I am really sorry that it has taken me so long to get a new update done but as mentioned in my previous AN you would know that school has been really crazy and all. So I was finally able to write and post another chapter cause term one has just finished and I have finished all of my exams and assignments but.. because of the way that the dates are this year I have another two weeks before I get to go on school break and we just passed the part of the term were everyone has had enough and wants to take a break plus I have just started inter-school debating and my coach is a total mega bitch that keeps yelling at me. But I'm rambaling so onto something much more important.

In the last chapter I said that they were going into 2nd block can you please make that 4th because I had writers block trying to write another lunch scene.

Ti Amo faithful reader and enjoy.

Insert disclaimer here

Ugh, 4th block, Language Studies. Not that I have a problem with other languages or anything I just really suck at trying to learn them, give me 20 pages of CIA level classified code and I can crack it within 3 hours, tell me I have to take mandatory French and I will sleep or at the very least not pay attention. I guess that this class might be somewhat bearable now that Annie is in it, and she seems to understand what is going on – maybe I will get her to help me...

I really think that Annie might just be the one person who will be able to make me somewhat happier and I cannot wait to introduce her to my family. Hopefully it will get my brothers off my back and she seems like the type of person that couldn't care less about whether I can see her or not.

It's not that I don't understand that for some people that my being blind makes them uncomfortable it is more that everyone that I meet wants to know what happened, why I don't just sit at home and do nothing all day or why I get pissed when people treat me like an incompetent baby. Annie gets it and she doesn't think any less of me for it.

'psss, Annie, what are they saying, cause seriously they sorta sound like they are having sex or something?' I whisper to the angel sitting in the desk nest to me.

'Aug, they are not having sex and I have no idea what gave you that idea but cause I can see that you couldn't care less about this class at the moment I will enlighten you to what was being said at the end of class.' she whispered mockingly back.

'Fine' was my simple and huffed answer.

–. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. – CA-CA-CA –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –. –

After language studies finished and Annie and I promised to meet up in the library 1st recess tomorrow I went off to my last class of the day. When I got to vlass o spent most of it wondering what it would be like to date Annie someday.

Would we go on dates to the movies or would we just go for late night walks in the park after spending hours just talking to each other about senseless and usually boring things. Would her family be as nice as her or would they be evil and hate me, would my stupid drop-kick brothers try and take her away from me or would they just see how much she means to me and leave her alone.

All of these thoughts were running rampant through my mind that I didn't realize that the bell for recces had rung until my teacher Mrs K came up to me and asked if I was starting to go deaf as well. Mrs K was one of the few teachers that didn't treat me as a handicap and let me live my life the way that I used to, most of the time she just joked with me.

'Nah, just pinning away for a lost love' came my quick and witty reply.

'Lost huh, looks to me that she just got sick of waiting for you and came to find you. I mean come on you have been sitting here for 15 minutes now. I would have gotten sick of waiting to'

'Sorry, but there is a blind guy sitting here so even though I might have a bigger and more intelligent mind than most of the idiots that attend this school I have no idea what you are talking about.' I reminded her because, seriously, how was I to know who was standing in the door way or where ever they were standing.

'I think she was talking about me Aug. And I thought that your spidey senses would have told you that I was standing here by now.' came that laughing reply of the girl that I had spent my whole lesson thinking about.

'Sorry, was pinning over a lost love, forgot that I had to come meet you' was my teasing reply.

'Oh. Well that's fine I will just go and let you find you own way home this afternoon cause your brother had to go home early cause I thought that trying to knock him out in gym class was a good idea.' was the quick and unexpected reply that came next.

'Fine, just give me a minute and we can go' I huffed, getting up and packing my stuff so that we could leave.

When I was done and we finally started walking to my place we started talking about what the teacher at school were like, Annie told me what the teachers at her old school were like and other things about all of the different places that she had lived in.

After awhile I realized that I didn't know why Annie had moved from where she had last been but when I tried to ask her she just brushed me off and continued on with what we had been talking about previously.

I would just have to find out then.

Hope you liked it and I will try to post a new chapter ASAP
