Here cometh the end. Sorry can't do any Beth/Dimitri stuff in this fic but will try in next.


Ruth walked out of the bathroom, wrapped in one of the hotel dressing gowns. Her hair was damp and Harry thought she had never looked more beautiful. He lay on the bed and watched her as she started to rub some moisturiser into her face. All was quiet. James was settled in the other bedroom of the hotel suite. And they were alone.

Harry felt a little overwhelmed. He'd just got married and realised that he actually loved his wife even more that he thought he did, which was an interesting fact considering he had thought that he couldn't love her more.

"I love you so much it hurts," he said simply and he meant it, it did hurt.

She looked at him.

"That's the first time you've said it. Properly. Do you realise that Harry?"

"No, of course it isn't."

"It is, believe me. A woman remembers these things."

He was incredulous.

"I must have said it before now, surely, in the last few weeks at least."

"I promise you Harry, you haven't."

"So you're saying you've told me and I've never told you back."

"No, Harry, I've never told you either."

Harry started to laugh.

"My god, Ruth, we're rubbish."

Now she started laughing.

"How can we manage to take so bloody long to do everything," he said.

"At least you got it in before our wedding night" said Ruth.

Harry raised his eyebrows.

"In a manner of speaking" she said smiling.

"Well, in a manner of speaking Ruth, get your body over here, because I love you and I need you."

He sat up and leant towards her grabbing her hand and pulling her onto the bed.

"It's legal now, so you have to do exactly what I tell you."

"I've told, you, Harry, I'm not doing that,"she laughed.

"Go on, you know you want to." He smiled that smile and started kissing her neck and running his tongue around her ear, slowly, delicately. His hands had worked their way into the dressing gown and he was moving them up her sides, hovering, teasing, before sliding them around her back and pulling her to him. She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her fingers through the hairs on his chest.

"I love you, Harry."

James bounced into the room.

"I'm excited!"

"You're not the only one," said Harry gazing at Ruth.

She subconsciously ran her tongue over her lips.

"Go to bed, James" said Harry.


Harry's face said 'because I want to make love to my wife', fortunately he said nothing out loud. They both knew that if he had, James would repeat it parrot fashion the next day, at most likely, the least opportune moment.

"Because you need to sleep," he said instead.


"Because you've got a busy day tomorrow."


"Because I say so."


"James go to bed."

"But why?"

"Why?" Ruth stepped in, "Because only small boys who sleep for at least eight hours are allowed into Eurodisney and…." She looked to the clock and gasped loudly, "….time's nearly up!"

James looked at the clock and looked at Ruth, his face was filled with horror.

He ran from the room and they heard his bedroom door slam shut behind him.

"Ruth, you truly are a natural."

She smiled smugly.

"Now get over here" he said grabbing her hips," and let's see about James' Christmas present!"

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reviews.