Next chapter is up! Thank you to all the people who have been reviewing! The reviews are what gave me the motivation write this when i felt like watching Youtube all day.

'Pleased to meet you too, Hayley,' Helena tried to keep up the indifferent facade. inside, her mind was reeling. Harley Quinn, evil hench-wrench of the Joker. The woman who'd managed to fall head over heels in love with a psychotic, raving sociopath of a clown with a tendency of killing people for a punch line. This was not looking good.

'Excuse me, I'd love to stay and talk but I simply must touch up my makeup. It's hard looking perfect all the time.' Helena excused herself and hurried to the bathroom. Of all the villains who frequented Gotham, it had to be the Joker. One of the most widely recognised and most feared members of Batman's ever expanding rogues gallery. It looked like she was going to be needing the Huntress costume she'd stashed in the bathroom earlier. Helena reached up to her comm. link, 'Batman? Huntress to Batman.' There was no response except static. She growled in frustration. Why did all of the League's fancy gadgets always break? The teleporters broke down on a regular basis and the communicators were either being used to control the minds of female League members or not working at all. Technology was a bitch. As she changed into her Huntress uniform, Helena noticed a pale purple gas fill the room. She felt a fit of giggles coming on. Within seconds the giggles turned into hysterical laughs. Helena felt her face freeze and contort. She couldn't stop laughing. Another laugh joined her own stained, unnatural laugh, this one demented and chilling.

'Huntress! Good to see you here,' came the voice of Gotham's clown prince of crime. 'I see you're getting acquainted with my new triple strength Joker venom! It's a shame you're here, to be honest. I was hoping to kill you in a more creative way. Still, can't complain. A dead bat in the hand is worth two in the belfry. Once Batsy gets here I'll have two dead bats! Hmmm, four bats in the belfry then? Have a nice death. Toodles! I've got bigger bats to fry... hahahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.'

Bruce Wayne, as a general rule, did not miss things. So he noticed that Helena from the room was missing quite quickly. He tried his comm. link but it still wasn't working. He was going to have words with maintenance... Quickly, Bruce walked to the corridor where he'd last seen her. The sound of faint laughter reached his ears.

'No,' he gasped as he barged into the bathroom he had heard the laughter come from; ignoring the fact that it was a female bathroom. Helena was slumped in the corner of the bathroom twitching and giggling weakly. Her face was well on its way to forming the terrifying Joker smile.

'Dammit,' growled Bruce. Not only was the Joker here but he'd gotten to a member of the Justice League and Bat-family. A distant member but a member nonetheless. He frantically dug around his specially designed tuxedo for the utility belt he kept on him at all times and pulled out his syringe of Joker venom antidote. He jabbed it into Helena's arm and sighed with relief as the manical expression on her face relaxed slightly. As much as he hated it, he knew he had to call in for back-up. Who knew what the Joker was going to pull.

'Batman to Watchtower. Requesting back-up.' There was no response. What the hell was wrong with communications?

Monitor duty was going slowly. Nothing had happened for hours. It was somewhat reminiscent of the calm before the storm. Yes, Vic really was that pessimistic. Despite the feeling of impending doom, he was on the verge of falling asleep. He'd been busy doing other things last night. A cackling laughter jolted Vic out of his day dream. The chilling laugh echoed around the cavernous monitor hub. The image on the center monitor started to flicker and disappear. It rearranged itself to form the picture of a man with chalk white skin and blood red lips.

'Hello Justice League! Boy am I excited to present to you my latest reality TV endeavour. After you foiled my most recent attempt, I was heartbroken. But I've bounced back with my newest show! Streamed directly to your Watchtower! Without further ado, witness the death of a few major politicians and other civilians, but more importantly, the pointy-eared freak himself, BATMAN! Oh, and Huntress, another pointy-eared freak. What is it about this city and pointy ears? Any-hoo, get ready to witness their deaths! Hahahahahahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.'

A large crowd had gathered in the monitor hub by now, thanks to the Joker somehow rigging all the loudspeakers in the Watchtower to broadcast his message of impending doom. The two other screens changed too. One showed a ballroom where hundreds of people were talking and eating. The other, the interior of a bathroom, where Bruce Wayne, now changed into his Batman costume, was standing over Huntress whose face was still locked into the Joker's smile.

'Huntress...' gasped Vic.

'Great Hera,' murmured Wonder Woman.

'Wait, the guy dresses up as a clown to commit crimes?' Several piercing looks were shot at Booster Gold. 'I'm just saying. You 21st century people are weird.'

'This is an omega level threat, every available member of the Justice League get down to the teleporters. Batman won't like it but he needs back-up.' commanded Superman in his booming voice.

The sound of snickering came from the monitor on the wall. 'Ooooh, funsies. I was hoping you'd do that. I can't wait to watch! Where's my popcorn...'

The Joker's words didn't stop the Justice League. Within minutes, the first round of Justice League members were ready to teleport down to Gotham city. The team consisted of Superman, Zatanna, Black Canary, Wonder Woman, Vixen and Booster Gold. They teleported down as the Joker's crazed laughs reverberated around the Watchtower. A split second later the Justice League knew why the Joker was laughing so hard. They watched as the six heroes materialised in thin air, miles above the ground. They ricocheted off something invisible and were sent flying into the air. The heroes capable of flight quickly grabbed onto those who were not as lucky. Beneath them, where Gotham used to be, was nothing but empty land.

'Hahahahahahahahahaha, I haven't laughed this hard since I accidentally inhaled some of my own laughing gas! Well, you see Juice Lickers, I have many useful connections in the criminal world. Lexy dearest, bless his shiny, bald noggin', introduced me to his gorilla friend back when they were recruiting for that Legion of Gloom. And for an ape, he sure had great technology! So I swiped his force field generator for an occasion like this. No one in or out of Gotham! Oh, and I've introduced a Joker-virus to all the computers in the Watchtower so communication is down and you can't talk to Batsy or Huntress but I think Miss Pointy Ears will be too busy with laughter to speak, coherently anyway. In a nutty little shell, there's nothing you can do! At all! Why so serious, Superman? Sit back and enjoy the show!'

I love writing the Joker. It's just writing the first random thing that comes to mind.

I'm sorry I've been updating really slowly. I've been trying to make the chapters longer and schoolwork that I've been putting off is catching up with me.

Read and Review!