Title: Demand
I own nothing
Warnings/ Spoilers:
Eli David demands Gibbs does something.


Gibbs walked down to his basement, cheap Chinese food in his hands. He noticed the light was on. He grabbed the gun from his side holster and walked down the stairs. He saw Eli David's form standing by his work bench, holding Kelly's strawberry shortcake doll. Anger pulsed through Gibbs; he never permitted anyone to touch Kelly or Shannon's stuff, and would certainly not have allowed Eli too.
"Don't touch" Gibbs said from the stairs. Eli turned a gun in his hand too. He put the toy down on Gibbs work bench.

The toy was put down lovingly making Gibbs wonder if Eli had once walked into a house and picked up toys. Eli pulled out his leather wallet, Gibbs watched as he pulled out a battered photo from a selection of Hebrew business cards. The photo had two girls with chocolate curls and warm brown eyes aged perhaps eight and three each holding different coloured soft toys that looked like two Strawberry Shortcake's pastel coloured friends. The doll in Ziva's hands was dirty and had rope attached to its belt.
"She made the doll abseil, down the bookshelf in the sun room and jump across the piano" Eli paused and let out a laugh remembering the tom boy child Ziva was. "Rivka hated it." Eli smiled, remembering his ex wife ranting about Ziva's boyish activities at the dinner table while Eli and Ziva shared silent smiles. The photo was put away. Eli looked at the room.

His mood darkened
"This is where" Eli uttered slowly and with none of joy he had uttered the last sentence then he paused unable to form the words that both he and Gibbs were thinking.
"Where your daughter killed your son on your orders" Gibbs uttered gruffly. Eli looked down at the floor.
"She volunteered for that mission" Eli said his voice loud. He looked around the basement. "She did not want some trigger happy junior officer trying to prove themselves doing it" Eli paused as his eye caught the photos attached to the beam of the basement. "If I could take it all back" Eli begun then stopped wondering if he really would. He looked at the photos on the wall, of Gibbs and Mike, Gibbs and little Amira, Gibbs and the team, and a new one with Ziva smiling over a birthday cake.

It had been her birthday just a week before Eli's visit. Eli had remembered, he had even looked on internet shopping websites and pondered what she would have wanted, and in his penthouse in Tel Aviv there was a copy of 'Love in A Cold Climate' wrapped in gold tissue paper. Eli turned to look a Gibbs.

"You look after my daughter" Eli said in a neutral tone, which did not tell Gibbs whether it was a question or request.
"Is that a question or request?" Gibbs asked as Eli begun to walk toward the stairs.
"It is neither" Eli uttered. He looked at Gibbs. "It is a demand" Eli's eyes said more than his mouth ever could, they begged Gibbs to look after Ziva. She had been hurt to often by the men in her life. Gibbs nodded in silent agreement, the only demand of Eli David's he would ever follow.

A/N: I just saw like two minutes of the Proposal and literally went. "What Eli David speaks American".