Author's Note -1/4/12: Please go to the poll on my profile :)

Disclaimer: This is for all chapters I DON'T OWN DEATH NOTE OR HARRY POTTER! By the way, I will be switching between calling him Ryuzaki and L. By the way this story takes place after Higuchi is killed, but before L's death (obviously).

Light and Ryuzaki were looking at the screen broadcasting Watari's voice. Ryuzaki looked like he was about to pass out.

"Ryuzaki?" Watari said in a worried voice. Ryuzaki snapped out of it and looked at the screen in anxiousness. Watari had said that he had just found out who Ryuzaki's true family was.

" exactly did you find this out? Did the family contact you?" Light asked, seeing that Ryuzaki was either too nervous, too happy or too shocked to actually form words.

"I was looking through some old newspapers after one of the potential Rs were adopted after her parents had finally found her and noticed that one of the families once had a child that looked like Ryuzaki. Normally I wouldn't have looked in to it, but in a later paper it said that the parents... were killed and only the children survived and were taken by guardians." Watari said the last bit faster with a sad hint to it. Ryuzaki's face fell a fraction, the only physical sign that showed his disappointment.

His face then regained a curious edge to it. "Watari, if I'm not mistaken, you said "children" correct?"

"There were two children: you and a younger boy named Harry. The parents, James and Lily Potter, were apparently killed in an unexplained explosion inside the home. Harry currently has residence in Little Whinging, Surrey in England with his Uncle Vernon Dursley, his wife Petunia and their own son named Dudley. He is 15 years of age and goes to St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys," Watari explained.

"'St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys'? I've never heard of that place. Watari can you tell me if the Dursley's had a good relationship with Harry?" Ryuzaki asked, resuming stacking sugar cubes in cup of very surgery coffee.

"I don't have that much information, but if you would like I can contact the family. The home number is listed."

"No, please read me the number and I'll call them immediately." Watari read the number as Light wrote it down and handed it to Ryuzaki. who hesitated before dialing the numbers. The phone rang for a few seconds until a woman with a shrill voice picked up.

"Hello Dursley residence."

"Hello, Mrs. Dursley? Do you know of a deceased woman named Lily Potter?" There was a loud shout on the other end as the phone was dropped.

"Vernon! Vernon!" Loud, thundering footsteps came into the receiver's area of hearing. There were some more footsteps with indistinguishable shouts and then the click of the phone hanging up.

"Did I say something wrong?" wondered Ryuzaki drinking his sugary coffee concoction, and reconnected the link with Watari. "Watari, get me and Light plane tickets. I believe it's time to meet this new family you have discovered."