
So basically, E4 is replaying episodes of Charmed again, and it made me want to get back to this. I know. It's been a year since I last updated. I'm really sorry. Has it been about 2 years since I started this story? I'm not sure if this means I'll be making regular updates or anything, but anyway this is the last chapter of this story so…

Wow. So much as changed in just a year, almost too much. I've evolved as a person. I entered a new friendship group. I got cheated on. In one single night I lost my boyfriend, who was my best friend and the person I depended on the most. But that also made me realise how much my new friends cared about me. I made an extremely strong bond with my maths partner. My sister moved out to go to university. Me and my best friends lost 2 "friends", but that was for the best, as it made us get along much better and be closer than ever. I had a few proper GCSE exams, which is scary stuff. Recently, though, one of my best friends seems to have chosen her boyfriend over us. That hurt. I don't want to lose her, but I don't know what that means about our friendship because we never thought she would do this, it's like she's a completely different person. Now? I'm just listening to music and trying to update all this.

Chapter 17 – Resurrection Day

"Phoebe." A soft voice whispered, shaking me from my sleep.

I grumbled, turning away.

"Phoebe…wake up." The voice called again, their soft and gentle hand shaking me once again. Slowly, I opened my eyes.

"Piper?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes. My eldest sister smiled at me sadly, and held out a cup of coffee for me, as I sat up, reluctantly. Taking the cup of coffee from her, I immediately took a sip.

"How are you holding up?"

"…I'm…not really." I admitted, my voice faltering. I looked down at the pink plush duvet covers. He was gone. Again.

"He wasn't evil, Piper."

"I know, honey."

"I just…Jack…I mean, he lost his father once, and now he's lost him again…I've lost him again too." And with that I burst into uncontrollable sobs. The door to my bedroom clicked open softly, and there stood Paige. I looked at her, my vision blurry with tears.

"Hey." She greeted. Her voice was soft, as if she thought I would break at any minute. I guess I kind of already have. I smiled at her, not trusting my voice to speak without faltering. I motioned for her to sit on the bed, as she was standing awkwardly by the door. She shuffled over, hesitantly sitting on the bed. I looked her in the eyes and tried to smile, but ended up shaking with tears once again. Paige brought me into a hug, and soon Piper joined. We lay like that for minutes, my sobs muffled by Paige's lemon yellow jumper. Right now, we weren't just witches, or even charmed ones. We were just three sisters, mourning.

"Are you sure you're ready to go back to work? I mean it's only been a few days since…" Piper trailed off, not wanting to remind me of the terrible event that occurred just a few short days ago. But I had been reminded. Every day. Every forlorn look my sisters and brother-in-law gave me. Every time my son cried for his father. Every night, when I slept in my cold, empty bed, and the memories would creep back to me.

I can't help but wonder…should I have thrown the potion? Could there have been another way?

"Yes, Piper. Right now, all I need is to distract myself with work." All I need is to be close to him.

Piper studied me, and I instinctively stood still, trying to look composed.

"Alright, but if it gets too much call me straight away!"

"I will."

I kissed her on the cheek, before kissing Jack goodbye, and hurrying out of the Manor. I started my car, and drove off quickly to the school.

Lessons went by too quickly, work had been completed, and soon it was lunch and I had run out of things to distract myself with. I was alone in my classroom. I didn't want to go to the staff room. I didn't want to be around people.

There was a cold chill in the room. I pulled my baby pink cardigan around me more. I went over some of the work my students handed in once again. I felt the chill again. It was closer. I tried to ignore it. Suddenly, I felt an ice cold touch on my skin. I yelped, as the cold burned my skin, quickly standing up and studying the room. It was empty. I glanced at my arm, and gasped in shock. There was a mark on my skin where it had burned. That patch of skin was much paler than the rest. What was even creepier was that it was in the shape of a handprint. Where did that come from? I ran my fingers over it to find that it was still cool. I felt chills and shivers at the back of my neck and all down my spine. Was I losing it? Was the grief overpowering my mind? I hurried out of the classroom to the ladies' toilets. I stared at myself in the mirror. Running the cold-water tap, I splashed my flushed face with ice-cold water, gasping loudly as the cold hit my skin. I gripped the sink with both hands, panting, before looking up and staring at my reflection in the mirror. I jumped almost six feet in the air and nearly screamed when I noticed the figure behind me through the mirror. It couldn't be? It wasn't possible?

"Cole?" I called out as I turned around to face where he should have been, but instead of Cole, there was nothing. Just bathroom stalls. I fearfully checked each stall. Nothing.

"I'm going crazy." I muttered. I walked out of the ladies' toilets, and made my way back to my classroom, shutting the door behind me. He was there again. My mind was spinning. Was he real? It was just a hallucination. My mind was playing tricks on me, torturing me once again. He's walking towards me. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. There had to be a perfectly logical explanation for this. He was dead. He wasn't coming back. My mind was just tormenting me. I slowly opened my eyes. He's still there. The hallucination of him was right in front of me. Familiar brown eyes that I could loose myself in. Familiar dark hair I wanted to run my hands through. Familiar lips I so badly wanted to kiss. To feel his touch, as his arms wrapped around me. I stepped back. It's not him. He stepped forward. This isn't real. I stepped back more, as the vision of him menacingly drew forward, grabbing my wrists. I could feel the cold burn again, as he pushed me back, until I hit the wall. I breathed heavily. Lips brushed my neck. I closed my eyes, slowly, reluctantly. My whole body burned, bathing in a freezing fire. This isn't real, open your eyes. I opened my eyes. Emptiness surrounded me. The smell of despair filled the room. My despair. It was all just a crazy hallucination. He was gone. That was that.

"How was your day?" Paige asked, as I picked Jack up.

"It was good." I lied, even throwing in an authentic smile so she would hopefully buy it. From the way she smiled, I guessed that she did. After slightly awkward chit-chat, I headed back upstairs, and set Jack down to sleep. I was just not in the mood to talk, especially after my eventful day at work.

Cold Chills filled my bedroom, like it had in my classroom. He was there again, in the shadows. Why are you doing this to me? Within seconds, Cole had closed the gap between us. He stared into my eyes, flickering between them and my lips. If only…What seemed like hours, were only minutes that ticked by.

"Hey, Phoebe, can I borrow your-…Cole?" I snapped my eyes towards Paige, who stood by the door in complete shock horror.

Cole. Cole. Cole?

"Wait, you…you can see him?" My head was spinning.

She merely nodded, too shocked for words. I looked back at him. Could it be…? My brain was a carousel. Overwhelming feelings took over me, making me delirious. The last thing I saw were those familiar brown eyes as my world became black, and I hit something hard…

"Mmfhh…"I mumbled, groggily waking up.

"What's going on, what happened?" I sleepily asked. I peered up at all the faces staring down at me in concern. Leo, Piper, Paige and…Cole. He was here. He was real.


He smiled at me, cupping my cheek in his hand. My cheek tingled.

"But…how? How is this possible?" I almost choked as I struggled to get some answers.

"After you threw the potion, I flamed out. I went to the mausoleum because I didn't want you to see me die. It turns out the potion only worked on vanquishing Barbas." His voice was like velvet. So soft and gentle.

"What?" I scrunched my eyes up in confusion as I sat up.

"We think that Cole's become even more powerful, and quite frankly more hard to vanquish." Piper piped in.

"Your sister's already trying to cook up another potion that I'm not immune to." He said, laughing and rolling his eyes. I smiled, admiring his laugh. It had only been a few days, but it seemed like years since I heard it last.

"Piper!" I yelled, scared at the fact that she was making another potion.

"Phoebe, it's just in case! I mean we all trust Cole…kinda…no offence." She replied, turning to Cole.

"None taken." He replied smoothly.

"So Barbas..?" I enquired.

"Is gone. For good." Leo answered.

"Erm…we'll leave you guys to…you know…catch up." Paige announced, as I blushed. The trio left my bedroom, leaving just me and Cole. My heart leaped up.

"I still can't believe you're here." I smiled.

"You didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?"

I laughed softly, as our eyes met. He leant in, closer and closer. His lips connected to mine. It was like a spark. I saw fireworks, as our lips moved in perfect synchronisation. Sweet, yet passionate. He broke off this kiss and leant his forehead against mine.

"I missed you." I breathed.

"I was only gone less than a week."


"Phoebe…I have something to tell you."

"…What is it?"

"I'm thinking of getting my powers stripped…for good." He stared at me, as if he was seeking approval.

"I mean I know I wont be able to protect you and Jack anymore, but I don't want to harbour anymore demons, or be constantly on the run from bounty hunters. I don't want to let you down, or lose you and Jack…"

I silenced him with my lips, my answer to his news was in the kiss itself.

A soft whimper came from the cot. Cole glanced towards it, before making his way to it. He swiftly picked up Jack.

"Hey, buddy." He said in a babyish voice.

"Dadda…" Jack gurgled.

"Shh…I love you." He cooed to the baby. I walked over to the pair. Jack was holding onto Cole for dear life. His tiny hands gripping Cole's shirt. I stared at the pair adoringly. I could see they already had a strong father and son connection. I gently rubbed Jack's back lovingly.

Cole took my hand in his, boring his eyes into mine.

"I love you so much, Phoebe Halliwell." He said with so much sincerity.

"I love you too."

I smiled. Everything had turned out perfectly. We walked out the room, hand in hand, with Cole carrying Jack, as we made our way to the rest of my family…our family.

[The End]

I tried to make this chapter quite long. It's like almost 5 pages on Word Document, not including the author's notes. So this is the end. I hoped you liked it. It's not as good as I hoped it would be, but I tried my best. Please review and give me your opinion on the ending. I wanted it to be a happy one, but what did you think? Xxx 3