You already know but Spider-man and all related characters are property of Marvel Entertainment. Vengeance is a creation of Chris([email protected])

Authors' Notes: First off I want to let everyone know that this fanfic takes places in Ultimate Spider-man. Secondly this story is set in an alternate universe. This is a sequel to "In the End" and I would like to thank Chris([email protected]) for the ideas used in this story. So sit back and enjoy another Spider-Man Multi-Chapter Series.

Million Miles Away

This story is set several months after "In the End". It's set in the boiler hot days of summer.

Travis Carpenter had been working at the Forrest Hills Community Pool ever summer since his first year after high school. While the work was hard and sweaty. He kept returning for the fact he was getting paid at least four dollars above minimum wage. It was his third year at the job and he looked forward to being a senior at Midtown High School. The tv weatherman had been saying the summer had been the hottest New York's experienced. But Travis figured they said that every year.

He was 17, 6 feet tall and had sideburns that reached to the bottom of his ears. His black hair was cut short because it was better than having it long in the summer. He usually wore cargo shorts along with his worn "Community Pool Staff" t-shirt. Working the same locker room made him a familiar sight with some of the people. This included Peter Parker.

"Hey Travis" He said to him as he walked into the locker room. "What's been going on?"

"Not much Pete, the usual coming and goings."

"I see."

"I might have a chance to get on the varsity soccer team."

"That's good."

"Figure you want to get to the pool?"

"Of course don't we all?"

"I dunno a lot of people go into that water. Don't be surprised if you find it suddenly warmer."

Peter laughed. "See ya around."


Peter walked away with his stuff and Travis went back to his book that he kept behind the counter. Next to his book was a 64-ounce bottle of water. The day was a hot one and he had three more hours to his shift.

Peter Parker went to an obscured part of the locker room even though Travis would never look over to that direction. He still didn't want to risk being seen.

He put down his towel and concentrated. His clothes began to shift and they then changed into a pair of swimming trunks.

It had been many months since he became bonded with the alien symbiote and it became easier to live with it each day. He didn't feel really different and changing into the black alien costume felt as natural as putting on a pair of pants. While he had to keep his emotions in check sometimes. Peter couldn't imagine life without the symbiote. Neither could Mary Jane Watson who had been given a piece of his alien costume a few months back when she got involved in a car accident. Without the symbiote she probably wouldn't have lived to this day.

They didn't fight crime together and Peter was fine with that. Although the day when Mary Jane wants to is a day, he'll have to agree to. Or he'll face the full fury of Carnage. Which was the name Peter called Mary Jane's symbiote. She had a pretty good handle on it with the exception of when she attended concert and let herself go with the music.

It took time to get back to a somewhat normal life. It required laying low but eventually things seem to die down and they could roam the streets again.

He found Mary Jane across the pool in her swimsuit. Peter could see that she pretty much looked good in anything.

She came right to him. "So ready for summer fun?"

"That depends on your definition of fun?" Peter said in his worst Bill Clinton impression.

Mary Jane smiled and then they began to spend the day at the community pool.

Hours passed and it soon it was fifteen minutes to closing time. The lifeguards ordered everyone out of the pool including Peter Parker. The cool chlorinated water felt good in the sweltering heat. It seemed that nothing could interrupt the joy he was feeling.

As he walked towards the locker room, he was unaware of the small speck of broken glass that lay in his path. He was unaware of it because it blended into the cement gray floor.

Peter's feet slapped the cement floor when just as his right foot about to be cut into by the glass. His symbiote came and covered his foot. Peter didn't feel a thing. But the glass cut out a small piece of the symbiote and left a piece behind. It sat there and reflected the light in a black hue.

"Now remember once you're dressed you must leave the building." Instructed Travis as they came back to his locker room and began to get dressed. He went about the locker room making sure there was nothing hazardous before he hosed the area down.

As he went down the hallway he noticed a small black object on the ground. He didn't know what it was and it looked sharp. He ran back to counter and produced a broom and dust pan. He then went over to where the object was scooped it up and threw it in the trash.

Soon everyone exited the locker room and Peter Parker said goodbye leaving Travis alone in the cavernous locker room.

He dragged out a long black hose, hooked it up to the water spigot and then hosed the entire place down. This was the hardest part of his work because the hose had a habit of becoming tangled very easily.

It took him about twenty minutes to do and he couldn't wait to go out and get something to eat. He was interrupted in winding the hoses when his boss came in.

"Travis, remember to take out the trash." His boss instructed him.

"Got it" He said tiredly and went back to winding the hoses. While he was doing that, the piece of symbiote then got caught on the glass began to slither its way out of the garbage can and looked for something to become its host. It noticed something nearby and tried to move quickly but then it laid dormant as a shadow enveloped it.

"Ah jeez" Travis muttered when he stepped in some kind of strange goo. He wanted to wipe it off but he was dead tired and didn't care.

Ten minutes later he was done for the week. He waived goodbye and then headed for the video arcade.

Night settled onto the city but it did little to reduce the heat and humidity that hung in the air. Travis came home found himself home alone, his parents must've gone out to a movie. In fact, the note left on the fridge said exactly that.

When he took his shoes off, he noticed the black goo was gone.

"Must've rubbed off." He muttered to himself as he headed for the couch to watch tv. After a few hours, Travis dozed off in front of the tv. While sleeping he began to experience some very vivid dreams.

To Be Continued