*AUTHOR'S NOTE* Hi guys, I'm so so sorry I've left this story for so long. I feel so bad but I had to study endlessly for the exams (which are over now, thank God!) Sorry about the shortness, I will try to make it up in the next chapter. I have a lot going on and writing has kinda taken a backseat for a bit. Sorry about that. As soon as I can I'll write more though, as long as you guys are reading and wanting more, I'll write more. Hope you all enjoy this chapter

Gaius listened as Arthur talked, eyes flickering between him and Merlin, who slept on, oblivious to his situation.

"So, he can just travel out of Camelot on a full moon." Arthur took Merlin's hand and sighed. "I can't lose him." He looked at Gaius. "I need him, Gaius."

Gaius nodded. "I know. I know you do." He looked down at Merlin's peaceful face. "We all do."

Arthur sighed as he walked towards the training ground, sword swinging at his hip and eyes focused ahead. He hadn't visited the ground since Merlin became ill. He nodded to his fellow knights. He hadn't faced them either, and was still angry at them for shooting at Merlin against his command. The knights picked up the look in his eyes and looked down, clearly ashamed at their actions. He walked past them and into the sparring area.

"Arthur!" Leon jogged over and put a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "How's Merlin."

"He has a fever, but is recovering well. Gaius is a good healer."

"Good to hear. Is he still…?"

"Yes." Arthur sighed. "No medicine in the world can fix that. It's a curse that cannot be broken."

"Oh…Merlin….What's going to happen to him?"

"I don't know. Uther doesn't know it's him, but he wants me to kill it. Tears welled up in Arthur's eyes. "I can't kill him…"

"No, you can't. Merlin needs you, Arthur, and you need him."

"I know." Arthur sighed.

They sparred for a while, and Arthur managed to crack a few smiles at Leon's jokes between stabs at eachother. He walked back towards the castle, mood slightly lifted by the opportunity to vent out his anger through his sword. The air felt a little fresher, but pain still swirled in his stomach, and every thought was already turning towards Merlin. Arthur couldn't deny it, he loved the warlock and losing him would break his heart.

"Arthur" Merlin stretched out his hand, a grimace of pain on his face.

Gaius grabbed it and set it down by Merlin's side, pin in his eyes. "Hush, Merlin" he tipped a pain remedy into Merlin's mouth, and angled his head so that he would swallow. "Come on, swallow, there you go." He spoke with a hushed tone, which was reflecting his mood.

"Gaius." Arthur peeked round the door before entering slowly. "How is he?"

"He was calling your name again." Gaius sighed. "But he hasn't changed."

"What about the fever?" Arthur took Merlin's hand. "I'm here, Merlin."

"Arthur" Merlin moaned, face scrunched up in pain, but as Arthur watched it slowly relaxed.

"Oh, Merlin…" Arthur held the warlock's hand. "I miss you." Arthur yawned.

"You look tired, prince." Gaius rubbed at his own eyes, the fatigue showing in his lined face.

"So do you." Arthur sighed for what felt like the millionth time. "I feel so empty without him, Gaius. I know, it sounds pathetic and ridiculous but I feel alone. Merlin's my friend. My only friend who understands me in and out. He's seen me at my best, and withstood me at my worst. He's taken my anger and stopped it so many times. I can't be without him. I need him, Gaius, like the night needs the stars, like the castle needs the king. Me without Merlin, it's…it's like the stable without the horse, the banquet without the guests…" The words were tumbling out of him now, and tears starting to roll down his cheeks. "He can't die, Gaius. He can't." Arthur's body began to rock with silent and ill suppressed sobs, the tears running in great streaming rivulets down his face. "He can't leave me."

"He won't." Gaius moved round and put his arms around the sobbing prince. "He won't leave you." He muttered soft reassurances into Arthur's ears; becoming ever doubtful of the truth in his words.

Arthur lay on his back in his darkened room, staring at the ceiling. He felt a little embarrassed by his outpour of emotions in front of Gaius, but he strangely felt better for it. His bottled up emotions had left him. He sighed, rolled over and began to fall asleep, wondering how it was possible to feel so empty and yet so full at the same time.