Kyouya Ootori sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the table in his bedroom. His sister, who for some reason insisted on rummaging through his drawers, ignored her younger brother as she pulled out more and more of this clothes. The younger boy sighed impatiently as he looked up from his homework.

"Fuyumi, would you please stop rummaging through my drawers?"

The older girl whined, "Come on, Kyouya, I'm just trying to organize your clothing!"

"Well then let one of the maids do it," Kyouya deadpanned, glancing down at his work before looking up when his sister began speaking again.

"Oh, Kyouya, why can't you be grateful that your older sister wants to organize your clothes?"

The raven-haired boy sighed and went back to his homework, ignoring anything else his sister was trying to tell him.

Minutes passed, the only sound being Fuyumi's grunts as she tried to fit all of Kyouya's clothing into his drawers, even though they'd already fit before she began to mess with them.


It was an unusually quiet day at the host club, probably because Hunny was out for yet another cavity. The twins were acting unusually, not flirting nearly as much as normal. Tamaki seemed quiet, and Haruhi was just not into it. Kyouya thought this was odd but disregarded it, as he figured it was unbalanced due to Hunny's unusual absence.

The club hours were ended early, but nobody really seemed to mind.


Kyouya sat, once again, cross-legged on the same floor in front of the same table in his bedroom, just as he had the day before. His sister was still trying to organize his already-organized clothing, insisting that her younger brother let him, despite his pleas (for lack of better term) for her to stop.

Fuyumi sighed in defeat. "Kyouya, you know you don't have to work so hard, right? Wait—didn't we go through this, like, two years ago?"

"Yes, two years exactly on Thursday." Kyouya didn't look up from his work.

The older girl left the clothing where it was (with a mumbled, "I'll tell one of the maids to get it…") and walked over to the couch that Kyouya, for some reason, refused to sit on.

"Kyouya, I want you to know something—" Fuyumi was cut off by her smirking brother again—not an unusual occurrence.

"If you're going to tell me that I shouldn't strain myself so hard—again—then don't bother. I've heard the speech many times."

The female sighed, but continued what she was saying. "No, actually, more important that that." Kyouya looked up this time, his face blank. She continued speaking, "I want you to know, uhm…."

A long, uncomfortable silence passed through the large room, until a single phrase was whispered, breaking the silence.

"I lost the game."

Oh my God, you have no IDEA how many times I lost the game while writing this!

Well, it was short (like, seriously, hardly even a single page) and I only worked, like, maybe half an hour on it, so it's not my best writing, but it was pure randomness! That was kind of the point. Anyway, I hope you liked it! I got some of the inspiration when I was watching episode 24, especially the beginning of this story when Fuyumi keeps trying to "organize" Kyouya's clothes. That darn older sister, trying to be nice to her younger brother…haha, I kid—but seriously. :D I hope you liked it, and lemme know what you think!

I tried using something called a "smiley-face trick" that I got from my writing class a while ago, the one called "Circle Ending" where you state basically the same thing in the end as you do the beginning, without repeating it the exact same way. I hope it worked! 3