01. Raise

Fang felt the strain in her muscles as she fought to get back to her feet, panting for breath, having just been heaved in the air and landing flat on her back by a King Behemoth. Winded, with red rimming her vision, the chime of a voice calling her name sounded as if it was coming to her through a long tunnel. Then, she felt it; that magical stir within her body as a healing spell was cast to her, a familiar figure leaning over her.

"Get up!" the strawberry blond soldier hissed, gripping the tribeswoman's hand and yanking her to her feet. Fang took a gasping breath, hunched over slightly as the spell poured in to her system. She caught sight of Sazh holding off the King Behemoth all by himself. Almost as quickly as Lightning had pulled her up, she let go of Fang's hand, gunblade in her grip, her red cape swirling as she turned, casting a Ruin in the direction of the "nasty", as the tanned Oerban would call them. Fang, feeling energized, ran with her to tackle this challenge alongside the Commando.

02. Less

It seemed that the time she and Lightning spent together became less and less these days. Fang frowned, watching the soldier stride out of their temporary camp to scout. Hope, Snow, Sazh, and Vanille were all around the fire.
"Fang?" came Vanille's questionable tone. Fang turned, looking back at her surrogate younger sister, blinking slowly once before she just shook her head and smiled.

"I'll be right back," Fang said to the redhead, who simply gave her a knowing look as the woman grabbed her spear, and headed off in to the night after Lightning. She could feel Hope's glare burning the back of her head until she'd slipped out of sight along the uneven terrain of the Steppe. She took a deep breath. Now, where could Light had gone? It wasn't too long until Fang had caught up with the ex-sergeant, amused that she could be so edgy even when she was all alone. Lightning didn't say a word as Fang fell in to step beside her. The last person she'd want to go on a late night stroll with would have to be Fang, especially after last night. She'd had to teach the Oerban the "no spooning" rule by kicking her out of her tent and leaving a dark bruise on her ribcage.

"You forgive me yet, Sunshine?" Fang finally broke the silence. Lightning paused from her walking as Fang slowed herself to a stop as well. With her back towards her, Fang couldn't see Lightning's face, but that might be best, or she'd be pierced by a glare as cold as ice. "Hmm... no, then?" Fang chuckled, that signature smirk curving her lips as she clasped her hands behind her head casually.

"... I never said that," Lightning finally spoke, pausing a moment as if she wanted to say more, before continuing on. Fang's grin just widened, following after her.

03. Layer

"You'll freeze to death," Fang reasoned, though her tone was a little too cheeky to be taken seriously. The stoic soldier was shivering, hugging herself tightly, her strawberry blonde locks darker with the water that soaked her from head to toe, and who merely glared fiercely at the Oerban. Teeth chattering, her phrase came out rather stuttered,"N-N-N-Not t-t-to d-death I won't-t-t..." Fang sighed, placing a hand on her hip. Light could be stubborn sometimes, and more often than not, it was too much for her own good. Her fair skin was even more pale than usual, and her shivering only seemed to be worsening by the second. Fang shook her head, and stepped towards the soldier, sitting down beside her. Lightning tensed up, and hissed through her teeth in a way that was a lot less menacing than she'd hoped,"Wh-Wh-What the HELL are you d-d-doing?"

Wrapping her arms tight around Lightning, Fang questioned her in an almost smug, mocking way,"What. they never teach ya nothin' 'bout body heat in tha army?" She was happy to see some color return to Lightning's face as her cheeks flushed a mild tinge of pink.

"Of c-c-course they d-did," she growled, clenching her teeth, trying to resist the warmth the woman was swathing her in. Fang could feel how soaked through her light layer of clothing was, there was no way the soldier could be comfortable and warm.
"Then relax, Sunshine. Try'n stop shiverin', yeah?"

04. Sign

Lightning stared for a few moments at the decrepit, wooden sign held together just barely by what appeared to be rope. She heard Vanille whimper, and couldn't help herself in glancing over her shoulder to the older Oerban. Fang seemed a little dazed, but really, who could blame her? To find that her and Vanille's home was in such a state, that it had all happened maybe because of them, while they were gone, even. Lightning swallowed, and turned away, folding her arms across her chest.
"There's nothing we can do now," she said,"So let's find some place to stay for the night, and continue on tomorrow."

05. Try

At this point, slowing down her erratic pulse was a lost cause, her heart jack-hammering in her chest. Lightning quietly gasped, trying to catch her breath as her fingers ran back through dark chestnut hair. Fang elicited an almost feral growl of delight at the sound, still nipping and kissing at Lightning's neck. The Pulsian had her pressed up against a cold metal wall, hands roaming, trying to get the uncooperative belts of her jacket undone, the half turtleneck already unzipped to give her the access she desired to the ivory skin of her lover. Teeth grazed toned flesh, fingernails trailing, skittering along as articles of clothing became discarded. Fang slid down on one knee, planting a feathery cascade of kisses along the soldier's bare stomach, while her arm slung one of a slightly dizzied Lightning's legs over her shoulder, hands gruffly pushing her skirt up, out of the way.

Lightning had nothing to cling to, her azure blue eyes glazing over with lust, feeling soft lips kissing at her inner thighs. She whimpered as Fang nipped at the supple flesh closest to her core, it had been far too long since they'd done this. The soldier nearly let an uncharacteristic groan of sexual frustration escape her as Fang drew back, to look up at her, sliding a hand along her leg to the plain black panties and pushing them aside, the only barrier left between Fang's mouth and that wonderful pleasure no longer an issue.

"Don't be too loud now, ya hear? Might wake up-" Fang began teasingly, but was quickly cut off by an impatient quip.

"The others, I know," Lightning sighed, catching her lower lip between her teeth in an attempt to keep herself from pouncing the bronze huntress. Fang just smirked back up at her, before allowing her head to bow, and her tongue to run along the moistened slit. It was incredible, this privilege Fang received. To see the mighty Farron, resident hard-ass and cold-as-ice ex-sergeant, deadly with a gunblade and even deadlier with her looks, getting all heated up. A low moan escaped Farron, and Fang inwardly grinned as she continued to sensually bury her face between her legs.

Suppressed moans and whimpers turned in to breathless gasps for air, Light's back arching occasionally away from the cold metal wall. Her hands gripped on to Fang's hair, her leg shaking slightly. A less controlled moan resonated from her throat, music to the Pulsian's ears. With each motion of her tongue, lips, and teethe, she was driving Lightning closer and closer to the edge. Only Fang could do this, get her so completely riled up, throwing her head back as she moaned again, tugging the raven locks in her trembling grasp. She bit back her rising screams of ecstasy, all thoughts impossible, her mind focused on the pleasure alone that had her face flushed red. Her hips were held in place by strong tanned hands as one name was moaned, Lightning couldn't hold back any longer, hitting her peak, "Fang!"

06. Give

She had been completely shocked. After a long day of drills, training with the Guardian Crops. settled in Gran Pulse, Lightning had wanted nothing more than to return to her new home in the recently rebuilt Oerba. The sun had just been setting, creating that view that she couldn't get enough of, yet would admit this to no one. She went along the streets of the town, towards the residential area which was always bustling with activity.

Children were playing games in the street, a house was being repaired, a few men sat out front of a house, smoking cigarettes and talking merrily with one another. The houses here held families, be them related by blood or otherwise. But Lightning? Alone. She refused to let anyone in that wasn't Hope, Sazh and his son, Snow, or Serah. So, you could imagine the shock she received, walking through the front door, and heading to the kitchen to make herself a quick dinner before bed, only to stop dead in her tracks and stare. The back towards her started off with a wild mane of raven hair, descending to give way to the diamond cutting of a half black tank top, silk blue sari almost reaching the floor in view. This consistency screamed the impossible; Oerba Yun Fang had woken up from a crystal sleep Lightning had expected her to be in for centuries. She hadn't thought she'd see the Pulsian again for the rest of her life. But no, she was real.

There was no mistaking it, especially as the tanned figure turned around to face her, that same daunting smirk curving those same soft lips on that same beautiful face, her accent making it all a little too real,"Happy birthday Sunshine, did'ja miss me?" Yes, it was Lightning's Birthday. Probably why she'd been in such a foul mood that day, too. Fang returning to her, however, to her home in Oerba no less... it was the best gift Fang could give, considering she'd barely had any time at all to get here and sneak inside to surprise the soldier.

07. Great

She stared down at the bowl in her hands carefully, cornflower blue orbs scrutinizing the warm liquid within.

"So this is..." she started slowly, wrinkling her nose at the strong scent wafting up towards her face along with the steam.

"Soup. Stu. Call it whatever ya want, jus' eat it," Fang said with a shrug. Lightning glanced at Snow, who was devouring his bowl of stu like it was the most delicious thing in the world. Sazh didn't seem to mind it, and Vanille was sipping away at her bowl, accustomed to this type of cuisine, thrown together with herbs and ingredients from the very face of Gran Pulse. Hope seemed just as tentative as Farron, though he carefully lifted the bowl to his lips, which he next licked. He seemed to like it, taking another sip, this one bigger. Lightning sighed quietly, her gaze flickering across the fire back to Fang, whose bowl was already empty.

Fang was now busying herself with smirking smugly at the soldier, no doubt thinking up teasing remarks and insults. She opened her mouth to say something, but froze in mild surprise for a moment as the soldier took not a sip, but a quick gulp of the stu, before lowering her bowl back in to her lap. It had burned slightly on the way down her throat, leaving behind a scalding tingle on her tongue, but it wasn't enough to melt Lightning's icy composure.

"So what do you think?" Vanille piped up in question. Hope turned his head to look at Lightning, and even Snow stopped scarfing down his third helping to look at his sister-in-law-to-be. How was it...?

"It's gr-... good," Lightning replied to Vanille, before looking back to the stu remaining in her dish. She didn't want to say what she really thought, of course, for fear of teasing by the big bully Fang, who'd no doubt convince Snow to egg her on along with her.

08. Compare

Leaders were important. They had to answer the questions they were asked, they had to make the decisions. They were the ones who took charge of situations, be them simple or difficult, no matter the task. Whether a leader was good or not was most often defined by their own thoughts and feelings of their skills, and the reactions of those who followed them. This was why Lightning secretly envied Fang in that aspect. She seemed to get along with everyone, even Hope at times. She was the 'fun' leader, the encouraging one. And even though she never let anyone get off task, she did it in a way that didn't make it feel like she was giving an order. She was also confident, and so headstrong and sure about whatever she did, and in that area, was a lot like Lightning.

Still, however, there was no denying the difference between their methods for leading their group. Lightning refused to stop for breaks longer than ten minutes, and pushed everyone to their limits, especially herself. She treated them all like soldiers, not friends, and her emotions seemed to get in the way more than she would let on, affecting her normal decisions. They were two different leaders with similar traits... so why, Farron would ask herself from time to time, was there such a gap between them?

09. Listen

The crashing of the waves underneath the afternoon sun was like a symphony for Fang. Visiting Bodhum had definitely been a good idea. Sazh was busy building a sandcastle with Dahj, and Snow was more than happy to splash around in the water with Serah. While Vanille and Hope were gathering seashells together, Fang was treated to not only these lovely sounds, but the sight, as well, of the older Farron sibling. How could one be out on such a glorious, relaxing day, and still be so frigid? Even how she sat, hands in her lap, on her knees, it was all so formal. Fang pursed her lips for a moment, before striding up behind the soldier and sitting down beside her on her towel, in the shade the orange umbrella stuck in the sand provided.

"So tell me, Light," Fang started, running a hand back through her dark, wet hair, clad in a blue bikini, her tan skin still dripping slightly,"how can you come to the beach in a swim suit, and not go swimmin'?"

"I just don't see the point of this," Lightning relayed her opinion back to the Pulsian, making dead sure her eyes stayed ahead, locked on the horizon of lapping waves and clear blue water. Fang shook her head in disbelief, sighing theatrically and slinging her arm around Farron's shoulders, which she felt tense up even further underneath the touch.

"There's not supposed t'be a point, Sunshine. It's jus' fer fun. You DO know what that is, yeah?" Fang teased, giving Light's shoulders a squeeze. Lightning then pulled away, standing up and out of Fang's arm, folding her arms across her chest as her azure eyes glared coldly at the Oerban. Fang just smirked back up at her, admiring the view of the ex-sergeant trying to look all tough and pissed off while in a crimson bikini.

"Don't worry," Fang chided,"you're allowed to have fun once in a while. It's not like Bahamut is gonna bite yer head off if ya do." Lightning then allowed one single laugh to sound from her lips, which curved in to an almost amused little smile. Fang couldn't place it if Light was just mocking her, or if she actually thought what she'd said was funny - in which case, she'd have to question her sanity when it came to Eidolons and decapitation. But still... that sound was something she could listen to all day.

10. Choice

"Yes or no, Light?" Fang questioned, her hand still extended towards Lightning Farron, who gazed carefully at the dragon Fang was currently mounted on. She'd thought it would be an excellent idea to scout ahead on Bahamut, seeing as, well, he could fly, being a dragon and all. They'd get a bird's eye view from up there, and for some sick, cynical reason, Fang had started to - you guessed it - tease Lightning. She'd asked if she was afraid of heights, if she thought she could handle flying in the open air without a saddle, even if the soldier had jumped out of flying vehicles without a moments' hesitation before.

So, here they were, Fang waiting Lightning's answer for a ride on the back of a dragon that looked like he didn't like her, just to go scouting. It wasn't that big of a deal. She should just say "no" and go back to camp to upgrade their weapons with the others. Fang had a way of getting under Farron's skin, however, rubbing her the wrong way just enough to make her second guess herself. Putting on that mask of hers, Lightning frowned, and wordlessly took the Oerban's hand, allowing herself to be aided in climbing up on to the dragon's sleek black back, sliding in to be seated behind Fang, who was grinning that cocky smile of hers.

"Y'might wanna hold on," Fang warned, sounding a tad serious. Lightning paused, about to ask about what she was supposed to hold on to, but never got the chance to do so as Bahamut let out a roar before suddenly taking off. Farron's arms locked around Fang's waist, she was nearly thrown off the dragon's back from the powerful and sudden lift-off. She held her own wrist, limbs locked around the Pulsian's middle. She heard Fang laughing, and Lightning's cheeks flushed slightly, though she said nothing. Scouting had been pushed to the back of her mind, up here in the wide open air on Bahamut's back, clinging to Fang. Why hadn't she loosened her hold yet? Well, the hundred-something story drop to the terrain below was certainly a good motivation to remain hanging on, but there was something else she was trying to resist acknowledging. The fact that her body fit so perfectly against Fang's, and how warm she was. Every breath Lightning took was incidentally filled with Fang's scent, though she continued to blame the height on why she was becoming slightly dizzy. Lightheaded still, Light rested her head on Fang's back, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to take a deep breath, which only furthered her hazy intoxication.

"Y'alright there Sunshine?" Fang asked, turning her head a bit. It wasn't like Lightning to be one for physical contact, especially not like this. She felt Farron nod, her cheek rubbing against the back of her neck. Fang frowned slightly, before getting the bright idea to take Bahamut down, for just a little break. She landed them in a stretch of terrain, letting Bahamut, along with Lightning, rest. Light was a little shaky in the knees, going to sit underneath a tree and try and calm down in the shade. Fang went right ahead and sat next to her, leaning against the soldier with a grin, enjoying the warm breeze. Lightning sighed heavily, tucking a loose lock of pink hair behind her ear.

"Comfortable, are we?" she asked, not sounding too pleased, but certainly a lot better than not talking at all. She wasn't as pale as she had been before, either.

"Very much, thanks," Fang chuckled, though pausing at the opportunity. They were alone, away from the others, far, FAR away, too. The Pulsian turned, then, touching Lightning's cheek and forcing her to look at her.

"What're you doing?" Lightning quickly asked, flinching away a bit, yet Fang held her in place.

"You feelin' any better now?" Fang asked, and Lightning's suspicious expression softened slightly. So, Fang was just worried?

"Yes, thank you," Lightning replied, sighing slightly. Fang still hadn't moved, jade green orbs locking on to cornflower blue. Lightning blinked. "Fang...?" Then, it happened. As she felt her heart beating faster and faster, Fang leaned closer and closer, until finally, their lips touched, eyes closed. There was a certain spark to the simple kiss, and Lightning was surprised with herself for giving in in the first place, though not surprised with the fact that Fang had been the one to initiate. In Lightning's fantasies, deep down, locked away in the very depths of her mind, Fang had always been the one to make the first move.

Lightning carefully returned the kiss, lips crushed to Fang's as the contact intensified with something more. Fang opened her mouth against Farron's, tongue gently asking for entrance, which she granted with a moment of hesitation. Fang was surprisingly gentle with the kiss, considering her wild exterior and mannerisms. In all honesty, however, Lightning was craving more from the tribeswoman. She was the one to take it further, cupping Fang's face in her hands and pressed her lips harder, tongues wrestling for dominance suddenly, which Farron quickly won, shoving back back down on to the grass. Near them, Bahamut cocked his head, but said nothing before turning his gaze elsewhere, letting the two have their fun.