I love Bas's dreams, I wish I could trade places ^_~ Yes, this is another one from Bas and a damn good dream so thank him and whatever god decides to let us have yaoi dreams! It isn't quite as sadistic as my previous story but there is sadism as well as masochism in this one so it gives it a yummy edge. Plus, I have noticed there aren't very many Russia Prussia stories and what stories there are sometimes doesn't have as willing sex. If anyone knows where to find a cool, smexy, and willing story between Russia and Prussia, send me a link and I will love you forever! Okay, on to the story~

Oh, and I DO NOT own Hetalia or any of the characters! If I did, instead of battles being shown as fights, they would be sexual tention and times of peace would be sex. So many people would be happy that I do not own anything myself...

Ah, nothing better than stealing beer from Bruder's secret stash thought Prussia, carrying a large mug of beer into his brother's sitting room then choosing Germany's favorite white chaise lounge to sit on.

He looked around the room for something to entertain him. Too bad everyone is at that conference upstairs that I am too awesome for. he thought smugly, ignoring the fact that he wasn't really a country anymore.

He took a swig of beer, unaware of the amused eyes that watched him from around the corner.

Finally. He is all alone and those idiots upstairs will take hours to get America to shut up about heroes. thought the mind behind the purple crystals before Russia walking in to sit beside Prussia.

"Hello Prussia." he greeted with an innocent smile.

Prussia, ignorant of the danger, replied "Hello Russia. Why aren't you at the meeting?"

"Because it was pretty boring and America is babbling again."

"Ah, I am glad I am too awesome to go then." Prussia smirked. Russia only gave him a sweet, innocent smile.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, Russia smiling at Prussia and the smaller nation becoming more wary by the other nation's continuing stare.

"Could you go glare at someone else?" he finally snapped. Russia stood up and his smile grew even sweeter.

Finally he is leaving. My awesomeness has won again. Prussia thought until weight straddled his waist.

"Nah, I think I am perfectly fine 'glaring' at you." Russia sweetly replied as he relaxed on top of the smaller man. Prussia went into shock by the lager nation's sudden behavior and Russia took advantage of of the momentary lapse.

Moments later Prussia found himself lying down on the chaise with one hand cuffed to the arm by cuffs that appeared from the Russian's coat. His other hand was held captive by said country's hand as Russia adjusted on top of Prussia.

Prussia let his face grow calm but his eyes darted around the room, searching for any means of escape. Brief fear flickered over his eyes and despite his wish that Russia hadn't noticed it, Russia's grin and hand that rooted itself in his hair told him otherwise.

He began to thrash but that only encouraged Russia to lean closer. In a desperate attempt to distract the larger country, Prussia leaned upwards and bit the closest skin he could reach, which happened to be Russia's chin.

Russia smirked as the blood flowed down his injured chin and he purposely misinterpreted the action.

"Ah, I see you are warming up to my advances. If you wanted a kiss so badly, you should have just asked." he sweetly said as he leaned down to return the "kiss."

"What? You have got to be kidding m-mph!" Prussia protested as teeth met his lips. He began to thrash even more, this time slightly annoying Russia instead.

He let go of his hold on the hair to search through his pocket once more and returned with a gun. Gun met temple and Russia giggled when Prussia went stiff.

"I knew you would see it my way." he whispered as his tongue flicked at the base of Prussia's neck. Slowly his tongue trailed upward to Prussia's temple just below the gun.

Prussia's breath hitched and wavered, finding himself quickly becoming aroused by the forceful.

Truly misinterpreting the wavering breath this time, Russia whispered "I can put my friend here away if you are quiet obedient." twisting the gun slightly.

Prussia silently nodded and Russia looked away only for a moment to put the weapon away. He felt the man beneath him suddenly relax and when he looked back, Russia found a much more submissive man from only moments ago.

Red eyes shone with hunger that Russia had only seen in the eyes of starving peasants. He was taken by surprise, responding this time with action rather than words.
Next item to appear from the endless item supply was a double bladed knife. He fiddled with it and lightly licked the blade before placing it at the edge of Prussia's shirt.

He slowly tugged the blade downward and the material cut away like butter, the tip nicking the underlying skin on its journey. The progressing sting caused Prussia's breath to become unsteady and he unconsciously leaned his head back.

Finally ripping the last threads, Russia observed the long red line going down the exposed chest. He let his finger lightly trace it and giggled when Prussia winced and let out a gasp.

Finding some of his own articles a bit too warm himself, Russia released the captive wrist long enough to shed his coat and shirt. Prussia winced at the thud from the coat landing and wondered briefly what else it held.

Russia threw the knife and it was sheathed by a picture of Germany's head between the eyes. Prussia jumped at the deadly accuracy and Russia giggled before leaning down to the top of the straight line.

He licked down and beyond the angry redness before reaching a noticeable bulge, the smaller nation tugging slightly on the cuff. Russia smirked at his effect on the other man and lightly kissed the cloth, causing Prussia to moan inaudibly.

Russia grabbed the zipper with his teeth and tugged down slowly. Prussia, only use to dominance, enjoyed this new treatment as the restricting cloth was taken off.

It took all of his self control to not try and free his unchained hand and force Russia to engulf the member he was teasingly exhaling on.

Russia eyed the standing prize before giving it an experimental lick. An audible moan ushered from the Prussian and Russia jumped a bit in surprise of actually pleasuring Prussia that much.

"W-what's wrong?" Prussia asked. Ignoring the question, Russia gave Prussia a twisted smirk and grabbed the throbbing member with his hand.

Prussia bit his lip to contain the sounds that threatened to betray him further as the hand roughly stroked him and a tongue glided over the cut again. It slowly inched up and paused only to tease one of the buds.

Russia sat up enough to let lust filled purple orbs meet begging, yet frightful crimson. The lust in the larger nation's eyes caused Prussia's face to slightly grow more fearful in his ignorance of what Russia might have planned for him.

The smirk grew slightly more before Russia leaned forward and caught Prussia's bottom lip between his teeth. He bit down hard, causing the already swollen part to split and bleed. He licked the wound before sucking on it hard.

His hand on the other's member slowed but each stroke became more firm and the wrist that was the Russian's captive found a thumb nail slowly digging its way into the flesh.

The Prussian's trembles turned into writhes of agony and ecstasy, not knowing where one ended and the other began. Part of him wanted Russia to stop or at least be slightly more gentle but most of his lust filled mind begged for more.

Somehow sensing the smaller nation's need, Russia pulled away to examine the now purple and inflamed lip before letting go his hold on the member.

Before Prussia could pant any complaints, a warm and heavy breath spread from the tip of his needy member.

His wrist was let go, allowing a small trickle of blood to flow, and hands held down his hips as Russia tried to force his tongue into the slit.

All sense of danger left Prussia as he tried to buck up into the warm entrance but was forced back down, nails scratching his sensitive thighs.

Enjoying this sadistic streak, Russia slowly licked down to the base of the shaft before engulfing it, although he found to do so unexpectedly difficult.

He bobbed his head very slowly and barely sucked but the torment had the Prussian coming closer to his much wanted release.

Russia could sense the fast arriving orgasm by the taste of salty precum and decided to reward the smaller man for now. He sucked slightly harder, as if to beg for the other to release his seed.

Prussia, all too glad to fulfill the larger nation's wish, came hard. "Ivan!" he accidentally yelled riding out his orgasm that said country had no difficulty swallowing.

Russia smirked and came up to Prussia and forced his tongue into the smaller nations mouth for a real kiss. Prussia barely took notice of his own taste and was beginning to need more once again thanks to Russia's talent.

When the need for air broke them apart, Russia attacked the suddenly attractive neck. Prussia rolled his head back to allow better access and noticed an unheard guest.

Russia, noticing a sudden attention shift from him, looked towards the new thing of interest and found himself staring into the blue eyes of Germany.

Germany, mouth gaping open in shock and face flushed red from what Russia assumed to be embarrassment and what Prussia wished was with yearning, just stood there.

"Bruder, you just going to be a fish and watch or are you going to say something?" Prussia growled a bit annoyed at the distraction.

"E...East... and... Russia...?" was all the poor German could mutter to himself, trying to find words.

"Yes, Germany. Now what are you doing here instead of at the stupid meeting?" Russia grounded with bared teeth in a tone Germany knew he had to answer to.

"W...We... I mean... You are supposed to be at the meeting and... They told me to... and so I... and here..." he babbled, becoming uncomfortable enough to look away to a wall, happening to see the picture of himself with a knife neatly lodged between his eyes.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THAT!" He finally yelled without pause, pointing an accusing finger at the damaged painting.

His only response was a "FUCK OFF!" from both nations, Prussia in annoyance at the interruption and Russia in annoyance of the lingering man.

Taking the words as a command for no further questioning from both men, Germany took heels a fled the room, now loathing his once favorite chaise.
Russia sighed as soon as the German was long out of sight. "Maybe we should stop. Apparently they finally got America to shut up." and he started to pull away.

Something snagged his scarf on his way up and pulled him back down and into a heated kiss with Prussia.

When Prussia allowed them to break he growled as menacingly as he could "Hell no, we are not stopping. Forget them, it's not important anyway. And you still have a problem, do you not?"

Russia smirked at the only man that actually wanted him to continue. "Yes I do." He replied before scooping down to attack Prussia's lips again.

Hehehehehe, I know, I know. You all hate me for ending it there but Bas and I have decided to become the sadistic people we are (wish to be in my case T.T). For the end of this one, I am asking YOU, the readers, to submit the most sadistic/ kinky/ or best ideas you thought would happen and put them in that little magical box. So, does Russia pleasure Prussia more, does he get the favor returned, and how sore is Prussia's ass the next day? If I get enough reviews and a really good idea, there might be a sequel~! There is no wrong answer ^_^ Plus every review helps Germany to NEVER forget why he shouldn't watch Russia and Prussia! ^_~