Summary: Set after City of Glass. A new family join the Institute. What happens if another boy has his sights set on Clary. Is their love strong enough to handle mistakes of which there are plenty.

Chapter one:

"Clary! Where are you? Maryse wants to see us all in the library, now!" Isabelle Lightwood screamed from somewhere in the Institute. "Coming!" I yelled back. I jumped of my bed, shoved my sketchbook under my bed and haphazardly tied my wild red curls in a pony tail.

When I reached the library I saw everyone was seated as well as the new Clave Inquisitor, a woman called Sabine Castings. I looked around to find familiar pools of liquid gold staring at me. Jace. Just seeing him made me smile, he was sitting, at what looked to be a casual posture, but as I looked deeper I saw he was slightly tense. Jace had never had very good experiences with Inquisitors. I smiled a hello at everyone and joined Jace on the couch. Almost instantly he slid his arm around my waist almost replacing the fear and slight curiosity I was feeling.

Maryse cleared her throat seeking the attention of Alec, Isabelle, Mangus, Jace and I. The Inquisitor simply examined her nails. "Children, this is the new Inquisitor, Mrs Castings. She has come to deliver some exciting news from the Clave." Maryse looked nervous, not so much at the news but at how we would take it. I noticed her constantly glancing at Jace.

The Inquisitor stood up and smiled, it was cold but better than Imogen's smile when she first met us. "Thank you Maryse. I do have some good news to tell, especially to you Clarissa." I felt Jace's arm tighten protectively around my waist. She seemed to notice and hastily added, "Its for your training. As you know the Clave values you and would like you to be trained by one of the best mentors for the last half a century." Jace smoothly interrupted, his voice silky smooth but it had an edge of annoyance. "I thought I was going to train Clary, that is what the Clave and Robert decided on." The Inquisitor nodded at this and replied, "Yes, so I heard Mr Lightwood did have the Clave agree, but after some careful consideration the Clave and Council have decided the Clarissa should be taught by someone who is not romantically involved with her." Jace immediately retaliated, "Who better to teach her than someone to who cares about her so much to make sure she is prepared for anything!" I could see the specks of spit that jumped out his mouth, as if to put force behind every word. I quickly held his hand and whispered, "Jace, calm down!"

Inquisitor Castings smiled at my encouragement, "Yes to listen to Clarissa Mr. Herondale. Anyway as I was saying Clarissa will be mentored by Mr. Tomas Mead." Isabelle let out a gasp of awe. Alec's words seemed to mirror her expression. "The Tomas Mead! My word Clary you are honoured!" I blushed and looked at Jace I heard him mutter something about being out shined. The Inquisitor simply looked at Jace and said, "Hopefully you understand what a wonderful opportunity this is for Clarissa, Mr Herondale."Jace just scowled and glared at the carpet.

"Sorry so sound unworthy Inquisitor Castings but who is Tomas Mead." Maryse chuckled and quickly said, "He, Clary, is an amazing shadow hunter! To be taught by him is quite a claim to fame." The Inquisitor nodded at this and then said, "His wife recently died from a demon attack at their Institute in Ireland, so Mr Mead and his two sons will be moving her to help Clary." At this Isabelle squealed, "His sons! Oh my gosh Clary! They are so hot! Wow!" I giggled at this and quickly caught myself when Jace pulled me closer to him. After Isabelle's outburst Mangus and Alec had started talking and Isabelle was shrieking and smiling with her mother. The Inquisitor left without a word except to tell Maryse that the Meads were arriving in two days at noon.

I could believe what had just happened. I needed to think about this, I was being tutored by a famous and, by the sounds of it, deadly shadow hunter. I wasn't sure if I was scared or chuffed. Jace broke my out of my thoughts my leaning down to my ear and whispering, "Lets get outta here." His warm breath tickled my neck making my shiver. I nodded and we silently left the library.


As we walked to the music room I grabbed Clary's hand and squeezed it tightly. I know she was nervous and she needed me to be supportive. That is why I didn't jump out of my chair and squeeze the Inquisitor's neck until she let me train Clary. Plus Tomas Mead was a legend! Clary was lucky. We walked silently, Clary deep in thought and me staring at her deep I thought. Just looking at her made me feel at peace with myself. I steered her past the music room and she didn't seem to notice.

Only once we could smell the sweet pollen from the flowers and feel the humidity did she noticed we had gone to the greenhouse. She looked at me in surprise. I smirked, and led her to our spot. I sat down and pulled her on to my lap. She seemed to hesitate and then with a sigh leaned into me. I grabbed a curled and played with it. "You okay?" I asked. She turned around and pecked me on the cheek. Her lips left me wanting more, as usual. I leant down and touched her lips with mine. She smiled under my lips, I kissed her with more force and she responded. I loved the taste of her lips, her cherry flavoured lip gloss taste stayed in my mouth when we drew apart.

"Hey," I said, realising what she was doing, "You didn't answer my questions, are you okay?"

She blushed a delicate pink and mumbled something. I lifted her chin so she was staring into my eyes, I felt like drowning in her eyes of livid green.


I felt like I was drowning in his golden eyes. I took a breath and sighed for the fifth time today. He looked at me, puzzled. I took a deep breath and explained, "I'm just afraid that the Clave have given me so much, a honoured tutor, they value me and people thank me for all I have done. I'm just afraid I'm not going to be good enough for anyone. What if I suck Jace? What if I can't kill a demon. How can I protect those I love? How can I truly be a shadow hunter?" Jace cupped my face in his hands and whispered, "Clary, just by being you, you have saved almost everyone in the Idris battle. You are fierce Clary, trust me you can kill a demon, even if you have to use a stele. You deserve everything and more that the Clave has given you! Plus, I will always be there to protect the ones you love Clary." He smirked. Ah how I loved this man. I leant into his chest mumbling my thanks. "Sorry Clary what did you say?" he said with an edge of humour. I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I said thanks Jace," I said kissing his chin. He chuckled. My stomach growled. "Hungry much?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow. I giggled, "Maybe." "Come lets go get you something, I hope Iz hasn't cooked." he said crinkling his nose.

The next two days were filled with Izzy and Maryse preparing rooms and putting on clean bed sheets. Alec dusting all the rooms with Mangus occasionally whispering ideas into his ear which caused him to blush deep red. Jace and I helped out but spent most of our time in the weapons and training rooms. He was preparing me for the sessions to come and I was dreading them.

I had heard a lot about the Meads by noon the day of their arrival. Tomas Mead had been a 'Jace' in his day. Reckless but amazing. He sobered up when he met Madeleine, his wife and they had their first child, James. James was Alec's age, 18 turning 19. They then had their second child, Ash. Ash was Jace's age, 17 turning 18. Then when James was 15 and Ash was 14 their mother died. She and Tomas has gone out on a demon call and she got demon poisoning, which ended up being fatal. Tomas blamed himself. Depressing hey?

So at noon we were all sitting in the library awaiting their arrival. I had made sure I looked good, I was wearing black tights with a tight green top that matched my eyes and pumps. My hair was loose and tame for once. Isabelle on the other hand had gotten dressed as if she was bait. Wearing a mid thigh silver dress with 7 inches high heels and her gold whip she looked bad ass. Everyone was actually dressed up, I had even made Jace look decent. So you can understand our confusion when the portal opened . . . and out fell three men. One tall and thin with grey hair and lovely brown eyes. Another tall and very muscular with straight short hair. Then a beautiful man, with thick curly brown locks and green eyes as vivid as mine, he was tall and lean. And of course they were all covered in black blood and ichor.