Apparently I tend to suffer from blocks… However I have had this chapter started for a long time and now got some courage to pick up where I left it. Also I have to warn that there's gonna be some smut here but don't worry; there's a warning where it starts so if someone doesn't want to read it they'll know to skip it ^^

Thank you for all the reviews and again I apologize for the wait.

Hope you enjoy this ^^



I need to distance myself to see clearly…

Although it wasn't really that hard to be in distance while standing among the hall full of Death eaters…

Draco watched the people around him listening to their leader with almost glazed eyes - things like that seemed to catch his eye now more than ever.

The way people tended to act around The Dark Lord, the way he could draw the attention of the whole room to himself just by being, his presence arousing feelings of respect, admiration and loyalty, and fear if it suited his purposes. Although Draco wasn't entirely sure that the man was aware of how much of an affect he had on those around him.

Everyone in the same room with that kind of commanding presence knew that one look from those shining eyes could make them feel proud of themselves for job well done or make them quiver in horror.

The kind of power Harry had over people terrified Draco as well as excited him.. To have those eyes on him… It was simply thrilling.

Draco felt a jab between his ribs and when he turned to look for the source he saw Blaise staring at him.

"We need to talk." Blaise whispered solemnly, the look he gave him with his dark eyes had a hard edge.

Draco knew that Blaise could be like this sometimes but he seldom was that look directed at him and it made him curious… Was something wrong?

After the meeting Blaise led Draco outside and they apparated to the Zabini Manor.


"He's dangerous, you know that right?" said Blaise the moment they both had safely materialized into a small parlor with big windows and light colors.

Before Draco could reply Blaise continued "I know you're not that stupid to play around with him so what are you doing?" Blaise's dark eyes tried to impale Draco's deepest thoughts but it was impossible now that he had felt a truly piercing gaze penetrate through his whole existence, more than once. Blaise's glare did nothing.

Draco was silent with bewilderment and frankly a little shocked. He wasn't prepared for the moral talk but he should have known Blaise would notice that something was going on.

He was perceptive like that and Draco should have anticipated this conversation, knowing his friend.

"I should've known this would come. However I don't see how this is any of your business, Blaise. "

"It is, if and when he hurts you, as he inevitably will. We both know that the Dark Lord is the very definition of the word 'unpredictable'. In the long run he's going to corrupt you to the core." Some worry was creeping into the dark skinned mans voice but only slightly.

It showed just the right amount to let Draco know how sincere he was.

Blaise's words brought the Minister to Draco's mind and made him think about the way Harry had gotten rid of Fudge so cunningly. It seemed like the man had the most artfully unforeseen solutions to every situation.

There was some sense in Blaise's words: who was to say Harry wasn't going to manipulate Draco, mould him into something he wouldn't even recognize anymore…

Problem, however, was that there was something unfathomably alluring about someone outsmarting him and playing mindgames, leaving him to figure them out for himself to find out if he was toyed with. He couldn't explain it.

And he had never met someone capable of maneuvering a mindgame that Draco hadn't seen right through and laughed mockingly at it.

He was sure Harry hadn't tried to manipulate him, yet, but it was bound happen eventually. And it was up to Draco to accept the challenge.

He certainly didn't mind if that was in his future, he actually anticipated with a small amount of glee if Harry would deem him worth of those games, he couldn't wait to find out what he himself was made of, whether he was able to see through deceit and counter it with his own and prove himself worthy of his Lord.

"Did it for a moment occur to you, Blaise, that I know what I'm doing and I'm well aware of who it is I'm dealing with? Maybe the damage is already done and this is just talk from already manipulated mind or maybe this is who I truly am" Draco paused for a moment to breath some air and then finished "but I do actually know how to take care of myself."

Now that he thought about it, he was starting to get a bit annoyed - did everyone take him as some kind of delicate fragile flower that would just fall apart if put any strain on.

Even though the Dark Lord - Harry (somehow the difference was worlds apart between those names but still they were the same.

Although Draco had seen Harry under the hood and the leadership, he knew that the charismatic and dominating personality was still under there no matter how civil he was acting - hence the stumbling around the names on Draco's part: he just felt alight in presence of both; Harry who kissed him and made him feel like he had an inferno inside and the Dark Lord, the leader he had pledged himself to serve and would follow to the ends of the earth.), had told him to think things over, deep down Draco had already known the answer.


Harry could see the fire in the shining blue eyes as Draco approached him in his study.

He knew the answer before Draco could even approach him.

He allowed himself to feel joy in that moment.

He of course should have known that Draco wasn't intimidated that easily, Dark Lord or not as Harry was.

Harry had been right about Draco and still the pale, fair man just kept on getting more attractive in his eyes, if it was even possible.

Harry watched with sharp eyes as the blonde man got closer, not even flinching as Draco stopped, his arms crossed, just before him, leaving very little space between them, which was just fine by Harry; actually more than fine - convenient even.

There was a moment of silence, where they just stared at each other, and Harry could see Draco was a little distressed as if just realizing who he was dealing with, was possibly about to scold.

Finally he seemed to have collected his courage and gave Harry a piece of his mind:

"Yes, I know. I know who you are, I know who I am and I've accepted the fact that you may be able to cause me harm more than I'm able cause you.

But we both know I'm not some damsel in distress to be cocooned, especially from you, even though I'm well aware what you're capable of, so I would appreciate if in the future you don't doubt my judgment. "

Draco admitted to himself being a little out of breath and dreaded how Harry might react. Thinking a little more about it, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to speak in such a way to someone like Harry who had proved himself to be capable of being the most terrifying person Draco had ever known.

For a flash of a second Draco recognized his leader in Harry's eyes. He saw the the relentless strength and mercilessness quickly swirl in and out of the emerald pools. Just enough to be stupefied senseless when the hardness in those eyes melted into mirth and Harry laughed.

Draco didn't want to be cliché and say that it was the most beautiful laugh he had heard but honestly, it was like soft bells. Unbelievable and completely unexpected.

When the laugh faded into amused arc of very attractive lips Harry finally spoke.

"You never cease to amaze me, my Dragon."

Nothing more and nothing less was said as the dark haired man continued to watch him.

And then out of blue Harry pinned Draco to the closest wall.

~(Smut ahead people)~

Draco could see the satisfied smirk the Dark Lord was giving him as he captured his hands above his head and then his lips were captured into a hungry, claiming kiss.

As if Harry felt a burning need to mark what was his and his alone.

It ended but before Draco could even catch his breath his wrists were released as Harry's hands occupied themselves behind him, nails digging very possessively into his skin, leaving marks that drove Draco deeper into want. Draco moaned and writhed into the body that was keeping him against the wall. Those lips just loved to make him squirm. Now they were on his neck sucking, marking, making Draco want more.

Fingers already prepping him, not forgetting to show attention to both his cheeks under the fabric of his trousers. It wasn't violent but it wasn't gentle either, just the right way that made Draco want to scream. Those clever, elegant fingers entering him, in and out. He was grinding upwards and his hips were met at every beat. Erections straining to meet each other.

They set them free along with every offending piece of clothing that was in the way and before Draco even knew it he was pushed front first against the wall and not a second after he felt another body against his back and pressure behind him as Harry licked his neck, sucked and then finally bit gently into the skin at the same time as pushing into Draco who moaned at the sensation it all brought him. He met Harry with every push and turned his head to the side to see that beautiful face, eyes alight with pleasure and lust and need, the emerald in those eyes shining stormily as his lips were once again captured ravenously.

As the pace quickened and Harry drove himself harder and deeper into Draco and sank his teeth into his shoulder Draco was sent over the edge and he started spilling his seed into the wall and he could feel Harry coming too while still driving himself deep inside Draco, filling him as warm liquid trickled down the blonde's inner thigh.

They slowed until they stopped moving, Draco was locked between the wall and a hot body, feeling satisfied in more ways than one.

He hadn't in his wildest dreams imagined the situation would unfold like that.

He felt lips gently nibbling the skin in his neck. Satisfying indeed.

After a long while the warmth finally disappeared from behind him and he turned around to see Harry still close, his gaze still possessive as if feeling proud that the pale but now flushed man before him was in such a state of disarray, skin still hot and wet, usually sleek and neat hair now disheveled, all because of him.

All Draco could do was bite his lip.

Did he really know what he was getting into…

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::smut ends here::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

After they had clothed themselves Harry took a serious look of Draco.

"The plan needs to happen soon." He stated.

Draco agreed, but frowned. He felt like he had missed something.

"My Lord… Please forgive me for asking, but I'm sure you could have Rosier out without effort right this second if you wanted to. Why haven't you?"

Harry gave him a look that Draco could decipher only as mild appreciation. Draco felt glad to have been right, that he had read it right - there was something else.

"I could have, yes." Harry said as he leaned against his desk.

"But timing is everything."

And once again Draco couldn't help but be intrigued.