It took Charlie and Sam several hours to sort through the data they'd 'recovered' from the NID computers. When they were done though, they'd narrowed down the possible locations where Cassie and the kids were being held to only five. They all felt the press of time, and so the plan was to split up to scout the locations. Once they'd determined the exactly location, they'd converge on the site and plan the assault. Daniel wanted them to call in the SGC at that point. Charlie didn't want any help from the SGC. Charlie wanted to send a message to the NID. One that he couldn't if there was any official support for the rescue operation. To most, Teal'c's expression would be downright inscrutable, but even Harry could tell that Teal'c was most definitely behind Charlie's idea. Harry didn't want the SGC involved because Harry didn't want to get sent back to Leavenworth.

"You can't possibly be thinking about doing this, Jack!" Daniel hissed as he realized he was quite possibly alone in his opinion.

"This crossed the line, Daniel" Jack told his friend. "They can't get away with this."

"You're not judge, jury, and executioner, Jack!" Daniel protested.

"I have been before," Jack reminded him.

"And so have I," Charlie added. "The government had their chance to clean up the NID. They're kidnapping children now, Daniel! My children!"

"Do you think if you capture this cell, you'll stop the whole organization, Jackson?" Maybourne asked. "That didn't work before. As much as it pains me to agree, they're right. You need to send a message."

"And what message are we going to be sending?" Daniel demanded.

"We'll worry about this after we get Cassie and the kids back," Charlie told them. "We're wasting time they don't have. I'll take Harry and check out this place," Charlie said.

"Uh uh," Jack disagreed. "Daniel's with you, and you're taking this one on the edge of town."

"Dad," Charlie protested.

"No," Jack firmly denied before Charlie could even voice his protest. "You and Harry loose alone is just asking for trouble. You're not going in by yourself, and even though I trust Daniel to make sure you don't do anything stupid, the ordinance is coming with me and Teal'c. Get there, check it out, call in, then wait!" Charlie wanted to object. Jack could see it. 'Okay, object was an understatement,' Jack admitted to himself. Charlie wanted to punch his lights out, but he had to cut his son some slack for keeping it together this well. "Charlie," Jack said laying a steadying hand on his son's shoulder, "you need to let me be in charge right now."

Charlie glared for several long tense seconds before nodding his acquiescence. It was begrudgingly given, but Jack decided to take what he could get.

"Take Teal'c and Harry with you and go rent us another car from the place down the street," Jack ordered his son. "I'll call your mom and Chuck and have them check out the two locations closest to the base."

"Okay," Charlie agreed as he pulled Harry up from his seat on the bed. He kept a firm grip on Harry's arm as he led the protesting fugitive out the door trailed by Teal'c.

As soon as the door shut, Jack turned to Daniel and began issuing orders. "When you go, don't let him out of your sight whatever you do," Jack told his teammate. "Don't let him go in alone, no matter what you have to do to stop him."

"Jack, I couldn't take Charlie in a fight on my best day," Daniel protested. "Even with his hands tied behind his back. He's as good as you."

"He's better," Jack corrected his friend with pride and a grudgingly small bit of admiration in his voice. "And twenty years younger," he added.

"Maybe you should send Teal'c with him," Daniel suggested.

"I'm not altogether certain that even Teal'c could take him today," Jack admitted. "Besides, the odds are even that Charlie could convince Teal'c to help him, and then we've got Riggs and Murtaugh going in without weapons instead of Rambo by himself."

Daniel snorted in appreciative agreement with Jack's pop culture laced assessment.

"If I take the toys with us, I think Charlie will wait," Jack said. "And you can be pretty damned persuasive when you need to be."

"I don't like this, Jack" Daniel told his friend.

"Got a better idea?" Jack asked and when Daniel remained silent continued, "then we do it my way."