At some point or other, Teddy and Xavin decide to spar. They keep it limited to strength and stretchability, with maybe a bit of flight now and then, but even then the two of them are a barely contained explosion waiting to spread. Regardless, it is obvious the both of them are enjoying this: they are sweating and panting and laughing boisterously, and when it is Xavin who laughs without it sounding smug or forced, that proves it.

On the sidelines, Tommy and Chase have started a small betting pool on who will win. Chase has his money on Teddy, seeing how Xavin will never get over the fact that the shapeshifter is the destined emperor and savior of their race, and far be it from a humble servant to make her master look bad. Tommy, on the other hand, is very certain that Teddy's size is compensation for something. At least, that is what he says – his choice, as are many of his choices, is meant to provoke annoyance.

Kate is the first to drop some money into the hat – literally, they use Chase's old red Dodgers cap fresh off his head – in loyal support of her teammate. Moments later, most of the others join in as well. Soon the only ones not participating are Nico and Billy, who are too deep in discussion to notice the ruckus that is only a half of the room away.

Eventually, they break in different directions. Nico follows Victor's beckoning hand and takes a seat next to him. Billy crosses the room to where Karolina is sitting on the sidelines as an unofficial referee. By now, she has a slightly exasperated look on her face. He is about to ask why when she points back at the duel. He follows her lead in time to see Teddy suddenly tackle his smaller opponent like a linebacker. In a completely dramatic and unnecessary manner.

He blinks. "Uh … what are they doing?"

"Showing off," Karolina answers with a huff. Billy sees her point as Xavin demonstrates that it is indeed possible to stick someone in a three and a half nelson.

"Honestly," the Majesdanian complains, as Teddy chucks Xavin like a shot put towards the nearest wall, "sometimes Xavin can be such a guy … !"

Billy watches her call up a buffer for Xavin to bounce off, leaving the building unharmed. "I don't know. I think I'd still give them points for trying."

Karolina hums in an uncommitted manner while Teddy goes flying toward the ceiling. Seconds before impact a shield of blue light catches him and keeps the hideout from gaining a new skylight. "Ooh, nice one."

"Thanks." And Teddy drops back down with every intention to belly flop on his opponent. "How long do you think it'll take them to wrap this up?"

"Not soon enough. You want to get that one, or shall I?"

"Ladies first."

As Xavin saves herself from gaining a new impression by stretching herself to bend with the force, a shimmering barrier saves the floor from a similar fate. Teddy barely bounces off before Xavin is lunging full-force at his chest. No one really notices – or cares – as light continues to flash here and there if only to ensure the Runaways still have a place to sleep at night once all of this is done with.

"… Okay, I admit," Karolina speaks up again, "they're almost kinda cute when they try so hard to be impressive. If I were into this sort of thing, anyway."

"You aren't?"

"Sweetie, I'm into girls. Girls don't need to be macho to prove themselves."

"And does Xavin know that?" Billy can't help asking. But Karolina only turns to face him and smiles kindly with her answer.

"She does, but like everything else Earthly, she just needs constant reminders."

Their moment of distraction is all it takes for one out of many crumbs of concrete to whack Billy in his headband. It doesn't stop it from hurting.

"… Could you remind her now?" He manages to not sound like he's pleading. It doesn't matter, because she has on that "oh for the love of" face.

Suddenly the room is a wash of iridescent rainbow that crashes straight into the brawling duo. It does not knock either one into the air, instead gripping them firmly by the back of their shirts, separating them one from the other, and then firmly dropping them to the ground.

"Are we done?" is all she asks.

Both Teddy and Xavin take one look at her and meekly stay put. Off to the side, Tommy and Chase have twin looks of shocked dismay. Cassie is choking on a laugh. Eli has slapped a hand over his face in exasperation.

"I win!" Molly cheers, already wearing the red cap with notes and coins crammed down her pockets.