This is my very first Tawnico one-shot~


Alright, this is set during "Sonny with a Kiss" where Tawni's flirting with her muffin.


I don't own SWAC...I wish I owned a muffin right now. I'm hungry.

Tawni's POV

"We're so good together." I said to the muffin I was eating.

I know what you're thinking. Why am I talking to a muffin? I swear, i'm not crazy.

It's delicious. And hey, Sonny said me and the muffin had a spark.

Someone knocked on my dressing room door while I was still lost in thought about my delicious muffin.

"Come in," I said, thought it sounded more like "Mum min," because of my mouth being full.

Mum min...muffin! (I'm not going insane, right? Heh.)

Muffin and Tawni. Mawni? Tuffin? Either way, we're perfect.

Then again, there is Tawnico...

I shook the thoughts out of my head.

Speaking of which, Nico walked into my dressing room. I quickly swallowed the muffin I had in my mouth.

"Hey, Nico!" I said cheerily, then taking another bite of my muffin.


"Hey...Sonny told me you were in here...flirting with a muffin." he laughed and I laughed awkwardly with him. He walked over to me and pointed at the muffin.

"What is this? My competition?" he laughed again, then quickly stopped.

"What?" I asked through my full mouth.

I wonder if he finds that disgusting...wait, this is Nico. Duh.

"Um, n-nothing..." he said.

I raised an eyebrow at him. His competition? He's trying to win me over?

My heart leaped.

"Yeah...okay, you know what, enough waiting around." Nico said, looking at me.

"Waiting for what?"

"Tawni, I came here to ask you something."


"Now," he continued. "I know i'm not the kind of guy you're usually interested in,"

What is he saying?

I shrugged.

"And you're probably gonna say no, but.."

Say no to what?

"Will you go out with me?"

I nearly choked on my muffin.

Oh, say no to that. Pfft. Yeah right, like i'm gonna say no.

I suppose I have had a crush on him for a while (or since he came to So Random!)...that's why I got upset when he flirted with the fake Tawni when Chad was making that stupid movie about himself (seriously, who would want to see that anyway? Scratch that. It has me in it. Of course people want to see it!).

Anyway, he should of flirted with the real Tawni! Me!

I was about to scream yes, but then I looked back at the muffin.

Then at Nico.

Muffin. Nico. Muffin.

Muffin vs. Nico?

I chucked the muffin behind me and dusted the crumbs off my outfit.

"Sure, let's go!" I exclaimed before grabbing my purse and walking out, Nico following behind me.

"Oh, wait a second." I put one of my fingers up, Nico nodded. I walked back into my dressing room and picked up the muffin.

"I'm sorry it has to end. But come on. I'm sure you'll find a good cupcake somewhere."

I laughed at myself for talking to a muffin, then went back to Nico.

Nico vs. Muffin?

Nico any day.

Now, it is very short, yes.

And I made Tawni seem insane, yes.

But I couldn't let this idea get by me without writing it.
