms in a tight hug, needing to prove his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.

Rachel accepted the hug and felt the familiar muscles and arms she'd longed to feel once more, "I've missed you," she murmured, not realizing she said that out loud until the words escaped her lips as they pulled apart.

He looked at her and smiled, "I know how you feel," he admitted, realizing they had an audience.

Getting her bearings back, Rachel noticed the young girl and her eyes widened as she realized she looked to be about the right age, "she... is this..."

"You two know each other?" The young girl asked, looking between them.

"Yes, sweetheart, we do. This is someone I knew in high school, but I haven't seen in a long time. Rachel Berry," he said looking at her left hand to make sure she didn't have a certain ring on it, "and Rachel, this is my daughter Elizabeth, Beth, for short," he put his arm around his daughter's shoulders.

"It's very nice to meet you, Beth," Rachel said holding out her hand to her, "and it's still Berry. I'm not married or in a relationship," she clarified.

"Good," Puck smiled watching his daughter shake Rachel's hand.

"Nice to meet you, too, Ms. Berry," Beth said, unsure what to call her.

"You can call me Rachel," Rachel said stepping back a little and jumping when she felt the granola bar under her foot. "I can't believe I dropped the whole bowl," she blushed, kneeling down to pick up the treats.

Beth and Puck knelt down to help her pick up the remaining items on the wooden porch and as Puck reached for one of the bags, Rachel also did, their hands brushing against each other and if the hug didn't wake up their senses, the simple touch triggered sparks to fly and both pulled their hands back and looked at each other; Rachel was still blushing and Puck was beginning to feel like he was in high school; falling for this girl all over again and it had been some time since he'd had any kind of relationship aside from friendships.

Standing up, Rachel moved inside and held the door open, "please come inside," she said setting the bowl by the door.

Puck followed Beth inside and Rachel closed the door behind him, "wow, Rachel, I never thought I'd ever see you back in Lima again," Puck said turning around.

Rachel nodded, "yeah, I know, I was a bit surprised myself, but I missed Lima and some of the people here, even if most of them probably hate me for leaving like I did."

"Your dads were moving; you had to go with him. Sure, the club was upset you left, but between Will and I we got them to realize you didn't have a choice."

"You and Mr. Schuester defended me?" Rachel asked in shock.

Puck nodded, "yeah; we were friends, even if I was a crappy friend for not keeping in touch after you left."

Rachel shook her head, "no, it's alright, Noah. I feel just as bad myself," she shook her head a little, "how rude of me, please come sit down; I admit it's not as decorated as I'd like it to be, but it's home for now," she explained, stepping into the living room.

Beth followed Rachel into the living room and Puck unzipped his jacket, draping it over the back of the couch as he plopped down and Beth sat next to him.

"I'll be right back," Rachel said, disappearing down a hall to her office and returned moments later with a photo album, "these are all the pictures that I took or were taken of me and with friends over the six months I played Dorothy," she explained handing it to Beth and sat down next to her.

"Wow!" Beth opened up the book once it was in her lap and saw a full eight-by-ten-inch photo of Rachel dressed as Dorothy, from the pigtails all the way down to the red slippers, "you're beautiful!"

"Thank you," Rachel blushed and looked over at Puck as Beth continued to look through the pictures.

"So, you made it to Broadway, huh?" He asked curiously.

"Um, actually, no I didn't," she admitted, "close. Just after I graduated from NYU, I was cast as Dorothy in a 'revival' of the musical, but after three months of rehearsing and six months playing in an off-Broadway theater, it wasn't as successful as they thought it would be, so it was canceled. During school, I found that I liked dancing more than anything else, so I came back to Ohio and got a job working at one of the dance studios in Columbus. Working there, that's how I found out about Lima Dance Studio looking for a full time dance teacher. I went when I was younger, so I applied and was hired without even an interview because the owner remembered me. I've only been back a few months, but have been keeping busy with the studio, so I haven't had a lot of free time, but I'm trying to get some," she explained and then stopped, something clicking in her head when she glanced at the girl who looked a lot like her dad, "she... she said that she doesn't have a mom... What happened, Noah?" Rachel asked concerned.

Puck took a deep breath and exhaled, "a lot. There's a reason why I only sent a few texts to you for a few months after you left," he explained, "I... Quinn and I got talking and we decided to keep our baby. We didn't have feelings for each other, but agreed we'd figure something out, for our daughter, because we loved her, even if we didn't love each other. We walked away from all the adoption options we had been looking at and I got a job working at Burt's garage in town. The club pretty much tanked once you left. We didn't go to Regionals, so Figgins cut the program. Most of us stayed friends and the morning before Quinn went into labor, Quinn's mom showed up and said she left her dad because he had been cheating and Quinn turned her mom away, not wanting to just forgive so easily. We had had a lawyer draw up papers, kind of like a custody agreement, that did not give her parents any say in the care of our baby, because they hadn't been there for any of the pregnancy, so why start? We weren't eighteen yet, so we wanted to protect her. Anyway, when Quinn went into labor, things were going great. Mercedes, mom and I were in the delivery room," he kissed his daughter's cheek, "that was the best moment ever; I watched my daughter's birth and when the nurse laid her in my arms, I knew there was nothing I wouldn't do to protect her," he paused and hugged Beth, "things went down hill fast. While they were cleaning Quinn up, monitors started going crazy and Quinn was not doing well. The doctor started rushing around with the nurses and he called for another doctor to help and they were getting an OR prepped for an emergency," he paused and took another deep breath, "Quinn was bleeding internally and they couldn't get her blood to clot and they needed to find where she was bleeding from so they could stop it, but her blood pressure was dropping fast and as they were rushing her out of the room, Quinn yelled back at me to take care of our daughter and sometime later the doctor returned with the bad news that he'd lost her."

Beth stopped looking at the book and turned and hugged her dad, knowing he didn't like talking about how she was born, only because he felt so horrible about what happened to Quinn.

Rachel choked back a sob as she wiped her eyes, "oh Noah, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed getting up and moving to sit next to him, "I should have been here for you and Beth. I didn't know! No one called!"

Puck slipped his arm around Rachel's back and hugged her, "thanks, but there was nothing you could have done. Something tore during the birth and they did all they could, but they couldn't save her. With all the technology they still couldn't and it sucks, but she was younger than most to have a baby; her body wasn't ready for that stress yet," he said.

"I know, but I... I should have been here for you, Noah! No one should have to go through any kind of loss like that alone," she sobbed.

Realizing Rachel was really upset, he pulled her against him and hugged her, her words registering in his mind as meaning more than just as a friend. He didn't want to read too much into it without some conformation, but he began to wonder if Rachel had feelings for him, "hey, it's okay, Rach. Don't beat yourself up about this," he murmured.

Rachel pulled away slightly and looked at him, "what... what happened after she... she passed away?" She asked, the words feeling foreign to her to discuss a girl that should still be alive.

"I named our daughter Elizabeth Quinn Puckerman, she was healthy and they let me take her home. Quinn and I had already signed the birth certificate and they were waiting for the time, date, name, and baby information to put on it. We had a few names picked out, but wanted to wait until after she was done to be sure. Everything else was filled in, so they couldn't go back and say I wasn't the father when Quinn had already signed it along with me. We were planning to live at my house anyway, so we had a crib and stuff there; at least until Quinn figured out what she was going to do. Everyone was in shock; the school was all upset and we had a funeral about a week later and the church was packed. Her parents laid the blame on me because I was the reason why she was pregnant. Finn was just as hurt that we lost Quinn as they were, but he defended me and that kind of was the beginning of our friendship again. Quinn's parents tried to say I was unfit to care for Beth, and they were trying to get custody, so over the summer we were in court. Thankfully the judge allowed her to remain in my custody during this and Quinn was right to have those papers drawn up months prior to the birth because it saved us a lot of hassle. Her parents requested a DNA test and we were given 99.9% proof that I was her father and the judge found no reason why I couldn't have her, especially with the papers we already had, which was as close to a will Quinn had, stating she did not want her parents to have anything to do with her child, so the judge ruled in favor of me, granted me sole custody and when they asked me if I wanted to say anything, I told her parents, sister and her family that I never wanted to keep Beth from them completely and they were welcome to visit and I'd be glad to keep in touch with them if they wanted it. Her dad refused any contact and basically told her mom right in the court room he wanted a divorce. I email and talk to Quinn's sister and her mom every few months. They live in Columbus, so we go visit once and a while, but they're not close like my mom and my sister are with Beth."

"Grandma Judy doesn't like that I play soccer," Beth said, "she doesn't think a girl should."

"There's nothing wrong with a girl playing soccer," Rachel replied, wiping her eyes, "if you like playing, then go for it."

Beth smiled, "I like you. You're pretty, too."

Rachel blushed, "thank you, Beth," she smiled, "you're beautiful. I see your dad in you, but I also see your mom."

"Mother," Beth replied, "she's not my mom."

"Oh, alright," Rachel nodded, "um, wow," she murmured, rubbing her hands over her face, "I..." She jumped at the doorbell and realized it was still Halloween.

Getting up, she went to the door and greeted the kids outside and returned moments later, "this really wasn't what I expected," she said softly, sitting back down between Puck and the arm of the couch. "I knew I wanted to try and reconnect with some of the members of the club when I came back, if they were still here, but I... I didn't know if I should... I figured everyone hated me for leaving."

Puck slipped his arms around her shoulders, "Will and I got them to realize that you couldn't control what your dads got when your grandma passed away and they decided to move and you only agreed because you are their daughter; you didn't like moving, but with what was offered, you didn't have a choice. They were hurt, but they eventually got over it."

Rachel bit her lip, "I should have stayed, I should have tried harder to get them to stay," she felt the tears coming, "they took me away from..." She paused for a moment, scared to say too much in front of Beth, "they took me away from so much here," she finished.

"You're back now and it's not too late," he told her, staring into her eyes, knowing she was holding back from saying something and as she spoke, he felt something flutter in his chest and wondered if there was more going on than what was on the surface of meeting a long lost friend.

"Can I look at your pictures?" Beth asked, motioning to a bookshelf with pictures on it.

"Sure," Rachel smiled and motioned to them, "feel free."

Puck reached up and wiped Rachel's eyes, "hey, come on, Rach, calm down. You're getting emotional over things that you couldn't control," he told her.

Rachel took a deep breath, "yeah, but you've had years to get over the loss; I'm just finding out that Quinn isn't alive anymore and has been gone for seven years, Noah. It's emotional," she murmured.

"Oh come on, you two never got along," he said, laughing lightly.

"Noah, I'm upset because she's gone. I know we had our differences, but I'm allowed to be upset," she reminded him.

"Of course you are," Puck agreed, "I just don't want you blaming yourself or thinking if you had stayed things would have been different with what happened to Quinn."

She nodded, "I know. I won't blame myself, but if I had been here then, I would have been able to be here for my friends, or at least I thought they were my friends. They didn't even bother to call me and tell me. I know some of them had my number, including you."

"I know, and I'm sorry, Rachel, but there was a lot going on; I just couldn't sit and call everyone I knew. I was scared and had a thousand things going on. I'm truly sorry you had to find out now, after so long," he told her honestly.

"It's okay, I know... I understand why you didn't and I'm not mad at you, I'm just shocked, that's all," she told him, taking his hand in hers and squeezing it gently.

Puck covered their hands with his other and smiled, "let's not make this another seven years before we talk again," he murmured.

She smiled, "we won't," she looked at their joined hands and didn't want to let go; she felt more alive at that moment than she had ever before and knew years of feelings bottled up were beginning to fizz to the top. "Is your number still the same? I tried calling you over the summer after we left, but it said the number had been disconnected and I didn't know your house number or your address because I had only been there a few times to meet your mom and sister," she told him.

"Um, no. I got a new number. I didn't want them to contact me," he said blushing.

"Huh?" She saw his embarrassed look and realized what he meant, "oh," she nodded, "I... You're not..."

"It's been at least two years since my last relationship," he said.

"Oh, I've... It's been about that long for me, too," she replied, blushing lightly as she reluctantly let go of his hands with one of hers to get her phone.

Puck pulled out his phone and scrolled down to the 'R' section and found Rachel's name, "is this your number still?" He asked, showing her the info he had for her.

Rachel blushed and nodded, "yes it is," she replied.

"I'm sorry. Once I changed my number, I should have called you," he told her, sending her a message to get his number to her.

"It's okay, Noah, really. I'm just glad we met up again," she told him, saving his number and taking a picture of him to add to it.

"Daddy! Look," Beth pointed to a picture a few shelves taller then her, "you have that same picture by your bed," she said.

Puck looked where she was pointing, "Rachel has good taste," he smiled, seeing the picture of her and him from Sectionals, both dressed in their black outfits with red accents.

"You have that by your bed?" Rachel asked in shock.

He nodded, "yeah," he blushed lightly, squeezing her hand as they held them together again.

"You're the one he sang 'Sweet Caroline' to!" Beth exclaimed skipping over to them and saw their joined hands, "are you going to be my mommy?" She asked curiously.

Rachel's eyes widened in shock at the question and looked to Puck, "I... Uh, I..."

"Beth, gee, way to shock someone," Puck laughed lightly and looked at Rachel, his heart racing, but tried to keep cool.

"You two... You seem close already, like Uncle Finn and Aunt Santana," Beth said, "and I hear you play 'Sweet Caroline' at night sometimes, daddy."

Puck blushed, now the one who was speechless as Beth told one of his secrets. Rachel took a deep breath and smiled, squeezing his hand, "Beth, your dad and I knew each other a long time ago, so we are comfortable with each other because we were friends then. I don't know how your dad feels, nor does he know how I feel, but it's something I'm sure we'll discuss, maybe over dinner?" She told Beth and then turned to Puck.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Dinner sounds good," he nodded, thankful that Rachel said that.

"Can I come?" Beth asked, drawn to Rachel more than anyone she'd ever known.

"Not this time, sweetheart, but maybe if Rachel wants, we could go out this weekend, maybe after your game on Saturday," Puck said.

"Really?" Beth looked at Rachel and smiled, "will you come to my game?"

Rachel smiled, "I'd love to go to your game," she said, "I don't know anything about sports, but maybe you can teach me," she offered.

"Oh yeah! I can teach you about football, soccer and basketball. Did you know daddy played football and basketball in high school?" Beth asked with a grin.

"I did know that," Rachel nodded.

"I get to wear his number! Just like Aunt Arin does for basketball," she explained sitting down on her dad's lap.

Puck smiled and used his free hand to hold her, "and she picked soccer all on her own. She wanted to play sports, so I found a few kids basketball and soccer leagues and she went for soccer because she didn't want to copy my sister," he said, "even though Arin didn't mind."

"Wow," Rachel smiled, "that's amazing. I didn't know Arin was going to go for sports. What grade is she now?"

"She's a Senior this year; just turned eighteen," he replied.

"Wow," Rachel pulled her legs up on the couch and looked at him and Beth, "there's so many things I want to know about!" She sighed, "I don't even know where to start."

Puck reluctantly picked up his phone and saw it was already after eight, "well, I'd love it if we could stay, but someone needs to be in bed by nine," he said, poking his daughter in her side, right where she was ticklish.

Beth let out a giggle and pushed his hand away, "daddy! Stop," she giggled as he continued to tickle her.

"Fine," he sighed dramatically and grinned, kissing her on the forehead.

"Can't we stay a little longer?" Beth begged, "I'm not done looking at Rachel's pictures."

"You're welcome to come over any time and look at them," Rachel told her. "Do you live nearby? I could walk with you guys home," she offered.

"We're like two streets over," Puck replied, "and you're welcome to walk home with us. I'll drive you back when I get her in bed," he said.

"It's alright. I'm sure it'll be alright for me to walk home. You can't leave her alone."

"I'm not alone," Beth said, "grandma and Arin are there."

"Oh," Rachel looked at Puck in surprise.

"It's cheaper to live with mom and Arin. Beth is close with them and it's free baby sitting when I have to work," he said with a grin.

"You don't have to defend your choices, Noah. I just didn't expect that," Rachel told him, standing up, "I'll just be a moment. I'm going to put some pants on."

As soon as Rachel was out of earshot, Beth looked at her dad, "I like her. Do you?"

Puck smiled, "yeah, I do, kiddo. I have since before you were born," he told her softly.

"Then tell her," she said, sometimes not understanding why adults didn't say what they mean. "It's easy. She likes you, I can tell. She looks at you like Aunt Santana looks at Uncle Finn."

"Well, maybe she feels the same way, but I can't just tell her that without talking to her first; there's seven years of things to talk about," he admitted, glancing towards the hallway where Rachel's room was, "but I'd like to have her in our lives," he added.

Beth smiled, "me too!"

Puck smiled and nudged her a little, "come on, she should be out in a second," he said.

Beth stood up and picked up her trick-or-treat bag and headed for the door, "she's really pretty."

"Yeah she is," Puck agreed turning to see Rachel coming back with a pair of skinny jeans on with a pair of her ballet flats, "wow."

Rachel slid her arms into her sweatshirt and looked at him, "what?"

"Oh, um, I just don't think I've seen you in that before," he told her, motioning to her jeans. "You look great."

"Thank you," Rachel blushed and put her cellphone and keys into her pocket, "I'm ready to go," she said.

Beth pulled the front door open and stepped out on the porch and headed down the stairs as Rachel and Puck walked out after turning the porch light off and locking the door behind them.

Walking out on the sidewalk, they saw kids and parents were still out and the three looked like a family, mom and dad taking their daughter out that night.

Getting down to the end of Rachel's street they turned towards his and Beth's place and Beth was in between them. Remembering what she'd seen them doing before, she grabbed her dad's hand and then Rachel's and held them for a moment before putting their hands together until they laced their fingers together and she skipped down the road a few feet in front of them.

"Watch for cars!" Puck called out, keeping an eye on her, but glanced at his and Rachel's hands before looking at her, "um, are you okay with this?"

Rachel smiled, "yeah I am. I... You're not a stranger to me, Noah, and I... I always wished we had been together longer."

"Me too," he admitted, looking up to see Beth standing at the corner of the next street, "look both ways before you cross," he told her.

Beth did as he told her and skipped across the neighborhood street and turned around as they followed, but this time she waited until they were close and she slipped her hand in her dad's other hand, "do you have to work tomorrow?" She asked him.

"Yes, I work every day you're in school," he told her.

"You should skip work and go out with Rachel," she said.

Puck groaned, "Beth, stop. Rachel and I will talk tonight about our schedules and find out when we can see each other next," he promised her.

"Promise?" She asked, looking at him.

"I promise," he told her as they walked down two more streets until they reached theirs.

"I remember this. Like I said, I was only at your house a few times, but..." Rachel looked around, "even in the dark, I remember. Your house is the fourth one on the left, right?"

"Yes it is," he smiled.

Reaching their house, Beth skipped up the front walkway and up the stairs on the porch, opening the door before Puck and Rachel had reached the stairs, "grandma! Arin! You're never going to believe who we met!" Beth exclaimed moving inside.


A/N5: Thank you all so much for reading! This is a work-in-progress. I don't know how long it will be, but probably between 5 and 10 chapters. I hope you all enjoyed; please review to let me know. I'm an author of several other Puckleberry fics, listed on my LJ and FF accounts, so feel free to check them out, too!
