Faint-proof Zeke

Summary: How Harper solved that kissing problem

Flashback: In "Alex Russo, Matchmaker?", Alex tried to pair Harper and Zeke, putting a spell on them (it was also the first episode where Harper and Zeke attempted to kiss! :D). In "Wizards Unleashed", Zeke kept on fainting when Harper kisses him. They solved the problem by doing a high-five then staring longingly at each other (cute plan though… :D)

Author's note: unlike other Harper fanfics, I won't be describing any dresses (Harper's ingenious mind is very hard to compete with XD). And this will focus more on Harper and Zeke (so no magic will be involved…)

POV: 3rd person

Disclaimer: I don't own WOWP, because if I did, there would be more HarperxZeke!

Comments and reviews bring color into my life

Chapter 1: Introduction

Harper and Alex were sitting by the counter of the Sub-shop, doing their homework. Okay, so maybe more like Harper doing their homework (you know Alex… she's probably just pretending to do hers so she won't have to wait tables).

As Alex was trying to solve possible future money crisis by trying to join Minute to Win It and was fumbling around with a raw egg, some salt and a lampshade (she was this close to using magic), Harper suddenly asked her, "Alex? Can you help me with a problem?..."

"Harper, you know I don't know about those Math… trigo… things… Go ask my geek brother Justin," she said shaking her head and laughing.

"No…" Harper slowly said, "It's about Zeke…"

"Harper, you know I don't know about those weird… alien… boy-type things… Go ask my geek brother Justin," Alex replied, and continued to fumble with her egg.

"But Alex!" Harper panicked. She moved closer and whispered, "It's about a kissing problem…"

"Yeah on second thought, don't ask Justin…" Alex said, then thought of a million other jokes about him. Soon enough, she lost all her composure and laughed her ass off.

"What don't you guys want to ask me?" Justin asked, appearing from behind the counter with Max.

"Uh… this Math problem!" Harper yelped, shoving the papers into Justin's face. She did NOT want her ex-crush knowing about her boy problems involving his best friend.

Looking confused, Justin analyzed the papers and said, "But Harper, you already answered it all…"

Harper froze.

"But of course, always recheck!" Justin said as-a-matter-of-factly.

As Harper let out a sigh of relief, Max asked Alex, "What's up with the egg and the lampshade?"

"She's trying to balance the egg on top of the light bulb…" Harper said.

Alex gave Max the egg and soon the boy was trying to do the said task. "No, Max," Alex piped up. "You have to use some salt to balance the egg."

Max grabbed the saltshaker and sprinkled some salt… onto his tongue. Alex and Harper just rolled their eyes as Max continued to fumble with the egg. Soon he said, with his tongue out, "It's not working."

"There! Finished!" Justin triumphantly said. "Good work Harper! You got it all right!" he quickly turned to the next page. He paused and quizzically looked at the paper.

Harper, who had beamed at Justin's remark, looked at his confused expression and said, "Some of the answers on those are wrong on purpose…That's Alex' paper…"

Alex wrapped her arm around her best friend's shoulder and said, "This way I won't be caught cheating. Am I a genius or what?" then raised her hand in an attempt of a high-five with Harper, who just shook her head. Alex turned to Max, but he was still fumbling with the egg, a pile of salt visible on his tongue. With no one else to turn to, Alex just high-fived herself. "Hah!" she laughed.

"Harper?" Justin said as he flipped the paper for the others to see. "Not that I was snooping or anything, but this isn't a very good plan…"

On top of the paper were the words, "Harper's Plans to Kiss Zeke Without Him Fainting!" underline, underline. Below the title were the words "Plan Number 1". Nothing else contained the paper.

Harper quickly grabbed the paper from Justin's hands in embarrassment.

"Aww, Harper… it's okay…" Alex said.

"You know, Harper," Justin said, his love for plan-making showing out. "I know my friend Zeke. And I know how he got his hydrophobia out of his system. Maybe I can help you out." And with that, he wrote something under "Plan Number 1".

Alex, giving some thought into it, said "One thing I know about Zeke, aside from his geeky ways…" she looked at her brother, who just shrugged, "…is how easily freaked out that weirdo is. Remember that time when he saw Mason transform?"

"Half-transform," corrected Justin. "Whatever," Alex replied as she grabbed the paper from Justin's hands and quickly wrote something under "Plan Number 2".

Harper looked at the paper. "Alex! You know how I don't like you using magic on us!" and quickly scrapped "Plan Number 3".

Suddenly, Max spoke up. "Does a kiss really have to be on the mouth?" Spitting the salt out of his tongue, he said, "Maybe you should kiss him somewhere else… on the hand, maybe? Like those European guys on tv…"

Justin and Alex just rolled their eyes, but Harper said, "Thanks, Max. Thanks for your help…" and gave the paper to Max.

After Max wrote his plan, the four of them stared at the piece of paper as Harper held it out in front of them.

"This might actually work…" commented Harper.

At that exact moment, Zeke entered the Sub-shop. "Hey Justin! My man!"

Harper, mortified, quickly put down the paper and hid it safely in place.

"Oh, hey Harper! Didn't see you there!" Zeke called. "H-hey Zeke…" Harper replied.

Zeke came near her and they did the "high-five-followed-by-longing-staring". Alex just rolled her eyes and said, "You better get to Plan Number 1, and fast…"