A/N: I don't own Charmed, or any of these characters... This is my first Charmed fanfiction! I hope you like it :)

Phoebe sat down on the couch in her loft after what could have been the longest day of her life. They had fought the Ultimate Power, and after three tries, they had finally won. Leo was back, and they had had a few unexpected, but very welcome guests in the form of her mother, grandmother, and nephews. As Coop sat down beside her, a grin formed on her face.

'Uncle Coop huh?' she mused, considering Wyatt's revelation for the hundredth time that day. She had discovered that her love for Coop was not as forbidden as she had originally thought. This wouldn't be a repeat of... the last time. Phoebe could barely bring herself to her last forbidden romance, and knew the leftover wounds from that relationship would never truly heal. That was a big reason she hadn't wanted to start anything serious with Coop. She couldn't handle it if they were forced apart. But the revelation had come that the Elders were behind their relationship, and from what she had learnt from Wyatt and Chris, she and Coop would be inseparable in the future. As she snuggled into Coop's side, a memory suddenly entered her mind.

"I guess the apple was right all along," she wondered out loud, remembering the time she had gone to the past, and learnt her true love would begin with a 'C'. At the time she had hoped it was Cole, but now she was convinced it was for Coop.

She felt Coop's chest rumble as he laughed, "What other letter could it be Phoebe? It was an apple peel!" Phoebe shot up and stared at Coop with shock and confusion in her eyes.

"What did you say?" she asked, still stunned that he knew what she was talking about.

"The apple peel. It can't really turn into another letter, like an 'M' or an 'F'." Coop finally looked down at Phoebe's face and noticed her expression. "Did I say something wrong? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"Coop," Phoebe began, "Can your ring show you my thoughts or memories without me visiting them?"

"No. Of course not. Why?" he answered confusedly.

"How did you know about the apple?"

Coop shrugged, "You must have told me. Probably when we were revisiting your past loves."

Phoebe shook her head uneasily, replying, "I haven't told anyone about that. Not even my sisters. Too much happened too quickly, and I never had the chance, and after everything that happened after that, I didn't really want to think about it again. So there is no way I told you. Tell me the truth." Phoebe's initial confusion was slowly morphing into frustration and anger.

"Phoebe, I am telling you that you must have told me. There is no other way for me to have found out. Even the Elders would not have known about something like this. You must be stressed out with fighting the Ultimate Power, and everything that has been going on recently. Why don't we take a trip, and just focus on the two of us," Coop suggested hopefully. Seeing the frown remain on her face, he nervously added, "That is if you still want there to be an 'us'?"

Phoebe was adamant that she could not have told him, but upset expression on his face was enough to quash her anger. She gave him a small smile, and nodded. She really did want to make this relationship work. She loved Coop, despite their short time of knowing each other, and all the signs were finally pointing towards a happy ending.

"Okay Coop. A trip sounds great. Where did you have in mind?"

"I know this great spot," he beamed. "It would be perfect for a picnic, and it's right about lunchtime there. How about we go right now?"

"What? Now?" Phoebe exclaimed. A thousand thoughts ran through her mind. What about her sisters? She couldn't leave without telling them. What if something happened with Billie. They still didn't know where they stood with her. And her next column was due. She couldn't very well take a vacation without asking Elise.

"Calm down Phoebe," placated Coop. "I don't have to read your mind to know what you are worried about. But your sisters and Billie and your job will be fine without you. I'm just taking you out for a quick meal first. We can plan our big trip later. But I really think we need to talk about everything now. You know, get to know each other properly, without anyone in the way." Coop paused, evaluating Phoebe's face. Once satisfied she wasn't going to protest further, he continued. "I love you Phoebe Halliwell. I really do. And all I'm asking of you is to accompany me to a beautiful chalet for a few hours. We'll be back in no time. Please?"

Phoebe relented and sighed, "I love you too Coop. Okay. Let's go." She moved towards him, and wrapped her arms around his waist. He held her to his chest protectively, and they both hearted out, confused by what had happened between them, but both had hope growing in their heart about what may lie ahead of them.