
"Mom!" Gilbert exclaimed glaring at her a little. "That isn't fair! You can't ask him anything about me!"

Ivan didn't see anything wrong with his parents knowing so he grabbed at one of Gilbert's ear lightly petting it. Even though the touch was light it was of course doing its job. The albino glared at him out of the corner of his eye receiving a childlike smile in return. Ouisa watched as her son's face slowly relaxed and he sat back down grumbling but not yelling. "They relax him da!" smiled Ivan widely.

"That is gut! Now I don't have to threaten him to calm down! So what does his tail do?" she continued to ask bouncing a little in her seat.

"Da, I wish I knew…" admitted Ivan kind of wishing he could touch it because it always looked so fluffy and soft.

Gilbert crossed his arms and sat back in the chair squishing his own tail but it didn't hurt so he stayed like that. "Nein, I don't even know what it does." he stated still a little relaxed from Ivan rubbing his ears.

Ouisa's face fell a little disappointed that she doesn't know about what her son's tail does yet but she was pretty sure it won't be long until they will know anyway. She got up and began to take the dishes away getting help from Ludwig. Diedrick got up to take care of more business since Ouisa and he were going to be leaving in the morning. Gilbert decided to finally take Ivan up to his room and opened the door hearing chirps. "Hey Gilbird~!" he smiled as the bird took its place on his head.

"The bird still stays here da?" Ivan asked figuring since the bird was a wild one that it was going to leave sooner or later. He lightly petted its head earning a few more happy sounds.

"Of course he stayed because he's just as Awesome as me!" he exclaimed beginning to tear through the duffel bags and suitcases to get his clothes out of there as fast as possible. We get to stay, this time we had a choice! Gilbert was so happy that he didn't care as Ivan began looking around noticing that even though his clothes and everything was pretty much packed he had a feeling that the room was about to become messy.

This is my krolik's room~! Ivan looked at everything and noticed a lot of boxes off to the side of his bed. He opened up one of them and began to look inside before Gilbird began circling his head and chirping loudly. "Da?" he asked wondering why the bird was being annoying now.

Gilbert looked over at the noise and went over seeing as Ivan was looking through one of the boxes that held his journals before he figured out he could blog. He wasn't all that worried because there was nothing much in them that he probably wouldn't already figure out anyway. "These are my journals." he stated picking up one and flipping through it for a few seconds.

"What is in them?" he asked looking at that they didn't even have titles or anything to differentiate them other then on the first page.

"Pretty much what happened during the day." Gilbert shrugged continuing to flip through a few more before closing the box. "That's why I have so many because ever since my teacher in third grade told me to write everything I want to in a journal every day, it became a habit so I literally wrote every day until I got my computer. The rest obviously is on my Awesome blog." he smirked at him already done putting his clothes and things back.

Ivan turned around definitely seeing as his feeling of the room being messy was dead on. "Da…it is very messy in here." he pointed out as Gilbert fell back on his bed.

"Hell no it's not! It's as Awesome as me!" he stated sitting up and pulled Ivan on his bed.

"Nyet, it is very dirty in here." Ivan smiled at him and when Gilbert turned to look at him and argue he kissed his lips. Gilbert kept quiet at that and wrapped his arms around his neck as Ivan's snaked around his waist. The kiss quickly deepened and they pulled each other closer.

"Gillie~!" sung Ouisa knocking on his door. The two teens instantly separated and Ivan was smiling innocently as Gilbert was blushing a little as she opened up the door. "Do you guys want desert?" she asked.

They both said no and she closed the door to go back downstairs. Gilbert rested against Ivan's shoulder knowing that they shouldn't have been embarrassed since they already saw them making out at the park. "I'm happy I get to stay."

"Da, I am too krolik~."

As Ivan was walking toward Gilbert's house he was thinking of way to make their relationship more intimate. It was obvious now that they both enjoyed each other's company but now he kind of wanted to move on with the albino. Gilbert's parents left a few days ago making sure to tell them to be safe multiple times and the Russian getting his own warning about being nice to Gilbert. He had always been nice to him so he was wondering where Diedrick could even think about him wanting to hurt the little rabbit. I wonder if Gil would mind trying to move on anyway…

Ludwig was leaving the house just as Ivan was walking up the steps. He turned around and jumped for a second still not used to how quiet the Russian was. "Guten tag." he smiled at him looking at his watch quickly.

"You are going to see Feliciano da?" he asked smiling wider at the idea that they would have the house to themselves.

"Ja, we are going to see a movie but apparently he also wanted me to have pasta so I will be spending the night at his house." he stated seeing Ivan's smile wider. "Don't let him ruin the house." Ludwig sighed before continuing to walk to the Italian's house.

Ivan waved at him before going to the door and not even able to knock before Gilbert opened the door for him. "You had perfect timing!" he stated happy now that Ludwig couldn't yell at him for having company over without him there. Usually that meant a lot of bad things would happen but it was also Ivan so what could really happen with his boyfriend over anyway? He grabbed Ivan's hand beginning to tell him the plan that he had for the night but it was just going over his head because Ivan already had something a little planned for the night.

"Gil~?" he asked getting his attention as they were in the living room.

"Ja?" Gilbert asked looking back at him before he was pulled to the couch and kissed deeply. He pushed away the thoughts of his plans right now focusing only on the kiss.

Ivan smiled as he quickly pushed his tongue inside the albino's mouth earning a small noise. He pulled him tight to his body feeling Gilbert's legs wrap around his body. The Russian knew it would be a lot easier to grab his tail because he was tired of it looking so soft, tempting, and too curious about it to not wait any longer. He had his hands slowly move down Gilbert's back making sure to have the kiss very rough to keep him distracted. Soon his hand finally was close enough and squeezed it a little before pulling softly on it.

Gilbert couldn't help from arching his back at the touch thinking it was just to get away from his hand but soon moaned lightly. His face turned a red color and reached behind to get his hand away from his tail. "Nein!" he said quickly but his hand was captured with Ivan's other one.

"That sounded so cute~!" he exclaimed squeezing and tugging again lightly. Gilbert fidgeted and bit his lip still moaning lightly though. He hid his face into Ivan's neck as he still fiddled with it. Ivan noticed that after just a few minutes Gilbert was grinding slightly against his body and he could tell he was turned on. "There's a name to these things da?" he asked continuing to massage the tail.

"N..ne..nein…" he moaned mostly wanting him to stop touching his tail.

"But it is so cute!" Ivan stated nipping at his ear earning a louder moan.

Gilbert shook his head not really liking it but all the same he obviously was enjoying it. His pants continued to tighten until the point he couldn't stand it anymore and pushed as hard as he could at Ivan finally getting space between them. "Stop it!" he breathed heavily.

Ivan tilted his head judging by his face and the tent in his pants that he didn't want to exactly stop. "I love you though da and this is what you do when people love you…" he stated thinking he did something wrong now but saw Gilbert agree with him. He is just being difficult then! That tail was so soft that I just want to touch it again…

"Well it is but…" he flailed a little still feeling odd thanks to the tail pulling.

"Da? That means you love me right?" he asked knowing they have been dating now but he had never actually heard the albino say it out loud to him.

Gilbert blushed again and turned away mumbling the words again. "Ja, I do love you…"

Ivan hugged him tightly pulling him close and kissed all over his neck, ear, jaw, and soon his lips. "I am so happy!"

"I can tell." he said having a little trouble getting out because of how tight the hug was but moved his arms around him.

"So then that means I can keep touching your tail da?" he exclaimed moving his hand back down to give a few tugs.

Gilbert glared at him but also couldn't stop the moans from escaping his lips. "It feels weird." he quickly stated not feeling the torture on his tail let up at all.

"I love you though and you know I won't hurt you da?" he asked only barely touching his tail as his other hand traveled Gilbert's chest.

"J..ja…" he mumbled nodding a little and felt himself being pushed back on the couch yet Ivan was still able to abuse his tail.

Ivan smiled and kissed him again deeply pressing close to him as his hands moved under his shirt. He loved the feel of his body and wanted to keep touching it and never stop. "I love you my little krolik."

Gilbert blushed again feeling his hands go up his shirt and turned a darker red when he heard him say that. "I love you too." he mumbled before Ivan kissed him again deeply tugging on his tail. "Will you ever stop messing with my tail?" he exclaimed.

"Nyet." he smirked at him giving it another hard tug.

The End

This is probably a really stupid ending and all I do is hope you guys liked my story and I was in no mood to write smut. I also wanted to for once, keep my T rated story T rated because I usually end up changing it to M in the last chapter. XD I'm happy for all the reviews you guys have given me and I really hope you guys will read my next story, it will be RussiaxAmerica one because I love the Cold War so much~! *flails* The only thing is, is that it will take me awhile because I need to look up history facts and I also want a little break from writing. Thanks so much~!