Konoha High Book 1 Ch. 10

by *Ake92

The girls were tired from yesterday. They had spent the whole night talking to new directors, and reporters, when they finally got home they all crashed on the couch. As soon as the boys were sure they were taken care of, they left. (Hey they cant stay the night every night.)

It was six in the morning, and Ino was waking. "Guys get up, do you member what today is?" she asked, when she got no response, she sighed. "Today is the Konoha beauty pageant." this was Ino's favorite time of the year, because she always won.

"Great, what time do you have to be there?" Sakura asked. Hugging her friend.

"Eight." Ino said with a smile. They all left to get ready, and called the guys.

"Sasuke?" Sakura asked, when Sasuke answered, not sounding too well. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Sasuke started hacking.

"Sasuke something's wrong, please tell me."

"It's nothing, here, Naruto want's to talk to Hinata."

Sakura could tell that was a lie, because Naruto sounded confused when Sasuke handed him the phone. Sakura handed the phone off as well, and told Hinata to find out what was wrong.

"Naruto?" she asked.

"Hey Hinata, sorry, but Me, Neji, and Sasuke are sick, we wont be able to hang today. But Shikamaru is still going to Io's thing."

"Oh, naruto, don't worry, we'll be over soon. Do you need us to bring anything with us?"

"Ramen would be nice."

"Alright we'll be over as soon as we can. Here, Tenten wants to talk to Neji."

"Tenten?" Neji's voice asked.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"Not good, I think it's food poisoning." he said.

"Oh, Neji. Don't worry I'll bring you some alchaselzter."

"Tenten, you're a goddess. Does Sakura want to talk to Sasuke again?"

"Yeah here."

"Sasuke?" Sakura asked, her voice filled with worry.

"Hn?" he asked.

"Sasuke do you want me to bring you anything?"

"Sakura, I don't want anything, just stay away." then the phone went dead. Sakura slammed the phone down, and ran up to her room, her eyes filled with tears.

"What happened?" Ino asked when she came down.

"All the guys but Shikamaru are sick, and we are going over to take care of them."

"Sorry Ino, but we'll have to watch your pageant from the guy's on tv." Tenten added when Hinata was done.

"Ok, but what's with Sakura?"

"I think Sasuke said something to upset her." Tenten said.

Sakura was in her room, throwing the picture of her and Sasuke out the window. She heard the glass break and was not satisfied. She also through out the extra clothes he had. "He's such a jerk " Sakura screamed into her pillow. All she was trying to do was help him, and all he did was shut her out. What had changed. He was supposed to trust her. Didn't he love her?

"Sakura?" Ino's voice called.


"We're going do you need anything?" she asked.

"No, I'm okay for now ino, good luck."

"Okay, bye Sakura."

Sakura sat on her bed, wishing she could disappear for a bit.

"Neji?" Tenten called as they walked into the house.

"In the den." Neji called, his voice sounded hoarse.

Tenten and Hinata walked in, Sasuke, Naruto and Neji were each laying on a couch, there were tissues and medication everywhere. "Oh, Neji." tenten said falling on her knees, hugging Neji.

Hinata walked over to naruto and began to feed him his ramen. "Thanks Hina-chan."

"Sasuke where are you going?" Tenten asked when Sasuke stood and pulled his shoes on.

"Nowhere he said, walking out the door. He felt guilty for treating Sakura like that. She was only trying to help him, and he treated her like a parasite. He had to do something. Grabbing a ladder from the garage, he placed it in his car and drove to Sakura's placing the ladder under her window. He saw something glisten in the light. He walked over, and saw the picture of him and Sakura. They had taken it that night at the cabin. Sakura was wearing her tank top, and Sakura was shirtless.

He placed the photo in his back pocket, and climbed the ladder. He reached the window and saw Sakura on her bed crying. His heart ripped. He sure was an ass wasn't her?

Sakura didn't know what to think. Sasuke was over protective, possessive, jealous, and they had spent so much time kissing, so why now was he shutting her out? Skaura knew she shouldn't be so mad, but she couldn't help it. She was about to turn on the tv so she could watch Ino, and while she was she felt an arm wrap around her waist, puling her up into a body, another arm turned her into a kiss, on the cheek.

"I'm sorry Sakura." Sasuke whispered into her ear. "I shouldn't have been so mean."

"Sasuke you shouldn't even be out of bed." Sakura said. "Here lay down." Sakura pulled the sheets out and let Sasuke lay in her bed. "I'll be back in a second.

"Shika, I'm so nervous." Ino said. She had gotten through the first half of the show, and was behind in points.

"Don't worry babe." Shikamaru said wrapping his blond girl in his arms. "If you don't win then they must be denser than naruto." Ino giggled, and walked out for the talent part. Ino danced, and well. She spun and dipped, and shimmed. She moved with grace and beauty.

Next was the elimination. Ino remained, and there were five girls left. Ino went through the swimsuit, gaining many cheers from the men for her bikini. Soon they were at the last part. The crowning. They were down to two Ino was either going to get Miss Congeniality or Miss Konoha.

And the Miss Congeniality who if for some reason the winner can to perform their duties, is Maria, which Means Ino Yamanaka is this years Miss Konoha." Ino received her crown and Shikamaru ran out and kissed his girl, passionately.

"Congrats." he said on the way home.

"Thank you so much Shika." Ino said kissing him as he drove. "That was so close." she added wrapping her arms around one of his leaning on his chest, falling asleep.

"She's so damn cute when she's alseep." he whispered to himself