The candles flickered on the walls of the hall. The population of the room clothed in black cloaks. Every eyes was fixed in the single tall figure in the front stand. The silence was stretching and almost hurting one Draco Malfoy's ears in the back of the crowd. Finally the figure in front spoke "Does anyone have anything to tell me?" The atmosphere was pregnant and Draco felt a little itching in his throat. With simple moves, gestures and words their leader could be very intimidating. Especially if you happened to carry bad news.

Draco couldn't take the pressure anymore and voiced his load "I do". The leader focused his sharp emerald eyes on him "Mr. Malfoy…. Let's hear it" he questioned quietly - another one of his special abilities on mass of people: he didn't really have to raise his voice - nobody would never dare to speak on him. "The Order is in the move, they're questioning every worker in the Ministry, trying to pick our people out. They've already unmasked Rosier - his hearing will be in a week" Draco said, glad he didn't stutter and managed to keep his voice steady. "I see. I assume the hearing will be held not in the private but in front of the Wizengamot, basement floor, for public humiliation" He didn't wait to hear an answer" We will make our move in a week. We will raid when the Ministry is full of people from outside and we will have no problem going un-noticed. Anyone else want to share?" He was met by the silence again. "Good. The meeting is over." The crowd kneeled in unison and started to pile out. "Mr. Malfoy. You stay." Draco was glued on his stance, his eyes widened. What could their Lord want from him? The door shut barely making a sound when the last one was out. Draco was still standing in the same place. "Come forward" his Lord called.

As he got closer he started to see the face under hood better and clearer and was astonished by the aristocratic beauty he could make out in the dim-lighted room. The green eyes he had always been able to see, even from the back, so vibrant and clear they were but he had never really had the chance to see his Lord's face in the wholesome-only his trusted inner circle had had the honor to see that. He stopped in front of the stone stance where the floor tiles ended and wholesome marble started. He wanted to focus in the floor, it was beautiful and suddenly very interesting… - "Look up" the silk-like voice came nearer than he had expected and when he raised his eyes he saw that the Dark Lord had stepped down from his pedestal and was walking closer to him till he stopped only a few tiles away from him and Draco could discern enchanting features better with every step the man took, Draco hoped he would put the hood down so he could see more- and like the Dark Lord was reading his mind he lowered his hood and watched him with those hawk like eyes and Draco wouldn't have been surprised if the man in front of him actually did have the ability to read ones mind by just looking at him. He was young. He couldn't be year or two older that Draco himself. The pit-black hair was messy but not disturbingly so, lips red and ripe and curved in an amused smile, eyes ever so sharp and intelligent and brows raised a bit mockingly. Draco felt the need to swallow but couldn't, expecting something to happen if there was any inappropriate sound in the room where even the light seemed to tense.

"You did well today. Carrying the news can be hard sometimes. Especially the bad ones. You have guts Mr. Malfoy" Draco's eyes widened and little blush crept on his cheeks. 'Malfoys don't blush' he scolded at himself and shifted his attention back to the amused man "Thank you, my Lord. I just did my part on the puzzle you are building out of this world" The Dark Lord chuckled and stepped closer. Draco felt his heart stop and breath catch in his throat as the raven-haired man was close enough to take his hand. "No need to sound so rigid Draco. It makes me feel like some Nazi leader with stick on my back. I don't need anymore of crouching and kneeling and slithering followers than I already have " The Dark Lord leaned toward him and whispered into his ear "Where did your backbone disappear?" Draco felt a rush of blood in his abdomen "I just-" ' I'm afraid you'll see my boner' a little voice said inside his head "-thought I should show my respect when I speak to you my Lord" Chuckle. "You can show your respect in your deeds, no need to do it with your words" A hand came to trace his jaw line "I have a proposition for you" Draco zoomed his half lidded lust-glazed eyes from the hand on his cheek back to mesmerizing eyes "I would be honored to have you on my trusted ranks." "You mean the Inner Circle, my Lord?" Draco blinked incredulously. It was an incredible recognition to climb from the lower ranks to the Inner Circle in less than five years. "I- " 'Malfoys don't stutter either!' He collected himself "-I don't know what to say-" "Say yes" and lips hovered just above his, teasing, not touching. "But my Lord! What have I done to deserve this kind of sign of recognition in your eyes? I'm nothing but a -""- Honorable, faithful, loyal, strong, intelligent, dedicated…. You have completed every task I have put on your shoulders and shown remarkable accordance to my orders. Not once have you taken it your job to torture more than demanded, made moves on your own in my check board- stupid things like kill those who don't deserve it or rape muggles just for the joy of their screams. You have what I respect the most in person - light in your heart, common sense and the gut. I have been watching your success and I have been applauding" The Dark Lord murmured only an inch away from Draco's lips. Draco couldn't breathe. His lids only barely staying open anymore. Rambling thoughts rushing through his mind. A man on that kind of status and power would never look him twice, there was no way. Of course he had heard rumors of those in the inner circle that their lord had shared his bed with. The word went that the Dark Lord was a spectacular lover and those who had spent a night with him had been left mourning for more, but there was no way he'd even consider to get it all in one night. He was fairly sure he was dreaming.

Funny enough the lips finally closed on his felt quite real and the hand running circles in his back sending waves of pleasure through his spine. And back muscles under his own hands felt too firm and perfect to be just a dream. Tongue licking his lips asking for entrance, teeth grazing his lips, sucking his tongue, hand snaking under his cloak and nails scraping gently his sensitive skin under it. He wouldn't be able to get this aroused in his dreams and he wondered if the man giving him the sensations already knew that by the growing erection between them. The green-eyed man chuckled into his mouth and suddenly the air shifted around them and the warmth of the room they'd apparated into hit his bare back which had suddenly lost its cloak and the collar shirt he'd been wearing. He sighed, let out a moan and budged his erection strained in tightening pants against the other man, searching for friction. He was lowered into the mattress. Zipper opened and freed his cock from its prison. Alien hands came to stroke it, pulling and yanking, it was rough and gentle at the same time - and sexy as hell- moans escaped his mouth and he couldn't help but wonder when would his dream end… The end was nearing, he could feel the orgasm spasm through his body, he let out a cry and arched his back, lips never leaving his. The softness of them, dark green eyes and whisper was the last thing he felt before he blacked out. "Good night, my dragon…"