Chapter 5


"You know, you're such a jerk sometimes. Why?" Adre asked him one night after he removed his Nightwatcher armor and had grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

He paused and glanced her way, water bottle poised to tip hydration into his mouth, before frowning and then taking a drink. He watched her, as she hung over the back of the couch, staring at him.

"What are you takin' about Adre?" he muttered.

She rolled her eyes.

"You're attitude," she remarked dryly.

He bristled slightly.

"What about it?" he growled, suddenly looking dangerous.

Her eyes widened slightly before she got up and walked right up to him and glared.

"It's annoys me, and I'm sick of your gripping about your family being out to get you all the time. What is it about Leo that irks you so much? You told me he lost a lot of weight while he was gone and hello, he was gone like two years. So what? He's your brother, heck he's the eldest you don't think the poor guy might want some alone time after watching out for the whole group since he was nine?" Adre snarled.

His eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Leave it alone Adre," he growled.

"No," she said sharply.

His eyes widened in shock.

She leaned in and looked him squarely in the eye.

"Lose the attitude and cut the guy some slack or I'll lock both entry ways and withhold everything for two weeks," she hissed.

He swore, eyes narrowing.

"You wouldn't dare-" he growled.

"Watch me," Adre hissed, eyes snapping in anger.

Raph slowly lifted his head, coughing slightly, he slowly got to his feet as he heard the distinct sounds of a brawl. A slow grin spread across his face as a flicker of blue flashed across the narrow window of his containment unit.

"LEO!" he shouted hoarsely.

A few seconds later the door shuddered as something heavy connected with it. Then it slowly opened and Raph growled before bracing himself into a defensive crouch.

Hun was standing in the doorway with Leo pinned underneath his foot. Hun had one of Leo's Katanas pointed at the eldest's throat.

But something was off, Leo was grinning.

Raph cocked his head in confusion and gasped in shock as Hun swayed before dropping Leo's blade and falling forward.

Leo twisted to the left, managing to roll out of the way and leap to his feet before turning to look at his brother.

"Sedative on my blades," he remarked dryly.

Raph gave a hoarse bark of laughter, before grinning as Leo quickly got started to remove the shackles.

"Can you run?" Leo asked.

"I can try," Raph managed, "Is Adre-?"

"She's back at the Lair," Leo replied, "Let's go, Don and Mike are covering our retreat down another hallway, they'll be waiting for my signal that I got you out."

Raph nodded and slowly moved forward, grimacing as his stiff and sore body protested.

Leo gripped him under the arm and grunted before swinging Raph's weight over his shoulders.

Raph grunted in protest, but fumbled to get a hold of Leo's carapace.

He was on his knees, gasping for breath and sobbing uncontrollably when Adre grabbed his shoulders.

"Raph? RAPHAEL? What's wrong?" she cried.

"Leo…he's…LEO! They took him….they took him!" he gasped, hands shaking as he gripped the pommel's of his brothers broken blades.

"Who took him?" she gasped, "Raph? Who took Leo?"

"Winter's stone generals…they…we…we were fightin' and…and I nearly killed him! He…when I…they…they took…they took him!" it was all he could manage to get out.

Adre grabbed his head and forced him to look at her.

"Take a deep breath and think Raph, I can't understand what is happening?" Adre managed.

It was hours later when he stumbled into the dojo and crumbled at his father's feet after slamming the weight rack to the ground.

Raph groaned softly as a bright lightflickered above his eyes.

"Hey sleepy," Adre cooed softly as he slowly turned his head, "How're you feeling?"

He groaned again before muttering angrily.

Soft chuckles ripples around him.

"It seems he is going to be fine," Splinter's voice murmured, "we best let him rest."

"I'd like to stay Splinter," Adre whispered.

"Good," Raph mumbled softly, "cause I got something' at ask ya…"

"Oh really Raphael? I don't think you're in any shape for that…"Adre remarked dryly.

A chorus of chuckles rippled around him

Raph growled softly before prying his eyes open and sitting up slowly, taking Adre's hand.

"No…I…he paused, glancing at his family, the faint smirk in Leo's eyes and the gleam in his father's gaze.

"What?" Adre asked, cocking an eyebrow at him and looking worried.

"Adreana Svension…will you marry me?" Raph managed.

A/N: Sorry it took so long…but here is the end! The third installment will start whenever I finally get a chance to type again, hopefully soon.