Disclaimer: My co-writer and I own nothing but the Ocs that appear.

Planned Pairings: Altair/Oc and Malik/Oc

"You've killed my days – my innermost state of mind, so don't stay close~," Dark brown eyes rolled themselves as the woman began to sing along with her dancing. The woman even had her eyes closed as she sang and danced in her seat, ignoring everything around her, keeping a steady beat with her tapping foot, though no music played in the back of the Abstergo van. A sigh racked the first woman, as she ran a hand through her hair before replacing her beloved cap atop her head. The ride had started out silent, the driver and passenger up front not feeling a need to turn on the radio or for idle chit chat. It wasn't long before the woman who was singing quietly now began to tap her foot, then to bob her head, then to actually start dancing to the beat and music in her head, mouthing the words until she had finally begun to sing them out loud, as if finally having built the confidence to do so.

"No more belief – in chemicals~," The hat-wearer resisted a deep sigh at the other's antics. She just didn't get it. And the singing wasn't helping her thought process.

"You're a horrible singer and you should feel horrible, Seventeen." She finally snapped, glaring warily at the other woman who stopped singing, though she continued to dance in her spot, foot still tapping away to that repetitive beat on the floor of the van.

"Genesis! Not Seventeen, Gray." Taunted the woman back, pausing long enough to run a hand through her choppy hair as 'Gray' winced.

"It's Silver, you hyperactive ingrate."

"That's wonderful, Red." Genesis retorts lightly, clearly unbothered by the insult. That bothered Silver, and her lips formed a thin line as she continued to stare at the woman as if willing her to stop with her stare. Genesis had not once stopped her mini-dance, entertaining herself on this long drive to wherever they were heading. Genesis wasn't sure, she was just glad to be out of that stuffy room in Abstergo's walls, being forced to relive another's memories she didn't even want.

"Another day – another life~," Silver sighed in irritation, her own brown eyes flashing as she did so, though she didn't speak up. Instead opting to muse over the last week or so, during which she had been helping Warren Vidic with Subject Seventeen whilst Lucy Stillman helped with Subject Sixteen.

When Genesis had first been brought to Abstergo, kidnapped as per usual, she had been rather irritated and angry, as was usual with all of the Subjects before her and Silver didn't bother paying the woman much attention. She wouldn't be around long, after all; she'd either fulfill her purpose and be disposed of or succumb to the bleeding effect and be lost through that route. And frankly Silver just didn't care about her co-workers and partners enough to pay much attention to them, much less to something she'd witnessed before. But a strange thing began to happen after that first session within the Animus.

Genesis began to grow laid back and carefree, as if she didn't much mind the surroundings or the fact that she was essentially a prisoner of Abstergo. It was as if Genesis was perfectly at ease with just being a means to an end and it confused Silver. She didn't understand it. If she were in Genesis' place she would be filled with anger and confusion, she wouldn't be able to casually point out that the Animus was uncomfortable to lay upon or that Abstergo must be a bunch of perverts to put a camera in the bathroom as well. What was she really going to do in there? Climb through the too-small vent and escape?

Silver snorted again, as she glanced at her pocket watch. 12:28. They still had a good hour to go until they reached their destination. She resisted another sigh, instead tucking the watch back into her pocket and glancing away from the too-carefree Genesis.

As she glanced ahead of them, past the driver and passenger to the road before them Silver felt her lip twitch up in amusement as she remembered exactly why Genesis was on the road with them now.

"No, seriously," Genesis insisted, tapping the side of the table-like machine that was dubbed the Animus with the toe of her boot. "You should really think about investing cushions or something in this thing."

Silver shot her an irritated look. It was the same as always; Genesis would point out some minor annoyance that the other Subjects could've cared less about. She should've been more focused on trying to escape! Or at least worried about her life, Silver reasoned. Instead, when she had checked the surveillance tapes for Subject Seventeen she had found that the woman had actually spent the time to try and figure out the code to her door's locking mechanism.

The sad part of it was, that Silver actually couldn't believe that Genesis had sat in front of that number pad for the last two nights for as long as she could stay awake for, typing in each and every code, one at a time. Hadn't she realized the sheer amount of possibilities for just the four digit code? Or was she that insane? Silver recalled another Subject attempting the same but giving up soon after starting, this woman had stubbornly continued to punch in numbers until she had found it.

Silver didn't know whether to be shocked or not.

"You're the prisoner. You're not supposed to be comfortable, Seventeen." Snorted Silver instead, continuing to type away on her console. She heard a strange "Mmmmm!" sound emit from Genesis and glanced up to see the woman childishly poking her tongue out at her. "How immature."

"At least I know how to have fun, ya old fart!" was the grunted reply that Silver received. She shot Genesis a look before she turned and glanced over her shoulder at Vidic who was at his own computer - a laptop, plugged into the wall and ever-charging at the glass table he used as a desk in here. The area was set up similarly to Subject Sixteen's current housing area, actually.

"Vidic, before I forget, I feel I should tell you that Subject Seventeen here managed to escape her room last night."

"Oh? Is that so?" Vidic answered, lifting his head up from the laptop's screen to raise a brow inquiringly at Genesis. "Well, we can't just leave you here if you can manage that, now can we Miss Redgrave?" A wicked smirk was plastered on his face, and Silver had gotten great pleasure out of the slack-jawed expression upon the Subject's face. It was a first, and it wasn't the first time Silver had attempted to get such a speechless expression from her. Vidic had gotten up then, away from his laptop and out the door as Genesis watched him, still speechless.

However, Silver knew for a fact that Vidic had been planning on dragging this annoying woman along anyways on their way to get the Piece of Eden. There were a lot of places where free-running was a necessity to get through or around which none of the Abstergo members knew how to do… yet.

Abstergo was going to fix that soon, training their own employees with the Animus at a later date.

But for now, they would drag the more complacent and easy-going Genesis with them. Subject Sixteen was still showing anger and resentment towards Abstergo and might not be as easy to manipulate, even with his life at stake.

Genesis turned to Silver than, brows furrowed in confusion. She lifted her hands, palm up to shoulder height in a large shrug and began to shake her head as she asked slowly; "Why?"

"Oh, come now, Seventeen. You should have seen this coming." Silver chuckled, a small smirk on her face. She debated on giving the woman a patronizing pat on the head but thought twice about it, opting instead to just leave as Vidic had.

The last hour of travel went by painstakingly slow and Silver couldn't wait to get out and away from this woman. Genesis just couldn't seem to sit still. She always had to be doing something, it seemed. She had soon stopped singing though her dancing stayed strong for several long minutes afterwards before she stopped and soon became fidgety. As of the moment her leg was bouncing up and down, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared out the windshield that they could see from the back of the van. Silver was surprised to see a solemn look upon the brunette woman's face, having grown used to seeing it twisted into one of joy, boredom, or irritation. Never had she believed the woman to possess any ability to twist it into that of a thoughtful one.

The doors to the back of the van were opened suddenly, the van having been stopped for several minutes as the passenger and driver exited it. Genesis hadn't moved and Silver couldn't help but wonder why she was so still now. The thought left as she glanced over to the now opened doors to see Vidic standing there, impatient look upon his face as he clasped his hands behind his back.

"Let's get a move on, you two." He snapped, dark eyes scanning over the both of them as Genesis calmly stared him down, clearly unfazed by his bad mood. Silver kind of wished she had that much confidence; she was growing nervous at her boss' mood. "We don't have all day."

"And what, pray tell, am I supposed to do, Mr. Kidnapper?" Genesis calmly inquired, though Silver didn't miss the flash of anger behind the glasses. Silver gulped, glancing between the two as she stood up and hurriedly hopped down to the packed dirt below, not wanting to get in between the glare Vidic was sending the woman. She could practically feel the anger rolling off of her boss in waves.

Why was Genesis being so stubborn now of all times? Silver had to wonder about it. It seemed like an odd time to pick to start becoming so adamant against her kidnappers.

"You're going to get us that Piece of Eden, Miss Redgrave." Vidic answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Silver wondered, not for the first time, just how good a plan this really was. What was stopping Genesis just from taking the Piece for herself in the end, after all? It seemed Genesis shared this thought as well, for her next retort consisted of;

"Aren't you guys supposed to be the geniuses? What makes you think I won't just run off with it in the end?"

"Because Miss Reinherst here is going to be going with you, of course." Vidic answered, gesturing to Silver beside him who gaped up at him. He seemed to have left this tidbit out of the plans when it had been relayed to her!

"Right," Silver felt Genesis eyeing her up and down as if calculating the odds of taking her down. Genesis was light, almost unhealthily so, weighing in at only a hundred and seven pounds but Silver had no doubt that the woman would be able to beat her in a fight if she wanted to. Genesis definitely seemed like the type to have been into fighting and martial arts in her lifetime and Silver most definitely had no experience in such things, even if she was a Templar by blood. On top of that Genesis had been spending long amounts of time in the Animus, no doubt some of the bleeding effect had shone through, even if it didn't show. Silver had no clue as to what she might be capable of now.

It didn't take long to get Genesis out of the van, when there was a rifle pointed at her head. She had glared at the gunman and Silver entertained thoughts of the woman somehow managing to knock the gun from the man's grip and getting away though it never happened. Genesis complied, though reluctantly with what they wanted, being led into a crumbling old building nearby. It looked as if it might have once been some type of a church, though it had long since fallen into disrepair, with half of the roof caved in upon itself and holes in the wall from where there once were windows or were the walls had rotted or been knocked away.

The whole while an Abstergo employee kept the rifle aimed at Genesis, unnecessarily closely, the Subject noted with distaste. Really, it was a long range weapon for a reason, and the woman wouldn't be able to avoid it if the trigger was pulled no matter how fast she could move. Genesis figured it must be a 'power' move, making the Templar feel more at ease with having the barrel pressed so closely to her skull.

The inside of the building was dank and rather moldy. It didn't help that it was an overcast day already. Seemed like the world itself knew what a menace the Templars really were. Genesis almost smirked in amusement at the thought, though she managed not to, instead glancing disdainfully around herself as another employee lifted up the trap door they had found.

"Down here?" Silver inquired, crouching beside the hole and peering into the darkness. The ladder disappeared as it went further down, seemingly swallowed by the shadows.

"Yes. We tried to go through earlier, to see how far we could go. We lost three men. There's too many traps that we can't reach." The man who had lifted the trap door informed with a grave look upon his face. He failed to mention that they had yet to even get past the first trap.

"Did you hear that, Miss Redgrave?" Vidic inquired, seemingly amused. "It looks like you get to help us with our quest to shape the world! Aren't you excited?"

"Ecstatic." Came the bland reply, an equally lackadaisical look upon her face. At some point during the walk to and into the building she had shoved her hands into her white jacket's pockets nonchalantly.

"Vidic, how am I supposed to keep this woman under control?" Silver inquired lowly, sparing Genesis a glance. She didn't seem to be listening, instead gazing around at the surroundings as if mildly interested in them. "She's an Assassin by blood! And I'm sure the bleeding effect made sure of that!"

"You didn't think we'd let you go in unarmed did you?" Vidic inquired, though she caught the mocking tone in his voice. She bit back a retort. She was a Templar, yes, though it was a little reluctantly. Yes, she believed humans were scum on the inside, no matter how good their actions were. She also believed the world could use a little… thinning of the herd, so to speak. But that didn't mean she had ever wanted to follow in her grandfather's footsteps from so long ago.

However, she did and was and there was no arguing about it, even if she didn't really like her boss.

She was handed a small handgun, of what make or model Silver didn't know. She had never had to be well-versed in weapons before now, having lived a fairly good life with her parents and little siblings. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she was then handed several glow sticks for down in the dark passageway. She noted Genesis held a few in her hands loosely, staring down into the hole as if without a care, as usual. She looked so at ease and unworried that Silver was jealous; she couldn't stop worrying.

What if she tripped and broke her leg? What if she lost the gun? What if the gun misfired? What if… She shook her head as she received instructions on getting the Piece of Eden and to come back with it immediately once it was found.

"Right," Silver nodded before turning and brandishing the gun Genesis unsurely. She wasn't even sure if the safety was on or off. She hadn't looked yet.

Meanwhile, Genesis turned her head to gaze at Silver blankly, biting back a smirk. The Templar looked so uneasy with the gun in hand, it was clear she hadn't used one before. "You lead the way. Now c'mon! We don't have all day!"

Genesis did smirk at this, and she was joyous over the fact that rage seemed to flash behind Silver's eyes at it. Genesis took her time, cracking the glow stick and securing it to the belt loop on her jeans before she swung down onto the ladder. She stopped a few rungs from the opening in the floor causing Silver to furrow her brow and open her mouth to give out another frustrated retort. It was lost before it even left her lips, however, as Genesis let go of the ladder and simply allowed herself to drop to the ground below. A thud sounded out and Silver blinked down to see the bottom where Genesis straightened from the crouch, shaking her legs one at a time before glancing up at her expectantly.

This was going to be a long day. Silver just knew it.