BAD NEWS: ======Please read this=====

It is not likely for me to write an A.N in the beginning of the chapter but this is IMPORTANT so please read this...

1. Apparently the Indonesian Government decided that FFNet is not save, or something like that because they blocked the site, we cannot access the site anymore. There are some loop hole of course, but that was not comfortable so I couldn't update just anytime I feel like it anymore. (changing the proxy didnt work, somehow I have to use my mobile but again the connection is really bad so it took time to upload a document from my mobile, it failed again and again it frustrated me!) so please be patient for the next update.

2. My job made me travelling a lot (another reason for bad connection) and also I spend my free time making cosplay costumes and whatnot. So there is little time to write, most of the time I am really tired. But I appreciate review. (I could read it from my email because the government dont block Yahoo! But I can't reply because it is difficult to log in).




"But she had done so much to help us!"

It wasn't everyday you could see Rukia Kuchiki shouted at her brother, the head of Kuchiki family and the captain of fifth division, Byakuya Kuchiki. Renji who was sitting on the floor, next to the black haired captain made a certain face, trying to calm her down and told her to stop without actually making any noise. He knew that even though he looked so calm, Byakuya was actually displeased by his sister's behavior. The handsome man took another sip of his green tea and put the glass down gracefully before he looked at the younger shinigami and sighed elegantly.

"The rule cannot be broken."

"What rule?" Rukia started to get really annoyed, she had been trying to assure her brother so many times already but he was just being to stoneheaded to listen to her. "She had been helping us! And Ichigo! Don't pretend as if you forgot what had she done for us, Onii-sama!"

Byakuya looked into her violet eyes. "What do you want me to do?" he frowned. "She is dead, Rukia. He is alive! When people died, their soul entered the soul society and thus all of their connection to the living world shall be cut down."

"She remembered everything! It must mean something!" Rukia tried again, "at least, just let her visiting them once!"

Byakuya shook her head, "don't let your feeling blind you. She is dead. Her time in the living world has ended. That's all." After saying that, the captain stood up, leaving the black haired woman and his vice captain alone in the traditional styled room.

Renji sighed. Rukia hadn't said anything after Byakuya left the room. He could understand that Rukia wanted to help her friends. Both Ichigo and Orihime were her friends and he agreed, this was too cruel. Ichigo and Orihime deserved to be happy.

The red haired shinigami smiled sadly. He knew that Byakuya also understood this feeling. He couldn't blame Byakuya though for being so strict. He had his own reason and he understood that completely. He knew that Rukia knew this too but it wasn't easy for her to accept this.

"Rukia..." The red head started, "you see, Captain's right. That's the rule. When people..."

"Stop it Renji," Rukia growled, "I don't want to hear about the rule from you! Not now!"

The vice captain sighed, he knew how the raven girl felt but he needed to explain, "listen, even if Ichigo could see Orihime right now, what good it would be? They cannot stay together forever. She's dead, Rukia. They have their own life now. If they met, it would be harder for them to say goodbye..."

Rukia didn't say anything.

She knew that her childhood friend was right. She also understood her brother's reason to object. She just thought that it was too sad. Ichigo and Orihime deserved to be happy.

Rukia shook her head, "I just want them to be happy..."

Renji smiled sadly, "I know that feeling, that I do."


"And they thought you were my older brother!"

Ichigo was walking side by side with his daughter by the river bank, they were heading home. The sun was setting when the little girl talking excitedly about what had happened in her school that day. Ichigo walked slowly, following her small footstep, smiling at her excited tone.

"Oh yeah, do I look that young?"

Aika looked up and grinned at the young father, "you are young and handsome. My friends said you look like an actor!"

Ichigo laughed, "oh, sure..."

Aika smiled proudly, "I told them that my mama is really beautiful too."

Ichigo smiled sadly, of course, he would definitely agreed with that. She was the most beautiful woman in this world. He could imagine that Aika would grow up as beautiful as her mother.

"When I lived with Obaa-chan and Mama, Mama had fans," Aika giggled, "there were people wants to be my father... But when I told Mama, she said that my father is Kurosaki-kun. I don't need new father."

Ichigo felt like someone had just punch his gut. He disliked the feeling when he heard that there were men trying to get close with Orihime when he wasn't there. He hated the fact that there were other men who wanted to take his position to be with Orihime, to be Aika's father. He knew it was silly but he felt jealous all of sudden.

"Mama loved you," Aika surprised him with her innocent words, he looked down only to meet her big beautiful orbs, "mama always talked about you."

Ichigo didn't know how to react. He knew it. He knew that she loved him. He loved her just as much. He just lost his word when he looked at his daughter's innocent eyes.

Both father and daughter continued walking as the sky getting darker and darker. Ichigo helt her small hand as they walked. There were so many things dancing in his head.


"No, that was wrong! You shouldn't added the soyu yet!"

Ichigo groaned, "it's only soyu, the taste wouldn't be different if I added it now or later!"

"Hey! You asked me to teach you cooking, now you have to listen to all of my instruction!" Yuzu huffed and slapped his brother upper arm.

Usually Yuzu had always been the cuter one but just now Ichigo realized that she could be even scarier than Karin if she wanted to. He had never thought that Yuzu would be so strict when teaching him how to make some hayashi rice. He had started to regret asking his sister instead of trying out some recipe and instruction he found in internet.

Ichigo looked into the pot and sighed, it seemed like he had added everything. He turned to the shorter girl and raised an eyebrow, "now what?"

Yuzu peeked insided the pot to check it, "hmm, set the fire a little lower, ah yes like that, and let it be for, hmm, five hours."

The orange haired man gasped, "five hours?! You gotta be kidding me!"

His sister shrugged, "I am serious." She walked to the fridger and get a can of coke and opened it, "besides why hayashi rice? Why not curry?"

Ichigo sighed, he walked to the dining table, pulled a chair and sat down, "I promised Aika. She said she wanted to eat Hayashi Rice, so I..."

Yuzu shook her head and sat in front of her brother and smiled meaningfully, "I see, you really loved her, huh, Onii-chan?"

Ichigo's face turned red and glared at his sister when she giggled, "wh-what?! Are you stupid?! Of course, I... I mean, She is my daughter!"

Yuzu laughed. She knew her brother would never admit it openly. Actually, she knew that Ichigo had changed a lot ever since he met Aika. Sure, she knew deep inside the wound he kept hadn't been healed yet but she knew, little by little, together with the little girl, Ichigo had begun to start his life again.

"Hey, Onii-chan," Yuzu poked his arm.


"When Orihime-neechan had Aika, she was still really young, wasn't she?"

Ichigo blushed, that was not the topic she would like to talk about. Especially not with his own sister. However he managed to grunt, "hn, yeah. Why?"

Yuzu rested his chin on her hands, "nothing. I am just wondering, if one day when Aika-chan grow up and meet a guy she really loves and..."

"AAAAAAA! NO!" Ichigo used both of his hands to cover his ears, "I don't want to hear about it!"

Yuzu laughed, "oniichan, do you realize that you start to be more like our dad?"

"Don't put me on the same level with that stupid old goat!"

Yuzu just laughed louder.


"Rukia, what are you doing?"

The red haired shinigami tried to caught the petite shinigami's wrist but she slapped his hand away. Renji quickened his pace as the black haired girl tried to leave him. He knew that look in her eyes. That determined look in her eyes would only bring trouble for herself, he wouldn't let that happen.

"Rukia, listen to me!"

Rukia didn't stop at all, "No, you listen to me! I can't just stay there watching my friends suffering when I know I could do something for them. I wouldn't just pretend like I know nothing, Renji!"

"Listen, you can't do this, this is wrong!" Renji tried desperately to make her understand, "Rukia, I understand but you have to learn to let it go, your personal emotion would not bring any good for..."

"Shut up, Renji!" Rukia shouted, "Just, please..." she stopped suddenly and turned, she looked into his red eyes and begged, "you don't have to help me, just... Please... Understand me... It is so sad, Renji... I've seen him losing the woman he loves and I couldn't do anything, this time is different. I could do something for Ichigo..."


Suddenly it all started to make sense to him.


Rukia didn't say anything.

Renji sighed. Of course, he should have known, she hadn't really moved on since that day...

"Rukia, you're overlapping Kaien and Ichigo again?"

Rukia shook her head, "please Renji..."

The red head shinigami couldn't do anything as his childhood friend ran away from him. He knew he should have stopped her but he did nothing.

"Rukia..." he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "you don't understand..."




Author's note:

So it is almost finished! 3-4 chapters left! YAY and sorry for late update, latest update was 2012 and now is 2014... Just wow.