A/N: Okay, so I got this idea while listening to Fall Out Boy's "I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)." I really don't know why, or if I will/should continue with this. I wanted to write a fic in which CLARE is the one who's messed up and needs Eli, not the other way around. Let me know what you think?

Oh, and just a warning: This is my first attempt at a "dark" fic and it will be very, VERY smutty.

Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi.


Eli sighed as he took in the somewhat barren apartment; Sav had just finished moving out, taking the majority of the furniture and décor with him. All that remained was an old black futon, a TV (that sat on the floor), some pictures of Clare, CeCe, Bullfrog, and Adam, and a crappy Ed Hardy painting on the far wall. His room still had the usual: desk, bed and band posters, but Eli couldn't suppress the feeling a shopping trip would find its way into his future.

"Maybe Clare will go with me," he dared to think (hope for).

His freshman year of college went by in a blur; he earned a full ride to Ryerson University and chose to live in an apartment closer to the school over the option of staying home with his parents and dorm life. His classes were kickass; he chose (what else?) English as his major (despite the fact he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life). Halfway through last semester, Sav, his friend Peter, Adam, and Eli formed a band: Dynamic Static. They just played shitty covers at the local college dives, but the musical experience proved to be a fun escape. Eli and his guitar (Matty the Fender) had grown rather close over the years.

All seemed well in Eli's world except for one little (big) thing: the past three months beat the shit out of Eli's relationship with Clare. She grew more and more distant as time went by. Oh, she still picked up when he called (most of the time) and occasionally came over to watch movies with him. Of course she proved herself a loyal girlfriend and never missed a single one of his shows. Despite Clare's physical presence, it seemed as though she was never quite all there around Eli.

The last night of summer before Eli started College (and his first night in his apartment), the two made love for the very first time. The night was as close to perfect as it could realistically be, and afterwards sex became a regular thing for them. Eli had worried Clare would regret breaking her promise, but every time he showcased that doubt she shushed him with a peck on the cheek and ran her fingers over the cool metal of what was her purity ring. He now wore it on his thumb.

Clare hadn't let Eli touch her since Spring break, and he had no idea why.

All he knew was that he really missed his girlfriend. No clues came to him about her sudden change in demeanor, and he'd be lying if he claimed to not be worried. Clare, his Clare was pushing everyone who cared for her, even him, away…

Melancholy musings were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who in the hell-" Eli glanced at his cell phone. "It's two in the morning…" he looked through the peep hole and was startled to see the woman haunting his thoughts. Opening the door immediately, he breathed her name: "Clare."

He could barely take in her pale, thin (yet still beautiful) appearance before she (and her lips) were on him. Startled, he wrapped his arms around her shrinking waist and pressed her chest to his. Her grip around his neck tightened as she kicked the door closed and spun him around to press him against it. Her tongue demanded entrance into his crooked mouth, and before his mind could leave completely and let his body take over, Eli regretfully pulled away.

She looked up at him questioningly, her pale blue eyes darkened by lust. A curious expression donned her face, and he tilted his head. "What are you doing here, Clare?"

She bit her lip. "Aren't you glad to see me?"

Eli rolled his eyes. "You know I am, but it's two in the morning. What's wrong?"

Her eyes never left his as her lips curved upwards. "I just missed you." Her voice came out husky, and Eli didn't stop her when she jumped up and squeezed his waist with her legs. His hands cupped her ass for support, and with warring lips attached to hers, he carried her to his room.

They tumbled clumsily onto his bed, a mess of rumpled clothes and limbs. Eli took his vest off as Clare hurriedly worked the buttons of his shirt. "Eli…quickly," Clare whispered as she shed her red jacket. He leaned over to kiss her deeply, working the buttons of his jeans all the while. Clare shimmied out of her navy sundress. Eli's eyes widened to see she wasn't wearing a bra, and she barely blushed before straddling him, her panties and his boxers the only obnoxious barriers in their way. Their lips collided again, and Eli groaned when Clare grinded her groin over his.

"Oh, God, Clare…" he buried his face in her pale chest and she ran her fingers through his dark hair, a little longer than usual, tugging at the roots. "Where have you BEEN lately, Baby?"

"Shh," Clare held a finger up to his swollen lips. "Just love me, Eli." Her lips and teeth soon marked territory on his neck and collarbone; all he could do was groan at the sensation. She always knew how to please him.

"You know I love you, Clare…oh God…" Clare moved her mouth down his abdomen, nipping a trail along her way. Smirking mischievously, she took the waistband of her boyfriend's underwear between her teeth and pulled them down. "Clare?" Eli raised an eyebrow. She answered by taking his full length into her mouth at once, moving her head up and down at such a pace it literally took the breath right out of him. "Oh, for the love of-FUCK, Clare!" Eli felt like he could blow at any moment, but that just wouldn't do. Long, slender fingers ran through curly auburn hair before pulling on it. Clare looked up, confused. Eli's mouth once again attacked hers and in one swift moment she was pinned under him. "Your turn, Baby." She shuddered and closed her eyes, surrendering and submitting to Eli more easily than she typically would have liked. It had been far too long since they were intimate.

Eli wasted no time in pleasuring the girl he adored. He tweaked one nipple between his index finger and thumb, making her whine for more. His hot mouth worked the other one; he hadn't even moved lower yet and already her hips were bucking. Smirking, he (literally) ripped off her panties and plunged two fingers into her; she cried out at the welcome intrusion. It was what she came here for, after all. "Fuck, Clare," he muttered. Three months without sex had tightened her up a good bit; it didn't seem possible. Hell, her BEING here didn't seem possible. The months of her slipping further away with each day instilled a fear in him.

"I'm here, as long as you need me."

Forever. He needed her forever.

"Clare…" he continued his simulations, hitting her spot with ease; she was drenched. "I need you…" He didn't just mean in the physical sense…he didn't just mean in the now.

"Eli," she choked out through her pleasure, "…for the love of God, just fuck me already."

He didn't have to be told twice.

Eli's strong hands pinned Clare's thin wrists behind her head, and if he had been in his right mind he would have noticed how bony she seemed since he last saw her this way. With no hesitation, he plunged into her and winced as she cried out. It really HAD been a while. "Oh, GOD," he groaned, trying not to move so she could adjust to his foreign size.

"Eli…" Clare moaned. She bit his shoulder. "Move, Dammit."

Looking into her eyes, he complied, moving slowly in and out. Her hips met every thrust, and though he could swear he saw her wince, Clare cried out in pleasure. "Faster, Eli…I want you to fuck me, God dammit."

Her swearing surprised Eli…and turned him on. Before he knew what he was doing, his hips bucked wildly of their own accord; the two lovers had no rhythm; they were merely a moving heap of sweat, passion, and something Eli couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Eli, I'm close…I'm going to…" Eli reached to where their bodies were joined and rubbed her clit roughly, helping her along. Feeling her walls clench around him as she moaned his name, Eli let himself go so they could ride out their orgasms together. He collapsed on top of her, still buried deep within.

"Clare…" he trailed off sleepily. "I love you."

"Thank you," she squeaked out.

"For what?" He rolled off her and pulled her close, kissing her messy hair.

"Making me feel." She snuggled in closer to him.

Eli didn't know what to say, so he just held her tightly and thanked the God he didn't believe in she was there.

Maybe they would be okay.

A/N: So? Should I continue? Please review!