Story Title: Prison Ties

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these shows or characters. I'd appreciate not being sued. Thanks.

Pairings: Dean Winchester/Nate Archibald, Mason Lockwood/Damon Salvatore (with occasional Dean/Mason & Nate/Damon as well)

Summary: Without their usual friend posses backing them up, Dean, Damon, and Nate's crazy antics finally land them in the slammer. How will they adjust to life in the Big House?

A/N: SORRY SORRY SORRY! Here it is. p.s. there's probably a bunch of blazing errors, i was to lazy to proofread.

Chapter Six

Double Trouble Part 2

In the morning they checked out and set off again with Damon driving. It seemed Nate had come to terms with riding shot gun. He didn't seem as angry today. Around noon they stopped in a small town rented a room, and ate burgers outside at a local fast food restaurant. It was a nice day in the suburban town. The sky was very blue with a few wispy clouds in it. It was very warm with a light breeze blowing. Damon watched as Nate ate, the soft wind rustling his hair. He noticed his little buddy was eating a bit slowly and dispassionately, considering the last time he had anything to eat was yesterday morning. He vaguely wondered if the boy had a bit of an eating disorder or something.

They hadn't spoken much since last night. Damon had discovered that Nate was a horrible bed partner. Trying to sleep next to him was like fighting a professional wrestler. The pillow blockade he made proved to be useless once Nate was asleep. He'd tossed and turned the whole night. Damon had suffered being kicked in the groin, whapped in the face, head butted in the stomach and drooled all over, as Nate slept. He even put him in a few headlocks… By morning Damon had migrated to the floor, and Nate was hanging half way off the bed as if in the process of following him there to continue kicking his ass. He also kept shoving his freezing feet under Damon's body for warmth. That was something Stefan had done Damon remembered and smiled. Back when they were kids, and Stefan was still afraid of the dark, and thunder, he would only sleep if Damon was there.

He sighed and looked up when Nate tossed a fry at his face.

"I'm done." the boy announced. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah…" Damon got up and they got back in the car. They drove through the nice little town with the windows down enjoying the weather why they tried to find their way back to their motel.

"Man, what are we gunna do?" Nate burst out breaking the silence. "Where the hell are all the women in the world?" he complained looking at the ceiling.

"What are you talking about?" Damon asked. "We found some last night…"

Nate looked at him incredulously. "Those weren't women! Those were MONSTERS! Horrifying mo-"

"Shhhh!" Damon silenced him mid rant.

"Wha-" Nate began.

"Shut up, I'm trying to hear!" Damon commanded. He slowed the car to a crawl and had his head out the window listening hard. "Yes!" he proclaimed. His ears weren't deceiving him. He had heard it! And that could only mean one thing… He made a quick U turn and began driving in the other direction at a faster pace head still out of the window tracking down the source.

"What is it? I can't hear anything…" Nate said confused at Damon's sudden alertness.

"Taylor Swift." Damon said simply.

"What?" Nate couldn't understand what he was talking about.

"I hear Taylor Swift!" Damon said excitedly as he made his way through the suburban maze, eyes squinted looking like a cat on the prowl. "And where there's Taylor Swift there's-" He stopped mid sentence as they turned the corner. There they were, two girls lying in the grass of the park in bikinis, tanning in the sun. Beside them was a portable radio blasting the music.

"Well, well… What do we have here?" Damon breathed as they rolled past slowly.

"How did you hear that?" Nate asked not really interested, as he nearly broke his neck turning to look at them as they rolled past. Rolled past?

Nate turned to Damon alarmed. "Where are you going?" He yelled as he simultaneously tried to undo his seatbelt and open the car door to run back to the girls.

Damon reached over him and slammed his door shut then grabbed him by the face and looked him in the eye, while continuing down the road. "Calm down, Nate! We've got to keep it cool! If they see us hop out of this party van they'll probably think we're creepers and run off! We need to park around the corner and approach on foot." he explained. "Yes?" he asked Nate letting go of the boys face. He couldn't let Nate fuck this up. As much as he hated to admit it he was a little nervous. Despite what he'd told Nate about those old hags in the bar, these really the first good looking women he'd seen for miles. Days! He'd finally get the chance to really try out his new makeover.

"Yeah! Right, man! Cool." Nate said nodding vigorously in agreement.

They parked the car on the next block over and began checking themselves out in the cars mirrors.

"How's my hair?" asked Nate turning to Damon.

"Fine." said Damon. He hadn't even turned to look at him. Nate turned away and began fussing with his hair some more in his mirror.

"How're my clothes?" Damon asked.

"Fine." said Nate, still fussing with his hair.

"You're not even looking at me." Damon accused.

"Uh huh…" Nate said now straightening out his eyelashes.

"Look at me! You're not looking at me!" Damon screeched.

"Dude! What?" Nate yelled turning to look at him.

"How are my clothes?" Damon asked again, panting a little and spreading his arms out for Nate to see.

"They're fine, dude…" he said exasperated.

"Fine?" Damon looked slightly upset.

"Yeah! You look really good!" Nate said trying to appease him.

"Really?" Damon said looking down at himself, to make sure.

"Yeah!" Nate said again.

"Completely non threatening, right?" Damon asked looking up at him again.

"Uh… Yeah… Completely non threatening." WTF? Nate thought to himself. Having the nervous breakdowns was his job…

"Ok, cool!" said Damon nodding his head. "Lets do this!"

"Wait!" said Nate throwing himself into the back and started digging through his bag.

"What?" asked Damon worried he'd forgot something important with his new attire.

Nate reemerged from the back with a bottle of axe in his hand. "The final touch! Raise your arms." Damon complied and Nate spayed them both down in the 'Double Pits to Chesty' motion. "Ok we're good to go!"

They both hopped out of the car and more or less ran to the corner unconsciously pushing the other out of the way as they went. When they turned the corner they slowed to a cool walk and crossed the street to approach the girls. They strolled past them once, but got no reaction. So they walked right up to them.

"Hey." Damon breathed standing over them blocking the sun. He was trying to sound sexy, but he felt a bit like an idiot. His game was getting a little rusty… He needed a drink…

The girls were wearing matching gold swimsuits and large heart shaped sunglasses, and the both had pierced belly buttons. The one closest to him was a thin brunette with thick eyebrows and a full mouth. She was slightly smaller than the other one who had bleach blond hair and a natural pout. The brunette pulled down her glasses and smiled at him, she had brown eyes, but it was the blond who sat up and spoke first.

"Hi! I'm Tanya." she said tossing her hair over her shoulder giggling.

"Hey." he and Nate said in unison a bit dazedly. Her chest jiggled as she laughed.

"And that's Brittany." Tanya said pointing at the brunette. "What are your names?" she smiled.

"Uhh.. I'm Damon and this is Nate." Damon responded.

Tanya giggled again. Brittany sat up. "You, guys looking for something?" she asked with a coy smile.

"Uhh…" Nate said lamely. Both girls giggled.

"We were just passing through and wondering where the party's at in these small towns." Damon said tearing his eyes away from the blonds chest.

"Party?" asked Brittany, chewing on the end of her sunglasses.

"Sorry, there's no party around here." Tanya said pouting. "Everyone's away for the summer right now. But when they get back me and Brit are gunna throw a huge bash at my house!"

"Really?" said Damon not actually listening.

"Yeah we throw it every year." said Brittany proudly.

"Well its a shame we'll miss it. Were only in town for a short while sadly." said Damon slowly. "If only there was something going on today…"

Brittany pouted a little swinging her glasses in her hand.

"Well, we were actually just going to go back to my place to have a drink." Tanya proclaimed throwing a look at her friend. Brittany seemed to catch on.

"Yeah!" She agreed. "I'm sure we could think of something party like to do once we got there." she said with a smile at Nate. He blushed.

"Well, its decided then!" said Damon offering his had to the blond and pulling her roughly off the ground and into his arms. "To Tanya's house!" he said excitedly winking at Nate.

Damon and Nate carried the girl's towels and radio for them. Damon had his arm around Tanya's waist and she was giggling at whatever he was whispering in her ear. They were a little ahead of Nate and Brittany as they made there way down the warm pavement of the suburban street. Brittany didn't seem to be as much of a talker as her friend, which was fine with Nate. He was content to just have his arm around her shoulders and sneak sniffs of her strawberry scented hair from time to time when she wasn't looking up smiling at him.

They walked a few more blocks past the identical houses. Suddenly Damon swept Tanya up in his arms and carried her up the drive way and onto the porch of one of the houses. Tanya was in a fit of giggles at the gesture. Brittany giggled too at the sight and looked up shyly at Nate. He figured 'what the hell' and threw her over his shoulder and carried her into the house after Damon and Tanya. It was a decent size house. Nothing compared to Nate's house in the Hamptons, but still upper middle class. He found them in the living room by a little built in bar. Nate joined them and set Brittany down. Damon was already behind the bar pouring tequila shots.

"Nate?" he asked sliding one across the bar to him. Nate took the shot with the rest of them.

"Another round?" Damon asked as he hopped up to sit on the bar with the bottle in hand.

"Waterfall me." Tanya said standing between his legs and tilting her head up mouth open. Damon happily obliged pouring a generous amount of alcohol into her open mouth. It spilled over and ran down her throat. She swallowed and pulled a face. Damon raised his eyebrows at Nate, who's mouth was hanging open in awe. Brittany was giggling at her friend as if this was typical Tanya behavior.

"Jesus!" Tanya exclaimed when she could breathe again. "Well I'm officially tipsy!"

"As well you should be!" said Damon smiling.

"Your turn!" She said grabbing the bottle from Damon and handing it to Brittany. Brittany poured a fair amount into her own mouth and swallowed though it was nothing compared to Tanya. She coughed and handed the bottle to Nate. He started to pour a little in his mouth.

"Let me help you there, buddy." Damon said as he tilted the bottle up filling up Nate's mouth and spilling tequila all over his face and shirt. "There you go!" The girls fell into a laughing fit.

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK?" Nate yelled, wiping his face on his shirt. "What is WRONG with you, man?"

"Oh you know you love it…" Damon said rolling his eyes, not really in the mood for another one of Nate's shit fits. "Here." he said lying down on the bar with his eyes closed. "You can do me." He opened his mouth wide. Nate stared at him threw angry eyes for a few seconds before smirking. He positioned the bottle over Damon and spit in his mouth before pouring in the tequila. Damon swallowed and sputtered.

"Did you just spit in my fucking mouth?" he asked looking more amused than angry.

Nate smiled. "Maybe…"

Damon jumped off the bar and pinned him to the floor pouring the drink all over his face while Nate struggled and laughed.

"Hello!" Tanya yelled with he hands on her hips. "Forget about us?"

"Never, my lovelies." Damon said standing and throwing the now empty bottle over his shoulder. It exploded on the floor as he scooped Tanya up again. "What do you say we take this little party up stairs?"

"Oh my god! Hehehe!" Tanya giggled

Damon disappeared up the stairs with Tanya. Nate pushed himself off the ground, and smiled weakly at Brittany. "Sorry, he's a little wild sometimes."

"Don't be. I think he's cool!" she said filling up a tumbler glass with some sort of amber liquor.

"Yeah…" Nate said weakly.

"You guys coming?" Tanya yelled from upstairs.

Nate held out his hand for Brittany. She giggled and gave him her hand and he led her upstairs. He followed loud Katy Perry music to a room half way down the hall. Inside Damon was dancing on a queen sized bed with Tanya and his shirt off.

"What took you guys so long?" he said jumping off the bed and taking Brittany's cup out of her hand and taking a sip. "So tell me, have you girls ever kissed a girl and liked it?" he mused as he spun Brittany around.

"Yeah…" said Tanya jumping down into a sitting position on the bed.

"Oh, really?" Damon asked sliding up next to her.

"But we like kissing boys even more." said Brit looking up at Nate.

"Booorrrrinng." sang Damon. Brit shot him a nasty look. "You two should kiss." he said motioning between her and Tanya.

"Well, fine." said Tanya. "But what are you gunna do for us?"

"I'm sure you'll think of something…" Damon smiled at her.

She got off the bed and sauntered over to Brit and they looked at each other and giggled then promptly made out for a few seconds. "Your turn."

"Alright. Alright. Get over here Nate. Off with the shirt" Damon slurred drunkenly.

Nate was hesitant.

"Get over here!" Damon said dragging him over. "Jeeze little buddy! You'd think you were afraid of me…"

"Well you keep trying to molest me." Nate mumbled.

"I am not trying to molest you! I'm trying to get us laid." he hissed in his ear.


"You'll thank me later little buddy." Damon licked Nate's cheek and kissed it jokingly then gave him a playful peck on the lips before latching on to his mouth, turning him around and pushing him roughly back onto the bed. After a few seconds of sloppy theatrical making out, Nate pushed him off.

"Ugh! Oh god, dude!" he exclaimed. But he was smiling.

By this point Tanya was jumping up and down on the bed striping off her top to a Keesha song she'd turned up. Damon joined her. Brit grabbed a Polaroid camera off the desk and started snapping pictures.

"You too Nate!" she yelled over the music.

Sheepishly grinning he stripped off his shirt and jumped up on the bed.

"I think you'd better get that top off, and get up here Brit. All the cool kids are doing it." Damon directed.

"Hehe! Oh my god!" she giggled, joining them.

"I'll take that!" said Damon snatching the camera. Then he started snapping pictures of himself like a seasoned Myspace veteran.

"I haven't seen one of these in years" he said shaking out one of the pictures.

"Yeah retro is totally in right now." explained Tanya, kneeling.

"Oh really?" asked Damon, leaning in for a kiss. "Well I can totally dig that, babe."

Tanya giggled and rapped her legs around him.

It got awkward quick for Nate and Brit once Damon and Tanya started making out. Nate wasn't sure if she was as wild as her friend or as in to him, and he didn't want to be a creep.

"Awkward!" Brit whispered.

"Right?" Nate exclaimed.

Brit giggled "Maybe we should go get something else to drink." She said.

"Good idea." Nate agreed. And they headed for the door.

"You guys want anything?" Brittany called to the others. But they didn't seem to hear her. She rolled her eyes at Nate and giggled.

They headed down the hall but then heard a commotion in the living room.

"WHAT THE HELL?" came a man's yell from downstairs.

Brittany froze. "Oh shit! Her parents are home! Oh shit! Oh shit!" she whispered hysterically.

"Parents?" Nate mouthed at her.

"They're not supposed to be back til tomorrow!"


"Oh this is bad! This is so so bad!" Brit squealed as she shooed him back to the room. "Go! GO!"

She closed the door and leaned against it. "Tanya! TANYA!" Brit yelled.

"What?" Tanya whined disengaging from Damon who'd managed to get his shoes off and pants half way down in the minute since they'd left the room.

"You're fucking parents are home!" she said pushing Nate towards the closet.

"What? Oh my god!" Tanya pushed Damon off of her.

He looked at Nate horrified and mouthed "Parents?"

"Oh shit! You have to go! Oh shit!" Tanya rambled. "Get in the closet!" she shoved Them both into the closet. "Quick!" and slammed the door.

They heard the music switch off and her mom enter the room.

"Really, Tanya! We leave the house for a couple days and you completely destroy the living room! Are you drunk?" she whined.

"You weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow!" Tanya yelled.

"Don't you yell at me! I can't believe you girls have been drinking! What am I supposed to tell Brittany's parents? You're not even thirteen yet and you're behaving like this? I am so disappointed." She lectured.

Nate shot Damon a scandalized look. "Twelve? They're fucking twelve!" he shrieked.

Damon gave him a furious look and shushed him but it was too late.

"What was that?" Her mom said. "Is there someone in there? You'd better not have a boy in this closet!" she yelled as she ripped open the door.

Nate and Damon were like deer in the headlights.

"AHHH!" she screamed. "JOOHNN! THERE ARE MEN IN THE CLOSET! JOOOHHN!" she wailed.

Nate and Damon finally found their legs and came rushing out in a panic.

"JOOHHHN! AHHH!" she continued and began grabbing anything she could and throwing it at them as they tried to find their shirts. They ran down the hall pulling on their shirts leaving the screaming woman behind them. They'd made it to the stairs when Tanya's dad came running at them with a fire extinguisher. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU DAMN MOLESTERS!" he yelled, pulling the trigger.

The blast hit Damon full in the face and he fell down the stairs. Nate hopped over the banister and ran for the door. Damon quickly recovered and followed him, with Tanya's dad hot on their heels, fire extinguisher still blasting.

"I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" he chased them half way down the block before turning around and heading back to the house presumably to call the cops.

"Oh man! Twelve!" Nate panted as they ran. We're in so much trouble that's like jailbait or something!"

"Oh, please. It's not like we touched their little naughty bits or even saw anything. Besides those boozie susies we're 12 going on 21. It was an honest mistake, practically entrapment.

They made it back to the car and drove back to their room in silence. They found it without too much difficulty and parked the car.

Nate broke the silence. "I cannot believe you made out with a twelve year old."

"Oh shut up!" Damon growled hitting him in the arm. "You couldn't even get a twelve year old to make out with you!" he pointed out.

"Hey! I so could have had her if I wanted to" Nate said pretending to be offended.

"Yeah sure. Let's just get this shit off us! It smells like rotten eggs!" Damon said with a scrunched up face. They were both covered in powder from the fire extinguisher.

He hopped out of the car and headed into their room with Nate in tow. He went straight for the shower and pulled off his clothes and got in the shower. A few seconds later Nate got in too.

"Woah there buddy! I know you didn't get any action back there but this is not what I meant when I said you'd thank me later." Damon said, half joking.

"I'm just trying to clean off. This shit is starting to burn." Nate assured him. "Besides I'm clearly not your type. Too old." Nate laughed

"Oh, Fuck off." Damon shot over his shoulder.

Damon finished washing off first and went to go put on some clothes. When Nate came in he wasn't in bed, just lying on top of it fully clothed with his shoes on and his arm thrown over his face.

"That guys totally called the cops by now." He mumbled.

"And I don't blame him." Nate said pulling on a shirt.

"Me neither but we should probably hit the road." Damon said sitting up.

"Alright let's go." Nate agreed picking up his bag.

They left the room and got back in the car and back on the highway.

"Where are we going now?" Nate asked

"I have no clue, I thought the point was to drive aimlessly."

"Fine. Well at least lets have some tunes." Nate said as he reached for the radio.

Panic by Morrisy was on. "Ugh what is this crap?" Nate whined as he turned the station.

Damon turned it right back. "that's a classic!"

"Oh my god you've got to be kidding me. Well if were going to be listening to classic rock all night I'm going to light up." He said opening up the glove compartment to grad his stash. "You don't mind do you?" Nate asked offhandedly.

"Live and let live." Damon said turning up the radio.

Nate finished rolling his joint and lit it up. "You want to hit this?" he asked holding out to Damon.

"Not really."

"You scared or something?" Nate teased.

"No, Nate, I'm not afraid of the big bad joint, believe it or not. But my stoner days are long past."

"I see… Bwaaaak bwakbwakbwak" Nate taunted pretending to look out the window.

"You can't be serious?" Damon said rolling his eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Said Nate taking another hit. "Bwaaaak bwakbwakbwak." he said blowing smoke in Damon's face.

"Jesus Christ! Grow up Nate!" Damon demanded pushing him away.

"Dude!" Nate protested. "Seriously what are you talking about? Coughchickencough!" he hacked.

"Fucking fine! Just hand it over!" Damon barked, no longer able to resist.

Half an hour later and they were both baked out of their skulls.

"Fuuuuck! I've got to pull the fuck over." Damon said pulling off on a random exit and parking the car.

"Hehehehe Too much for you to handle?" Nate laughed.

Damon didn't want to admit it but either it'd been way too long since he'd last toked up or pot had seriously change in the last 40 years. He felt completely disoriented. "What's in this stuff?" he asked eying the joint suspiciously.

"Nothings in it man. You're just a light weight." Nate told him.

Just pot? Jesus Damon could barely hold on to a train of thought. There suddenly came a knock on the widow

"Police. Open up!" Came a voice.

"Shit! SHIT!" Nate through the joint down stomping on it.

"Don't panic!" Damon assured

"What do you mean don't pa-"

"Trust me! I got this." Damon explained.

"I said open up!" Came the voice again.

Damon open his door, and put on his best smile. "Can I help you officer?"

"I suppose you're going to tell me that incense smoke." The officer said.

"That's exactly what it is." Damon informed him looking deep into the cop's eyes. "We'll be on our way now."

"Yeah right." the officer smirked. "Get out of the car."

What the hell Damon was sure he'd just compelled the guy. Why wasn't it working?

"I said get out of the car." the Officer demanded starting to get annoyed.

"And I said we were going to be on our way." Damon said giving it his all.

"Right. Resisting arrest. Get on the ground! Now!" The cop grabbed Damon's arm and dragged him out of the car like he was a rag doll. Which was bad enough when you didn't take into account that Damon had been fighting him with all his strength. Shit!

Five minutes later in the back of the squad car it was all Damon could do to not rip out Nate's throat.

"What're we going to dooooooo?" Nate sobbed hysterically.

Damon was high out of his mind, starving, tired as shit, and had about all he could take of Nate's outbursts.

"We're going to go to jail, Nate." He said deadpan, and closed his eyes.

Sorry for the delay. Serious case of writer's block and procrastination. You know how it is...