Years Later

Summary: Sequel to Ashamed, 9 years after all of that stuff happened. If this confuses you I suggest you read Ashamed to understand this.

1st Part

At around lunchtime Fitz arrived at Clare and Tyler's house. He knocked on the door and within seconds Tyler opened the door and smiled

"Dad's here!" He yelled excitedly. He jumped into Fitz's arms and Fitz hugged his son tightly.

"Hey buddy." He said. He put Tyler down, Tyler peered behind Fitz and saw a bleach blonde standing behind him, she was wearing a denim mini skirt and a pink singlet. Fitz turned and forced a smile.

"Tyler this is Mindy, my girlfriend." Fitz said. Mindy smiled and a little bit, Tyler could tell she didn't want to be there.

"Well, come in." Tyler said. Tyler entered the house and Fitz and Mindy followed. "Mum! Dad's here!" Tyler yelled. Fitz looked around; it looks exactly the same as it did last time he came over.

"Hello Fitz and..." Clare began coming into the living room where they were standing.

"Mindy." Mindy said Clare smiled. Fitz turned around and saw Clare standing there, to him everytime he saw Clare she looked even more beautiful than before.

"Hey Clare." He said,

"Well, I've got to the office now so can you guys look after Tyler for me; I'll be back at 4." Clare said grabbing her coat and purse, she went over to Tyler and kissed him on the top of his head.

"Sure." Fitz said, he was disappointed that she wouldn't be around. Clare smiled

"Thanks." She said before leaving. Fitz turned to Tyler.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked him. Tyler smiled hugely.

2nd part

Clare arrived home at 4 o'clock sharp,

"Hello." She said walking into the living room to see Tyler, Fitz and Mindy watching TV. Mindy looked completely bored out of her brains. Fitz looked up to Clare and smiled.

"I guess we should get going." Fitz said. Mindy smiled instantly.

"Ok." Clare said. The three sitting on the couch all stood up. Tyler hugged his dad and nodded goodbye to Mindy.

"See you later kid." Fitz said. Tyler smiled and nodded.

Clare walked them to the door because Tyler had to go finish a project for school. While Mindy raced to Fitz's car Fitz walked with Clare.

"So Mindy seems nice, what happened to Carrie?" Asked Clare Fitz sighed

"It didn't work out, how's Joel?" He asked her,

"He's good." She answered. Fitz kissed Clare on the cheek and walked to his car.

3rd Part

Fitz arrived home after dropping Mindy off at her place. When they had got to her house Fitz had broken up with her. He told her he didn't feel a connection between them but in actual fact he didn't actually like her, his heart yearned for someone by the name of Clare. He opened the door to his apartment locked the front door and went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of bourbon. He got a glass out of one of the cupboards and poured some into the glass. He downed all it and walked over to his couch along with the bottle and glass and then started to drink the bourbon. He felt a little bit guilty for using Mindy for his own reasons but he needed her to forget his feelings for Clare. His thinking was disrupted when his phone rang. He got up and answered it.

"Hello." He said gruffly.

"What's up grumpy?" asked Bianca.

"Hey B, nothing's wrong." He answered.

"Fine whatever, you miss Clare but she's going to marry the successful, hot and nice and ultimately perfect doctor." Bianca said in a knowing voice.

"I don't miss Clare." Fitz said defensively. Bianca laughed

"Sure, how many times a day do you have to say that to yourself to believe it?" She asked him

"Bianca stop it." He said.

"Fine, but you do miss her." Bianca said

"I do miss her a lot." Fitz admitted.

"I knew it, Fitz you have to tell her that." Bianca told him.

"No I can't she's getting married soon." Fitz said sadly.

"So, she's not married yet, you still have time, Clare would do what's right for Tyler and I know that she deep down still loves you." Bianca said smugly.

"How do you know all of this?" asked Fitz.

"Because I see the way she looks at you." Bianca said. Fitz thought about it.

"I don't know." He said

"Then think about it some more and when you decide do it or do nothing." Bianca said.

"Ok, bye B." Fitz said to her.

"See you later." Bianca said before hanging up. Fitz sat back down to where he was sitting before and poured another glass of bourbon. Should he tell Clare how he feels? He wondered.

Reviews please.